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All Furniture suppliers from Uzbekistan

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Изготовления офисных мебели, мягкой мебели, кухонной мебели. Услуги по офисному мебели, фасад кухонной мебели и мягкой мебели. В первые в Узбекистане, мебель из эпоксидной смолы офисной, кухонный а также для гостиной. Гарантируем за качество работы. Оплата ПЕРЕЧИСЛЕНИЕ и наличные. +998909220034. Цена при заказе.
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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"DECOMATIC PLAST" PVC decorative panels Size and price of decorative panels of sheet panels: Length - 2440 mm; Width - 1220 mm; Thickness - 3 ± mm. 25 year warranty. Benefits: Ecologicaly clean. Waterproof. Frost resistant. Flame retardant. Extra durable. Easy.
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
USD 1000.0/m2 1000.0
Модель Moni Roza-6 Цена- 1 000$ Гарантия : 24 месяцев Качество : 100%

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Furniture. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Furniture in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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