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All Alternative energy sources suppliers from Ukraine

Днепр, Ukraine
USD 1850.0/pcs 1850.0
Scope of solar collectors Houses, summer residences, cottages Industrial complexes, agricultural enterprises, greenhouses Hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and other healthcare institutions Sports and fitness centers: stadiums, swimming pools, tourist centers, recreation areas Children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, centers of children's creativity, camps Hotel and tourist complexes Shopping and entertainment centers, shops, catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, canteens, etc.) Offices Objects of railway transport, ports, Ministry of Emergencies
Днепр, Ukraine
USD 160.0/pcs 160.0
LONGi Solar LR4-72HPH-430M, 430W - single-crystal solar panel is a universal choice among solar modules. Type - single crystal Power - 430 W Number of busbars - 6 BB Size (L \ W \ H) - 2115х1052х35 mm Weight - 24 kg Module efficiency - 19.3% We install turnkey solar panels throughout Ukraine. Sale, installation, warranty! We connect the Green tariff. The best prices in Ukraine.
Днепр, Ukraine
USD 17000.0/pcs 17000.0
We install turnkey solar power plants Solar energy is today one of the most promising ways to develop the renewable (non-traditional) energy sources industry, which is based on the direct transformation of solar radiation energy into other types of energy, such as electricity or heat. The solar energy industry is environmentally friendly, and its active development takes place both due to economic factors (significant price hikes on traditional energy carriers, with a tendency to reduce the cost of equipment for working with renewable energy sources), as well as state support programs operating in many countries (for example, “ green tariff ”in Ukraine). 30kW Home Network Solar Power Station The total area of solar panels is 180 m2 Service life - 25-30 years Average annual generation - 36 500 kW The average annual income is 6,400 cu Payback period - 2.9 years More details:

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