Produkte für nutztiere von Lieferanten aus {country_name: gent}
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Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Horse: For horses, 20 grams per 100 kg live weight per day is calculated and mixed with water in a bottle and then watered to animal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 400 kg of live weight 80 gr / day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Foal: For calf, 15 grams per 50 kg live weight per day (0-7 months / male-female) is calculated and mixed with water or baby food at the determined dosage once a day and then watered to foal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 100 kg of live weight 30 gr/day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Dairy For Sheep and Goat: In dairy sheep and goat, 20 gram/day per 50 kg live weight is calculated and mixed with water in a bottle and then watered to animal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 50 kg of live weight 20 gr/day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Fatling For Sheep and Goat: For male fattening animals, 20 grams per 50 kg live weight per day is calculated and mixed with water in a bottle and then watered to animal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 50 kgs of live weight 20 gr / day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Yeanling: 5 grams per 10 kg live weight per day (0-7 months / male-female) is calculated and mixed with water or baby food at the determined dosage once a day and then watered to yeanling. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 25 kg of live weight 7,5 gr/day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Cow: In dairy cow and heifer, 20 gram/day per 100 kg live weight is calculated and mixed with water in a bottle and then watered to animal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 400 kg of live weight 80 gr/day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Fatling: For male fattening animals, 20 grams per 100 kg live weight per day is calculated and mixed with water in a bottle and then watered to animal. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 400 kg of live weight 80 gr / day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- Non-Stop Digestive/Calf: For calf, 15 grams per 50 kg live weight per day (0-7 months / male-female) is calculated and mixed with water or baby food at the determined dosage once in a day and then watered to calf. It is enough to give 3 consecutive days. (Example: 100 kg of live weight 30 gr/day x 3)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- LivePlus For Pets:
• The food that has been consumed by animals ensures the optimum digestion,
• Accelerates bone and skeletal development especially for cats and dogs during growth period,
• Regular use maintains healthy and shiny hair structure,
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases,
• Prevents internal parasites,
• There are natural antioxidant properties.
USAGE: 2.5 grams for each 10 kg feed
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- EggPlus For Poultry:
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against ,.
• Increases feed efficiency
• Strengthens intestinal health by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms in digestive system.
• Antioxidant property has been scientifically proven.
• Increases feed consumption in troubled chicken coops with reduced feed consumption, allowing the poultry to reach maximum yield quickly.
• Prolongs the peak period of the laying hens.
• Increases the yield and quality of the egg, reduces the dirty eggs proportion.
• Provides that much more eggs obtained by extending egg-laying period.
• Improves the shell quality.
• Generally, provides maximum yield efficiency in layer hens.
• Helps to remove liver and kidney disorders.
• Reduce ammonia odor in chicken coops.
• Minimizes stress-related problems that can happen for various reasons.
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- W-MeatPlus For Poultry:
• Accelerates live weight gain and improves meat quality.
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases.
• Strengthens the bone growth and minimizes joint discomfort.
• Increases feed efficiency.
• Strengthens intestinal health by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms in digestive system.
• The antioxidant property has been scientifically proven. Added a poster related the subject.
• Increases feed consumption in troubled chicken coops with reduced feed consumption, allowing the poultry to reach maximum yield quickly.
• Brings targeted weight in a shorter period of time.
• Helps to remove liver and kidney disorders.
• Reduces ammonia odor in chicken coops.
• Minimizes stress-related problems because of various reasons.
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- HealthPlus For Equines: It strengthens the digestive system and immune system of horses. It increases resistance to diseases. Our product has antioxidant by itself. It prevents undesirable odors in barns and reduces fly formation. It brightens skin and feather. It accelerates bone development. It provides maximum benefit from ration. Allows animals to remain young and dynamic. It delays aging. Provides regularity in the fertility of female animals. Appetizer. Provides PH balance in the digestive system.
Usage and Prospectus:
Horse: 10gr/day for each 100 kg, preferably presented once daily ration consumption by adding the evening meal.
Foal: 1 gr/day for each 20 kgs live weight (mixing with milk or food)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- MilkPlus For Dairy Cows: It is formed by the combination of natural aromatic plants. It is in powder form. It must be presented to the consumption of animals throughout the yield period.
• Increases milk yield (at least 10%) and quality.
• Reaches the maximum amount of total milk obtained in a lactation period by extending the animal's staying at peak time.
• Increases animal feed efficiency by increasing the beneficial microorganism population in the rumen.
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases.
• Suppresses nutrition-related problems such as bloating, acidosis, wall-soil licking and fecal softness.
• Prevents the cows having newborns to enter negative energy balance by increasing the consumption of dry matter.
• Minimizes the nutrition-related problems at least caused by heat stress.
• Minimizes the estrus and fertility problems of animals using by regularly.
• The Herbal contents provide regular functioning of the hormonal system.
Usage and Prospectus:
Dairy Cows: 50 gr/day (half dose, in dry season)
Heifer: 10 g/day for each 100 kg (half the dose, before 2 months to birth)
Calf: 2.5 gr/day for each 50 kgs live weight (mixing with milk or food)
- MilkPlus For Dairy Sheep and Goat: It is formed by the combination of natural aromatic plants. It is in powder form. It must be presented to the consumption of animals throughout the yield period.
• Increases milk yield (at least 10%) and quality.
• Reaches the maximum amount of total milk obtained in a lactation period by extending the animal's staying at peak time.
• Increases animal feed efficiency by increasing the beneficial microorganism population in the rumen.
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases.
• Suppresses nutrition-related problems such as bloating, acidosis, wall-soil licking and fecal softness.
• Prevents newborn animals to enter negative energy balance by increasing the consumption of dry matter.
• Minimizes the nutrition-related problems at least caused by heat stress.
• Minimizes the estrus and fertility problems of animals using by regularly.
• The Herbal contents provide regular functioning of the hormonal system.
Usage and Prospectus:
Dairy Dairy Sheep and Goat: 8 gr/day (half dose, in dry season)
Yeanling: 2 gr/day for each 10 kgs live weight (mixing with milk or food)
Yumesa Herbal Premix Ltd.
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- MeatPlus For Cattle: It is formed by the combination of natural aromatic plants. It is in powder form. It must be presented to the consumption of animals throughout the yield period. The Meat Plus was given additionally to two fattening feed groups at the same time, same condition and ration. While the other group reached to the targeted weight in 6 months, the group taking Meat Plus reached to targeted weight in 5 months.
• Increases daily live weight gain by 15% - 20%.
• Has calming feature on animals
• Allows the animals to reach in less time to targeted live weight
• Increases animal feed efficiency by increasing the beneficial microorganism population in the rumen.
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases.
• Increase meat quality and yield.
• Minimizes the nutrition-related problems at least caused by heat stress.
• Suppresses nutrition-related problems such as bloating, acidosis, wall-soil licking and fecal softness.
Usage and Prospectus For MeatPlus: 10gr/day for each 100 kg live weight.
- MeatPlus For Sheep and Goat: It is formed by the combination of natural aromatic plants. It is in powder form. It must be presented to the consumption of animals throughout the yield period. The Meat Plus was given additionally to two fattening feed groups at the same time, same condition and ration. While the other group reached to the targeted weight in 6 months, the group taking Meat Plus reached to the targeted weight in 5 months.
• Increases daily live weight gain by 15% - 20%.
• Has calming feature on animals
• Allows the animals to reach in less time to targeted live weight
• Increases animal feed efficiency by increasing the beneficial microorganism population in the rumen.
• Strengthens the immune system and increases its resistance against diseases.
• Increase meat quality and yield.
• Minimizes the nutrition-related problems at least caused by heat stress.
• Suppresses nutrition-related problems such as bloating, acidosis, wall-soil licking and fecal softness.
Usage and Prospectus For MeatPlus: 2 gr/day for each 10 kgs live weight.
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