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Sohtorik Makina
A little about us:
The main activity of Sohtorik Makina is the manufacture of equipment for the manufacture of sanitary and hygienic products. The range of the company includes machines for the production of napkins of all formats with and without printing, traditional 1/4 fold and napkins for dispensers L-fold, as well as toilet paper, paper towels, Z-fold sheet towels, equipment for the production of cores and much more! Sohtorik Makina has been manufacturing this equipment for many years since 1994. It is proud of its equipment, accumulated experience and some patented technical solutions. All Sohtorik Makina equipment compares favorably with high reliability, high-quality materials and time-tested components of well-known brands. Sohtorik Makina's existing lineup is ideal for START-APP projects and medium to large sized companies with a high degree of diversification and differentiation of production.
We are pleased to present to your attention one of these machines:
Napkin Machine.
This equipment is designed for the manufacture of paper napkins in the format 230/240/250/300/330 mm. Addition of 1/4 and 1/8 parts. Productivity - 1400 sheets per minute. It is also possible to install a printing unit on this model for applying a logo with two colors.
Main motor power - 3kw, band saw power - 1kw.
Dimensions: Width - 130 cm, Height - 140 cm, Length 270 cm.
The price of this equipment depends on the configuration and format, it starts from $ 28,000.
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G A R A N T I Z 1 Y O D !!!
Sohtorik Makina
A little about us:
The main activity of Sohtorik Makina is the manufacture of equipment for the manufacture of sanitary and hygienic products. The range of the company includes machines for the production of napkins of all formats with and without printing, traditional 1/4 fold and napkins for dispensers L-fold, as well as toilet paper, paper towels, Z-fold sheet towels, equipment for the production of cores and much more! Sohtorik Makina has been manufacturing this equipment for many years since 1994. It is proud of its equipment, accumulated experience and some patented technical solutions. All Sohtorik Makina equipment compares favorably with high reliability, high-quality materials and time-tested components of well-known brands. Sohtorik Makina's existing lineup is ideal for START-APP projects and medium to large sized companies with a high degree of diversification and differentiation of production.
We are pleased to present to your attention one of these machines:
Dispenser Napkin Machine, L fold.
This equipment is designed for the production of paper napkins with a format of 170 * 210 mm (can be changed at the request of the client). Productivity - 1400 sheets per minute. It is also possible to install a printing unit on this model for applying a logo with one color.
Main motor power - 3kw, band saw power - 1kw.
Dimensions: Width - 130 cm, Height - 140 cm, Length - 270 cm, Weight - 1,700 kg.
The kit includes a knot for packing in a plastic or paper sleeve.
The price of this equipment depends on the configuration and format. and starts at $ 28,000.
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G A R A N T I Z 1 Y O D !!!
Qoovee - eine Plattform für den Großhandel. Hier finden Sie Großhandelswaren in jeder Branche und einschließlich Waren Medizinische geräte. Qoovee hat eine große Auswahl an Waren, die Sie benötigen. In diesem Bereich finden Sie Medizinische geräte Großhandel aus Russland, der Ukraine, Bischkek (Kirgisistan), Weißrussland, China und anderen Ländern Ihrer Wahl. Die Großhandels Kategorien von Waren werden ständig aktualisiert und bleiben relevant. Großhandels Lieferanten interessieren sich für Großhandels Käufe und Partnerschaften!