
机床设备及元件批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 456.75/个/件/只 456.75
EST-3 (2 + 1) t19, t-12 machine for 2 standard blocks 390 * 190 * 190 and 1 half block 390 * 120 * 190. A simple, convenient and reliable machine with a powerful 220V vibration motor, Forming time for 3 blocks (1 cycle) 35-60 seconds, productivity from 50-120 blocks per hour, productivity depends on the supply of raw materials! Produced blocks with perfect geometry. The machine is suitable for the production of cinder blocks, expanded clay blocks, sand blocks, etc. The walls of the machine die are made of thick-walled metal, the hollow-formers of your choice are rectangular, round or slotted. There are also machines for 2/3/4/5/6 blocks combined options (2 blocks + 1 half-block), (4 blocks + 2 half-blocks). Concrete mixers (forced type) for 300l., 500l., 750l., 1000l., Vibrating tables, filling machines, belt conveyors, filling machines, molds for reinforced concrete rings.
USD 331.14/个/件/只 331.14
Отрезные станки СО-400 собственного производства. Мы производим следующие модели станков: СО-404Б, СО-403В, СО-403Г, СО-405Е, СО-405М, СО-500. Также выпускаем станок отрезной с поворотной головкой СОП-405. Все станки имеют два приводных ремня. Маятниковый узел на станках исполнен на подшипниках. Гарантия на станки 1 год.
USD 1712.8/个/件/只 1712.8
Pendulum tenoning machines DOS-ShR (50-500) for the production of box tenons. Designed for cutting rectangular spikes in plywood, wood, chipboard, fiberboard, plastic, etc. in the manufacture of containers, hives, boxes, furniture, elements of corner joints of wooden structures, etc. The thorns to be cut are rectangular. The processing method is step by step. The processing width in one stroke of the unit is from 50mm (DOS-ShR-50) to 500mm (DOS-ShR-500). The greatest length of the workpiece - up to 3000mm The maximum length of the workpiece is not limited. Desktop / floor version, 220 / 380v
USD 685.12/个/件/只 685.12
The OFP-800 (300-1200) etching printing press is made for use in art printing. To eliminate distortions during printing, two clamps are installed along the edges of the rollers. The machine is equipped with a stand with wheels. During transportation, the stand is removed to reduce the size of the equipment. When assembling, exclusively Russian components are used, which increases the reliability of the machine and, if necessary, facilitates repair Only sealed bearings of increased accuracy and durability; To create optimal pressing pressure when printing on various materials and to eliminate possible distortions during printing, instead of one central clamp, two screw clamps are installed at the edges of the shafts; A gear reducer of increased load and reliability is designed to create increased pressure for special types of printing (so-called intaglio printing); Electromechanical feed ensures smooth running of the taler and high productivity of the machine. It can be equipped with a frequency regulator to ensure shuttle printing and select the optimal printing speed; High-precision balanced shafts that provide an optimal contact area when printing on various materials; Collapsible stand to reduce the size of the machine during transportation; The stand can be equipped with wheels for easy movement of the machine to any place convenient for work; - Only domestic widespread materials and components are used to ensure increased reliability and maintainability.
USD 15421.57/个/件/只 15421.57
Machine features: High performance semi-automatic band saw machine with excellent cutting accuracy for medium and large parts Two-speed motor Hydraulic clamping with a maximum opening of 560 mm Integrated coolant supply Head swivel to the right and left from 0 ° to 60 ° Minimum cutting thickness 1.5 mm Adjustable stop Features Power, kW 0.9-1.6 Cutting speed, m / min 37-75 Max clamp width, mm 560 < td> Dimensions of the belt, mm 4610 x 34 x 1.1 Weight, kg 820 < / td>
USD 25882.35/个/件/只 25882.35
Machine features: Stepless speed control band blade Hydraulic vise Manual blade tension Automatic saw frame feed 1.2m roller conveyor Control panel pulled out Ground guides Rip fence with a ruler Optical frame height limiter Coolant supply system Bandsaw blade Blade brush Overheating sensor SITI-Italy gearbox Synchronized blade guide Additional features: Conveyor for chip removal Microspray coolant Drive roller conveyor 3m 3m non-drive roller conveyor Hydraulic blade tension Batch cutting device Laser cut pointer Various segments for vise < / li> Double vice Rotary table Characteristics Power, kW 4 < / td> Cutting speed, m / min 20-100 Working surface height 590 Dimensions of the tape fabric, mm 6000х41х1.3 Weight, kg 2242
USD 18171.57/个/件/只 18171.57
Machine features: Stepless speed control band blade Hydraulic vise Hydraulic blade tension Automatic saw frame feed 1.2m roller conveyor < / ul> Additional features: Conveyor for chip removal Microspray coolant Drive roller conveyor 3 m Characteristics Power, kW 3 Cutting speed, m / min 20-100 Working surface height 590 < td> Dimensions of the band, mm 4800х34х1,1 Weight, kg 1250 < / tr>
USD 9166.67/个/件/只 9166.67
Machine features: Smooth motion control band saw blade Hydromechanical band saw blade tension Feed roller 1.2 m Additional features: Automatic saw frame feed adjustment Hydraulic vise Coolant microspray Chip conveyor 3m roller conveyor < / ul> Characteristics Power, kW 2.2 Cutting speed, m / min 20-100 Working surface height 640 < tr> Sizes of the band, mm 3660х27х0.9 Weight, kg 730
USD 4151.96/个/件/只 4151.96
Double Acting Hammer Press Hole capability up to 27 mm Modern design Intelligent progressive feed control with automatic load sensing Indication of the operating mode Protection against accidental activation Convenience of transportation in non-working position Availability of connection connectors Choice of dies and punches of various shapes Compact mobile hydraulic power unit Features Features PRO 60 HP model PRO 110 HP model Max. throat depth 60 mm 110 mm Max. round hole diameter 27 mm 27 mm Max. oval hole diameter 25 × 18 mm 25 × 18 mm Hole punching time 5 s 8 s Max. material thickness 13 mm 16 mm Punching force 35 tons < td> 47 tons Working pressure 700 bar 700 bar < td> Press weight without hydraulic unit 20 kg 35 kg
USD 10000000.0/个/件/只 10000000.0
Rolled metal (black, stainless, non-ferrous, special steel, cast iron). Ferroalloys Metals (rope, tape, wire, mesh). Hardware (fasteners and rigging). Electrodes Rubber and asbestos engineering. Bearings. Pipe fittings, plumbing. Tool. Electrical engineering - electrical equipment, cable products. Cement. Cleaning material. GKL and accessories. Tongue-and-groove plate. Dry building mixtures. Soils. General building materials. Thermal insulation. Vapor barrier Hand tools and consumables. Materials for wall decoration. Suspended ceilings. Porcelain stoneware. Ceramic tiles. Paints. Lucky. Solvents. Fire retardant, antiseptics. Doors. Electrical products. Sanitary products. Ventilation. Radiators Electric tools. Linoleum. Commercial linoleum. Semi-commercial linoleum. Sports flooring . Laminate. Parquet board. Plywood. OSB. Lumber. Roofing. Fasteners. Meshes, tapes, scotch tapes, films. Foam. Sealants. Adhesives. Overalls and protective equipment. Roll waterproofing. Mastics, primers. Penetrating waterproofing. Vacuum technology, filter equipment, vacuum valves, welding equipment, automation systems, machine tools, hydraulics and pneumatics, vacuum equipment, electrical equipment, motion control, water treatment, lifting and transport equipment, electrical equipment, instrumentation and automation, cable, wire, containers, electronics, optical and laser technology, ventilation, electric motors, high-pressure metal hoses, stainless steel metal hoses, compressors, pumping equipment, pipeline fittings, shut-off valves, hydraulic equipment, aircraft equipment and more.
USD 1000000.0/个/件/只 1000000.0
   Мы предлагаем капитальный ремонт и поставку отдельных узлов колесообрабатывающих станков   токарные 1А660, 1А665, 1А670, 1А675 и др  
USD 10000000.0/个/件/只 10000000.0
 Техническое предложение на проведение капитального ремонта колесофрезерного станка КЖ20 (Б, В, М, МХ, ТФ1)   1. Подготовка станка к ремонту: демонтаж центров и фрез, установка рамы на козлы, выдвижение колонн, отключение электродвигате¬лей и пультов управления, демонтаж электро и гидроразводки по станку, демонтаж настила из рифленого железа (над станком) 2. Демонтаж центровых бабок, направляющих стоек и колонн 3. Демонтаж электродвигателей вращения фрез, подмоторных плит и натяжных устройств 4. Демонтаж редукторов вращения профильных фрез 5. Демонтаж электродвигателей с редукторов вращения фрез 6. Демонтаж фрезерных бабок и поддерживающих опор профильных фрез 7. Демонтаж верхней части подвижных рельсов. 8. Демонтаж ползунов домкратов, роликов, валов роликов с подшипниками 9. Демонтаж сферической опоры, упорного подшипника и станины. 10. Демонтаж рамы и цилиндра подъёма рамы. 11. Разборка центровых бабок, полировка пинолей, ревизия рабочих цилиндров и цилиндров зажима пинолей центровых бабок с заменой РТИ 12. Сборка центровых бабок с регулировкой механизма зажима пинолей. Замена войлочных стирателей и козырьков. 13. Разборка редукторов вращения фрез, ревизия и сборка с заменой всех подшипников, зубчатой соединительной муфты, маслоука-зателей и РТИ. 14. Постановка электродвигателей на редуктора вращения фрез с заменой резиновых колодок и стопорных колец 15. Разборка фрезерных бабок, полировка пинолей, замена шпиндельных подшипников, сборка шпинделей и постановка их в пиноли, регулировка шпиндельных подшипников. 16. Ревизия механизма выдвижения пинолей с заменой подшипников, червяков, червячных колёс и маховиков. 17. Регулировка механизма зажима пинолей с заменой сухарей, винтов, рукояток и колпачковых гаек 18. Полная сборка фрезерных бабок, замена войлочных стирателей и козырьков 19. Ремонт поддерживающих опор с заменой крепежа, подшипников и базовых втулок 20. Полировка колонн и направляющих стоек 21. Ремонт ( шабровка ) направляющих поверхностей ползунов домкратов и станины, подгонка клиньев и планок 22. Замена войлочных стирателей на ползунах и станине, изготовле¬ние новых прижимных щитков 23. Замена в ползунах домкратов упорных бронзовых шайб и биме-таллических гаек с трапецеидальной резьбой. 24. Замена в домкратах роликов, валов и подшипников с обеспече-нием необходимого поперечного хода роликов 25. Ревизия встроенных в домкраты редукторов вращения роликов с заменой подшипников и РТИ 26. Замена винтов домкратов и упорных подшипников винтов 27. Ревизия механизма подъёма домкратов с разборкой основного редуктора и четырёх червячных редукторов, с разборкой трансмис¬сионных валов, заменой маслоуказателей и РТИ. Заливка масла. 28. Ревизия механизма вращения приводных роликов с разборкой и сборкой редуктора, заменой маслоуказателей, РТИ и смазки. 29. Ревизия и настройка зубчатых и фрикционных муфт в механизме вращения роликов 30. Ревизия механизма подъёма колонн с заменой биметаллических гаек и регулировкой осевого зазора (люфта). 31. Ревизия механизма зажима колонн с разборкой гидроцилиндров и заменой РТИ 32. Ревизия верхних и боковых гидравлических упоров с разборкой гидроцилиндров, заменой поршневых колец и РТИ. 33. Ревизия цилиндра подъёма рамы с заменой поршневых колец и уплотнений 34. Полировка штока цилиндра подъёма рамы 35. Постановка цилиндра подъёма рамы в приямок, постановка рамы на подставки (на место) 36. Постановка станины на плиты, выверка, штифтовка 37. Ревизия сферической пяты в подвеске рамы, шабровка бронзового кольца, закладка дисульфидмолибденовой смазки 38. Крепление к станине штока гидроцилиндра подъёма рамы: поста¬новка упорного подшипника, стакана и сферической пяты, регулировка зазора в сопряжении, постановка и фиксация гайки стопорной планкой 39. Постановка ползунов домкратов на станину. 40. Ремонт и постановка телескопической защиты винтов домкратов 41. Постановка на станину трансмиссионных валов, выстановка роликов на одновысотность, постановка соединительных муфт 42. Очистка полостей станины, общая сборка механизмов станины, восстановление системы смазки. 43. Постановка на раму фрезерных бабок и поддерживающих опор 44. Монтаж на раму редукторов вращения фрез 45. Пробная постановка в редуктора вращения фрез новых сменных зубчатых колёс 46. Постановка в шпинделя фрезерных бабок новых винтов крепле-ния профильных фрез 47. Монтаж на раму подмоторных плит и натяжных устройств 48. Постановка на подмоторные плиты электродвигателей вращения фрез, подбор и регулировка клиновых ремней 49. Замена (рихтовка) на раме стружкоотражающих щитков 50. Ремонт стружкоотводящих желобов (на раме) 51. Монтаж на раму колонн 52. Монтаж на раму направляющих стоек 53. Монтаж на колонны центровых бабок 54. Постановка направляющих стоек на центровые бабки 55. Проверка одновысотности центровых бабок и окончательное соединение нижних валов рамы. 56. Ревизия ручных насосов смазки и монтаж системы смазки колонн. 57. Сборка отсчётных устройств с установкой линз и подсветки 58. Разборка верхней части подвижных рельсов, замена калёных планок, сборка верхней части с обеспечением требуемых зазоров, замена резиновых стирателей, замена планок защиты сверху. Замена тянущих кронштейнов. 59. Ревизия гидроцилиндров выдвижения рельсов с заменой поршне-вых колец и уплотнений. Постановка цилиндров на корпус. 60. Постановка верхней части подвижных рельсов на тумбы. 61. Проверка расстояния между ползунами подвижных рельсов, проверка соосности подвижных рельсов и роликов станины. 62. Проверка соосности подъездных железнодорожных путей и ползунов подвижных рельсов 63. Замена насосной станции (на КЖ 20 ТФ1) 64. Испытание насосной станции 65. На насосной станции ревизия гидроаппа¬ратуры. 66. Сборка насосной станции, подтяжка соединений трубопроводов. 67. Монтаж гидроразводки по станку с заменой всех рукавов высокого давления. 68. Ревизия пультов управления с заменой арматуры сигнальных ламп, амперметров, переключателей и кнопок управления 69. Ревизия электроразводки по станку с заменой проводов, деформированного металлорукава и дефектных резинотканевых рукавов 70. В изготовленной станции управления ревизия клеммных наборов ( замена неисправных), поджим проводов, укладка проводов в жгуты. 71. Ревизия электроаппаратуры в станции управления, регулировка аппаратуры 72. Регулировка тиристорных преобразователей. 73. Ревизия и испытание эл. двигателей постоянного тока. 74. Ревизия и испытание всех асинхронных электродвигателей станка 75. Замена клемных наборов в клемных коробках рамы, переходных коробках, станины и подвижных рельс. 76. Замена неисправных конечных выключателей на раме, станине, подвижных рельсах и центровых бабках 77. Замена арматуры ламп местного освещения 78. Полная сборка станка с постановкой центров и фрез 79. Отладка работы гидрооборудования станка. Устранение течи масла 80. Отладка работы электрооборудования станка. 81. Общая наладка станка с проверкой работы всех систем и органов управления, всех блокировок и сигнализации. 82. Настройка механических отсчётных устройств (линеек,указателей ) 83. Настройка системы цифровой индикации 84. Изготовить новые соединительные муфты (все) 85. Изготовить 4 вал на редуктор. (2 шт.) 86. Проверка комплектности и ревизия устройства для обработки отдельных колёсных пар 87. Проверка работы станка на холостом ходу. 88. Проверка станка в работе под нагрузкой (обработка колёсной пары) при различных режимах фрезерования 89. Проверка в работе устройства для обработки отдельных колёсных пар 90. Проверка точности обработанной колёсной пары (диаметры колёс, шероховатость). 91. Подготовка станка к окраске, окраска станка, настила, маневровой лебёдки и устройства для обработки отдельных колёсных пар 92. Корректировка технической документации станка по результатам ремонта данного станка (электрические и гидравлические схемы, система ремонтных размеров и т. п.) 93. Предъявление станка Заказчику с подписанием акта о сдаче станка в эксплуатацию.    
USD 200000.0 - 450000.0/个/件/只
We carry out high-quality overhaul of metal-cutting and metal-working equipment, if necessary – modernization. We offer a full range of machine tool repair services. In the process of repairing machines, technical characteristics, accuracy parameters, as well as the appearance of machines that have served for many years, are completely restored, and outdated electrical equipment, elements of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, measuring devices and CNC are replaced with modern ones. When designing work on major repairs of the machine, it is provided not only for the replacement of worn and defective parts with new ones, but also for the use of new technologies in the manufacture of a particular unit, which allows you to achieve excellent accuracy indicators of the machine, increase its productivity and reduce energy supply. We perform maintenance. Preference is given to heavy machinery. The main activity is the overhaul of machine tools. We do not just provide high-quality repair of metal-cutting and metalworking equipment, we help to find the best options in each specific case. < p>The scope of activity includes: < p>- supply of machine tools and special equipment, spare parts and components for the machine-building, metallurgical, energy industry and railway transport; < / p> - development of projects and supply of equipment, preparation of technical documentation, supervision of installation and commissioning " turnkey"; - has experience in carrying out various types of repairs of metalworking machines, as well as performing commissioning works; < / p> - medium and major repairs, restoration of technical characteristics, modernization and automation of equipment; < / p> - we have extensive experience in the design and supply of equipment in the markets of Ukraine, Russia, and the CIS countries; < p>- the accumulated extensive experience in the selection and commissioning of high-precision equipment, its modernization and equipping with all kinds of auxiliary devices, as well as various electronic devices and CNC systems of the most famous foreign companies allows us to offer the customer modern high-quality products that can perform all the tasks set; - the company's products cover the main groups of heterogeneous metal-cutting and other technological equipment that has complex kinematics, complex electrical and hydraulic devices, as well as numerical control systems that make it possible to work according to the task program in automatic mode, with processing accuracy in the first and second class; < / p> - the supplied machines are heavy and unique metalworking machines, both manually operated and equipped with positional and contour numerical control systems; It is also possible to supply other models of machines not specified in this offer, according to your request. Our company has experience in the supply, modernization and repair of machine tools from various manufacturers, in particular: - supplies of components to machine-building plants; < p>- spare parts, repair, modernization and service of metal-cutting machines, including medium and heavy turning, boring, longitudinal milling, wheel-milling and wheel-turning, etc. < p>Services performed for metal-working machines: - repair; < p>- upgrade; - after-sales service; - restoration of machine tools; - machine tool diagnostics; - metalworking on CNC machines; - modernization of CNC machines; - adjustment of machines; - repair of metal-cutting machines; - services for the repair and modernization of lathes; - repair and maintenance services for equipment and machine tools with numerical control; - modernization of machine tools Development and design: - according to the technical specification of the customer, highly qualified specialists will develop the project for the manufacture and supply of equipment, carry out all the necessary calculations and prepare technical documentation. < p>Repair and modernization: - having a good production base, we make small, medium and major repairs of machine tools and other equipment. We perform technical characteristics restoration, modernization and automation. Major repairs include the following works: - repair, modification and manufacture of machine body parts;< / p> - manufacture and replacement of all worn parts and assemblies;< / p> - replacement of RTI, bearings, etc.; - repair, restoration and complete equipment of the electrical part of the machine; - restoration of all technical and precision parameters of the machine. - repairs are made according to the technical documentation and technological process. - we guarantee the quality of the work performed. - the warranty period is 12 months. < p>Supervision and commissioning: - our specialists will perform supervision and commissioning works, delivery of equipment on a turnkey basis.
USD 200000.0 - 400000.0/个/件/只
Tensile testing machines MUP-20 (maximum load 200 kN / 20 t) Tensile machines MUP-200, UMM-200 (maximum load 2000 kN / 200t)
USD 250000.0 - 400000.0/个/件/只
Tensile testing machines UMM-10, R-10, MR-100 (maximum load 100 kN / 10t)
USD 250000.0 - 350000.0/个/件/只
Presses PMM-125, PSU-125, P-125 (maximum load 1250 kN / 125t) Presses PMM-250, PSU-250, P-250 (maximum load 2500 kN / 250t) Presses PMM-500, PSU-500, P-500 (maximum load 5000 kN / 500t)
USD 145000.0 - 199999.97/个/件/只
Combined shears: NG5222, NG5223, NG5224
USD 200000.0 - 400000.0/个/件/只
Presses PSU-10, P-10, MS-100 (maximum load 100 kN / 10t) Presses PSU-50, P-50, MS-500 (maximum load 500 kN / 50t)
USD 100000.0 - 200000.0/个/件/只
We implement IV bending machines from availability
USD 80000.0 - 150000.0/个/件/只
Rolls are made available
USD 45000.0 - 150000.0/个/件/只
Pipe benders IV3428, IV3429, IV3430, IV3432
USD 80000.0 - 200000.0/个/件/只
Guillotine shears (guillotine): STD9 (6x2500mm), NK3418 (6.3x2000mm), N3121 (12x2000mm), NA3121 (12x2500mm), NA3221 (12x3150mm), NG13 (12x2000mm, high-quality), NG16 (16x2000mm), NG20 (20x2000mm), H478 (16x2000mm), H478.01 (20x2000mm), H478m (18x2000mm), NA3223 (20x3150 mm), NA3225 (32x3150mm). Combined shears: НГ5222, НГ5223, НГ5224
USD 400000.0 - 600000.0/个/件/只
press: KD2130, KD2124, KD2128, KD2322, KD2126, KD2326, RUE. As well as hydraulic presses P, PB, tiltable and non-tiltable crank presses K, KD, KE, KV, hydraulic for the manufacture of plastic products DG (DE)
USD 300000.0 - 500000.0/个/件/只
grinding machines: 3L722, 3283S, 3283, 3D725, 3U143, 3M131VM, 3M451, 3M153AF, 3U142VM, 3U10, 3M227 and many others we realize at negotiated prices
USD 350000.0 - 550000.0/个/件/只
boring machines: 2D450, 2E440, 2E450 and many others we sell at negotiated prices
USD 200000.0 - 500000.0/个/件/只
milling machines: 6R12, 6R12B, GF2171, FSS400, 6T82sh, 6R82Sh, 6T13, 6R13, 6R82, 6R82, 6R83Sh, 6T83Sh, 6M13, 6T12, VM127 and many others are sold at negotiated prices
USD 980.0/个/件/只 980.0
The IDK-1 manual circular cutter has a 600 mm clamping recess and a 200 mm jaw Reliable rigid construction Suitable for work on open construction sites Rollers made of high quality tool steel Stop for centering the workpiece before cutting Characteristics type of drive Manual Metal thickness (400 N / mm2), mm 1.0 Diameter range, mm up to 1000 Length mm 1200 Width, mm 200 Height, mm 350 Weight, kg 45
USD 2000.0/个/件/只 2000.0
Multifunctional welding carriage HIT-18-1SD-2 for fillet welding. Suitable for welding T-shaped steel sections, H-shaped steel sections, plates, etc. Used in steel structure manufacturing, shipbuilding, bridge building, automobile manufacturing, power engineering, etc. This welding carriage enables intermittent welding. The length of the spacing between welds is precisely adjustable. This model will meet technical requirements, reduce deformation of the workpiece and reduce material consumption. Applicable material is carbon steel, applicable wall thickness is 4-16mm. The carriage is designed for horizontal fillet welding. It is used for welding products with a minimum radius of curvature R ≥ 500 mm. The maximum height of the angular rise during the welding process is 8 mm. Uses a welding power source for gas shielded arc welding. Benefits: The welding power source can operate in 2/4 cycle mode. The automatic welding carriage allows you to set the start / stop times. All parameters are provided with LED indicators and the ability to fine-tune Suitable for horizontal fillet welding. The welding torch is located at the extreme point of the carriage, thus preventing the accumulation of heat and reducing the electromagnetic field when the torch reaches the center of the work piece Dust-proof internal drive system, anti-magnetic design, long carriage life A gear train is used. Prevents play compared to chain drive It is used for welding circular seams with a diameter ≥ 1000 mm Intermittent welding possible Characteristics HIT-18-1SD-2 Supply voltage 220/24 V Power consumption 25 watts Travel speed 0-900 mm / min Burner adjustment up down 55 mm left / right 65 mm angle 360 degrees Weight 10.3 kg Dimensions, LxWxH 380х215х350 mm
USD 651.0/个/件/只 651.0
Desktop vertical drilling machine 2N125L is designed for drilling, reaming, countersinking and countersinking holes. The design provides a standard Morse taper 3 for tool mounting. The drilling depth is limited by the movement of the spindle axis, but in some cases it can be increased by moving the quill. The control is carried out in manual mode and allows using various materials (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) as blanks. It is widely used in one-off and small-scale production. Benefits: Reliable and inexpensive workshop machine The spindle is mounted on high precision ball bearings High spindle rotation accuracy: radial runout less than 0.030mm Precision quick-change chuck included: radial runout of the clamped tool less than 0.080 mm Adjustable drilling depth stop Right / left direction of spindle rotation Comfortable, ergonomic handle for quill feeding High quality GATES timing belts eliminate slippage and power loss Smooth running thanks to brushed aluminum pulleys Quiet and efficient electric motor with aluminum housing and forced cooling Precise work table with diagonal T-slots Work table tilts ± 45 ° and rotates 360 ° Gear mechanism of vertical movement of the table Massive large-size base with longitudinal grooves and stiffeners Convenient IP54 control panel with separate emergency button Large protective screen with limit switch Belt guard limit switch Time-tested quality Characteristics Engine 550 watts Max. Drilling Ø 25 mm Max. Deep hole drilling 18 mm Spindle MK 3 Spindle axis overhang 190 mm Moving the quill 80 mm Spindle speed 210 - 2220 rpm Number of speeds 12 Table size 270 x 270 mm T-slot size 15 mm Maximum distance from spindle to table 780 mm Base size 500 x 300 mm Maximum distance from spindle to base 1220 mm Column diameter ø 70 mm dimensions 690 x 390 x 1570 mm Machine weight 60 Kg
USD 400.0/个/件/只 400.0
Desktop vertical drilling machine 2N116L is designed for drilling, reaming, countersinking and countersinking holes. The design provides a standard Morse taper 2 for fastening the tool. The drilling depth is limited by the movement of the spindle axis, but in some cases it can be increased by moving the quill. The control is carried out in manual mode and allows using various materials (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) as blanks. It is widely used in one-off and small-scale production. Benefits: Reliable and inexpensive workshop machine The spindle is mounted on high precision ball bearings High spindle rotation accuracy: radial runout less than 0.030mm Precision quick-change chuck included: radial runout of the clamped tool less than 0.080 mm Adjustable drilling depth stop Comfortable, ergonomic handle for quill feeding High quality GATES timing belts eliminate slippage and power loss Smooth running thanks to brushed aluminum pulleys Quiet and efficient electric motor with aluminum housing and forced cooling Precise work table with diagonal T-slots Work table tilts ± 45 ° and rotates 360 ° Gear mechanism of vertical movement of the table Massive large-size base with longitudinal grooves and stiffeners Convenient IP54 control panel with separate emergency button Large protective screen with limit switch Belt guard limit switch Time-tested quality Characteristics Engine 450 watts Max. Drilling Ø 16 mm Max. Deep hole drilling 15 mm Spindle MK 2 Spindle axis overhang 125 mm Moving the quill 65 mm Spindle speed 660 - 2500 rpm Number of speeds five Table size 200 x 200 mm T-slot size 14 mm Maximum distance from spindle to table 390 mm Base size 160 x 170 mm Maximum distance from spindle to base 525 mm Column diameter ø 60 mm dimensions 510 x 270 x 820 mm Machine weight 36 kg
USD 274.0/个/件/只 274.0
Desktop vertical drilling machine 2N114L is designed for drilling, reaming, countersinking and countersinking holes. The drilling depth is limited by the movement of the spindle axis, but in some cases it can be increased by moving the quill. The control is carried out in manual mode and allows using various materials (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) as blanks. It is widely used in one-off and small-scale production. Benefits: Reliable and inexpensive workshop machine The spindle is mounted on high precision ball bearings High spindle rotation accuracy: radial runout less than 0.030mm Precision quick-change chuck included: radial runout of the clamped tool less than 0.080 mm Adjustable drilling depth stop Comfortable, ergonomic handle for quill feeding High quality GATES timing belts eliminate slippage and power loss Smooth running thanks to brushed aluminum pulleys Quiet and efficient electric motor with aluminum housing and forced cooling Precise work table with diagonal T-slots Work table tilts ± 45 ° and rotates 360 ° Gear mechanism of vertical movement of the table Massive large-size base with longitudinal grooves and stiffeners Convenient IP54 control panel with separate emergency button Large protective screen with limit switch Belt guard limit switch Time-tested quality Characteristics Engine 350 watts Max. Drilling Ø 14 mm Max. Deep hole drilling 12 mm Spindle B16 Spindle axis overhang 104 mm Moving the quill 50 mm Spindle speed 520 - 2620 rpm Number of speeds five Table size 160 x 160 mm T-slot size 14 mm Maximum distance from spindle to table 330 mm Base size 140 x 180 mm Maximum distance from spindle to base 440 mm Column diameter ø 46 mm dimensions 420 x 230 x 700 mm Machine weight 21 kg
USD 204.0/个/件/只 204.0
Vertical drilling machines belong to the second group of metal-cutting machines. The main components are: base plate, bed, table, motor, gearbox, spindle and feed mechanism. The ability to perform the following operations: Drilling (through, blind) Boring (countersinking, reaming) Threading Countersinking They are widely used in all branches of mechanical engineering from single piece to mass production. Versatility of the processed material: metal, wood, plastic, etc. Benefits: Reliable and inexpensive workshop machine The spindle is mounted on high precision ball bearings High spindle rotation accuracy: radial runout less than 0.030mm Drill chuck included Adjustable drilling depth stop Comfortable, ergonomic handle for quill feeding High quality GATES timing belts eliminate slippage and power loss Smooth running thanks to brushed aluminum pulleys Quiet and efficient forced-cooled electric motor Precise work table with diagonal T-slots Work table tilts ± 45 ° and rotates 360 ° Gear mechanism of vertical movement of the table Massive large-size base with longitudinal grooves and stiffeners Convenient IP54 control panel with separate emergency button Large protective screen with limit switch Belt guard limit switch Time-tested quality Characteristics Engine 300 watts Max. Drilling Ø 13 mm Max. Deep hole drilling 11 mm Spindle B16 Spindle axis overhang 104 mm Moving the quill 50 mm Spindle speed 520 - 2620 rpm Number of speeds five Table size 160 x 160 mm T-slot size 14 mm Maximum distance from spindle to table 240 mm Base size 135 x 175 mm Maximum distance from spindle to base 325 mm Column diameter ø 46 mm dimensions 420 x 220 x 580 mm Machine weight 19 kg
USD 37000.0 - 44000.0/个/件/只
GCC launches solid state fiber laser engraving machines with flatbed laser engraving machines. The engraving machine represents a fundamentally new type of engraving equipment, which is designed for marking metal products such as stainless steel, copper, aluminum, titanium, zinc, iron, and silver. The original idea led to the creation of a laser complex that surpasses traditional markers on scanning optics. The productivity of such lasers increases several times in the manufacture of large batches of products. New professional equipment is replacing solid-state lasers on scanners with a small working field. The S290 solid-state laser engraver is based on the well-known Spirit model, and combines the quality and reliability of mechanics and electronics, combined with the latest emitter based on a solid-state ytterbium fiber laser. Thanks to this emitter, laser machines allow you to make color engraving on stainless steel. A large working area makes it possible to install a batch of products, which allows you to significantly increase the productivity of the machine, by reducing the time that is spent on installing each product.
USD 35000.0/个/件/只 35000.0
Stellar Mark IF series is a new laser marker from GCC based on ultra-durable fiber laser emitter SPI Lasers (UK). Designed for surface marking, deep engraving and even cutting metals and alloys up to 0.5mm thick. Thanks to the fine adjustment of the power, it is possible to color-code stainless steel. The Stellar Mark IF-20 is a compact desktop laser system that provides reliable, trouble-free operation with virtually no maintenance. The undoubted advantage of this laser complex is the low power consumption of the installation. The new type of laser source will make it possible to do without water cooling, which will significantly save the enterprise. The complex is controlled from the graphic package G-Soft Library. Here you can not only send files for execution by setting laser marker parameters, it is also a full-fledged vector editor, similar to CorelDraw. You can work with lines, regular and graphic text, objects, fill and so on. You can scale objects, move them, copy and combine. Additional programs are built in here, such as sequential numbering, barcode and barcode. In a word, there is everything you need here, whether it is an advertising and production or a souvenir workshop, or it will be an industrial enterprise with its own range of specific tasks. A wide range of metals and alloys can be processed, including steel, titanium, silver, gold, brass, copper, aluminum, painted metals, anodized aluminum, Alumamark, plastics, rubber, semiconductors, silicon wafers, some types of precious and ornamental stones, security films for Tesa and 3M lasers. The laser marker can successfully work in such areas as: Jewelry Engraving of advertising and souvenir products Engraving mobile phones and accessories Marking of tools, bearings, machine parts, mechanisms Automotive industry - security markings, dashboard decoration, marking of car parts Labeling of medical instruments and devices Labeling of microcircuits, processors, printed circuit boards, parts, manufacturing of warranty stickers
USD 1100.0/个/件/只 1100.0
The device allows engraving on the outside of an object with its rotation 360 degrees around its axis. In the control driver, it is enough to specify the diameter and offset from the edge of the object. Convenient and fast fastening of the object of rotation in the clamp. Rubber gaskets allow working with glass and ceramics. Maximum object diameter 170 mm, length 450 mm. Weight limit 7 kg.
USD 420.0 - 1100.0/个/件/只
A convenient device designed for high-quality through-cutting of sheet materials: double-layer plastics, acrylic, paper, and other sheet materials. The table is made of molded aluminum foil. Since aluminum is highly reflective, the laser beam is reflected and deflected when it hits it. When processing, the material, being on such a table, is, as it were, in the air, the materials are perfectly cut and do not burn from below. The table is not suitable for cutting small parts.
USD 15500.0 - 21900.0/个/件/只
Experience the power of the GCC LaserPro X Series, designed and engineered specifically for professional use. Thanks to quality equipment and high wear resistance, the GCC LaserPro X500III achieves high productivity. Model X500III combines the functions of both a laser cutter and an engraver. Professional cutting laser complex GCC with a working field of 1300 x 916 mm, made on the basis of the Gaia model, equipped with a glass laser emitter Reci 80, 100,130 or 150W, or 100W water-cooled GSI emitter. Inexpensive and reliable complex for laser cutting acrylic, plastic, plywood, wood, leather, paper and rubber.
USD 11500.0 - 13000.0/个/件/只
The new cutting laser complex GCC with a working field of 635x458 mm, made on the basis of the Mercury model, is equipped with a Reci 80 and 100 W glass laser emitter with water cooling. Inexpensive and reliable complex for laser cutting of acrylic, plastic, wood, leather, paper and rubber. X252 is a medium format laser cutter suitable for processing both small and medium format products, while simultaneously achieving high productivity ... Ideal for simple laser cutting tasks. It should be noted that power, size of the working area and speed only affect productivity, while the cut quality remains consistently high.
USD 16300.0 - 35800.0/个/件/只
A new generation of Spirit laser engraver, which has become the best-selling machine in Russia and in the world. Spirit LS not only retained all the best technical solutions that were used on the previous model, but also received the latest mechanical system and safety key. This model is the embodiment of quality, reliability and technical progress. The latest generation Spirit LS laser system continues the most successful Spirit series of laser engravers. The machine has a number of unique technical solutions, patented technologies and differs from all existing laser engravers. High-precision linear guides with a closed plain bearing allow engraving at speeds up to 2 m / s, while the engraving quality is even higher than on machines with a classical mechanical system, in which a carriage with rollers moves along a rail. The system is protected from dust and combustion products entering it, which significantly extends its service life. The security key will prevent you from using the machine without your knowledge. The working area of ​​740x460 mm makes this machine ideal for cutting and engraving. Spirit LS is the epitome of quality, reliability and the best interface available today. It's safe to say - Spirit LS sets new quality standards in modern laser engraving.
USD 13700.0 - 26000.0/个/件/只
Самая продаваемая, на сегодняшний день, лазерная машина в России. Модель является оптимальной, и наиболее эффективной для резки и гравировки различных материалов. Улучшенный эргономичный дизайн, удобство в эксплуатации и техническом обслуживании машины, надежность и высокая производительность – все эти качества делают Spirit лидером продаж на Российском рынке лазерных граверов.Лазерная гравировальная машина Spirit является самой успешной разработкой компании GCC за последнее десятилетие. Машина за 2 года стала самой продаваемой в мире в своем классе. Революционные решения в дизайне сделали этот станок не только эстетически красивым, но и функционально удобным. Станок также имеет целый ряд инновационных технологических решений, которые позволяют сделать работу более простой, удобной и производительной. Такие решения, как съемный датчик автофокусировки, который способен предотвратить ошибку оператора, откидывающаяся верхняя крышка, позволяющая провести техническое обслуживание быстро и удобно за счет доступа ко всем механическим и оптическим элементам на рабочем столе, возможность перемещения каретки руками, отсек под рабочим столом, в который можно поместить компрессор, подсветка рабочего поля светодиодными линейками и многое другое. Все эти технологии не применялись ранее на других лазерных граверах и запатентованы компанией GCC. За счет оптимального рабочего поля 740x460 мм лазерный гравер Spirit является универсальным как для резки, так и для гравировки.

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