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VTM kits comprise of a validated transport medium and Nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs. The complete package is suitable for the collection, transport, maintenance, and long-term freezer storage of viral, chlamydial, or mycoplasma specimens. The unique formulation of the transport medium helps in preserving the viability of viruses for up to 72 hours (at refrigerated temperatures). The swabs have a pre-molded breakpoint on their shaft which adds on to the advantages by enabling secure sampling. All the VTM kits comply with the CDC recommended configurations for any viral specimen collection including COVID-19. The kit has gained the stature of validation against the pandemic SARS-Cov-2 from ICMR-NIV.
Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品实验设备。在Qoovee拥有您所需要的海量批发商品。这里您可以找到来自俄罗斯、乌克兰、比什凯克(吉尔吉斯斯坦)、白俄罗斯、中国及其他国的批发的实验设备,供您选择。 批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。批发商们期待您的购买与合作!