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USD 1.0/шт 1.0
يقع مصنع قطع غيار ماكينات Ningbo Fancheng (Fancheng باختصار) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية معروفة في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير متخصصة في تصنيع قطع غيار الآلات الهندسية ، بما في ذلك دبابيس أسنان دلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل. تأسست عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 م 2. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع ، تضم Fancheng ما مجموعه 100 فرد ، بما في ذلك 15 شخصًا تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. يتم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق ، مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. لدينا مرافق تصنيع متقدمة ومنشآت معالجة حرارية ومعدات اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج وسنوات من الخبرة في تصنيع الآلات الهندسية. فيما يتعلق بخدمتنا في توريد مختلف مسامير أسنان دلو الحفار لعملائنا. لقد شهدنا نموًا قويًا للأعمال التجارية كل عام منذ تأسيسنا ، والآن ، نقوم بشراء وتوسيع نطاق إنتاجنا في مرافق الآلات الأوتوماتيكية لنصبح روادًا في هذه الصناعة. المستقبل.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
يقع مصنع قطع غيار ماكينات Ningbo Fancheng (Fancheng باختصار) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية شهيرة في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير متخصصة في إنتاج قطع غيار الآلات ، بما في ذلك المسامير المسننة لدلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل. تأسست في عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 متر مربع. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع. لدى Fancheng 100 موظف ، من بينهم 15 تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. تم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. لدينا مرافق إنتاج متقدمة ، ومنشآت معالجة حرارية ، ومنشآت اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج ، فضلاً عن سنوات عديدة من الخبرة في تصنيع الآلات. كل ما سبق مرضه ، لماذا نستخدم استقبال الزميل والشعور والثقة. العملاء فيما يتعلق بخدمات التركيب الخاصة بنا لمختلف دبابيس أسنان دلو الحفارة. لقد شهدنا نموًا مطردًا للأعمال التجارية من عام إلى آخر منذ بدايتنا. الآن نشتري أدوات آلية أوتوماتيكية ونوسع الميزان ، ونسعى جاهدين لنصبح القوة الدافعة في الصناعة. وبالنظر إلى المستقبل ، فإننا على ثقة من أننا سنبني مستقبلاً عظيمًا.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
يقع مصنع قطع غيار ماكينات Ningbo Fancheng (Fancheng باختصار) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية شهيرة في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير متخصصة في إنتاج قطع غيار الآلات ، بما في ذلك المسامير المسننة لدلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل. تأسست في عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 متر مربع. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع. لدى Fancheng 100 موظف ، من بينهم 15 تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. تم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. لدينا مرافق إنتاج متقدمة ، ومنشآت معالجة حرارية ، ومعدات اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج ، فضلاً عن سنوات عديدة من الخبرة في تصنيع الآلات. يشرح كل ما سبق سبب تمتعنا بتقدير الزملاء والشعبية والثقة. العملاء فيما يتعلق بخدماتنا لتزويد دبابيس أسنان دلو الحفار المختلفة. لقد شهدنا نموًا ثابتًا للأعمال عامًا بعد عام منذ تأسيسنا. نحن الآن نشتري أدوات آلية مؤتمتة ونوسع نطاق الإنتاج ، ونسعى جاهدين لنصبح روادًا في هذه الصناعة. بالنظر إلى المستقبل ، نحن على ثقة من أنه يمكننا بناء مستقبل باهر.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
تقع شركة Ningbo Fancheng Machinery Parts Manufacturer (Fancheng for short) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية معروفة جيدًا في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير ، متخصصة في إنتاج قطع غيار الآلات الهندسية التي تشمل دبابيس أسنان دلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل تأسست في عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 متر مربع. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع ، تضم Fancheng إجمالي 100 موظف ، بما في ذلك 15 شخصًا تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. يتم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. نحن نمتلك مع مرافق إنتاج متقدمة ، ومرافق معالجة حرارية ومعدات اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج ، بالإضافة إلى سنوات من الخبرة في إنتاج الآلات الهندسية. كل ما سبق شرحه هو سبب تمتعنا بالاعتراف بالأقران والشعبية والثقة من العملاء فيما يتعلق بخدمتنا في توريد مختلف دبابيس أسنان دلو حفارة. لقد شهدنا نموًا قويًا للأعمال التجارية عامًا بعد عام منذ بدايتنا ، والآن ، نقوم بالشراء في منشآت الآلات الآلية وتوسيع نطاق إنتاجنا ، في محاولة لنصبح رائدًا في هذه الصناعة. مستقبل.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
يقع مصنع قطع غيار ماكينات Ningbo Fancheng (Fancheng باختصار) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية معروفة في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير متخصصة في تصنيع قطع غيار الآلات الهندسية ، بما في ذلك دبابيس أسنان دلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل. تأسست عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 م 2. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع ، تضم Fancheng ما مجموعه 100 فرد ، بما في ذلك 15 شخصًا تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. يتم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق ، مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. لدينا مرافق تصنيع متقدمة ومنشآت معالجة حرارية ومعدات اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج وسنوات من الخبرة في تصنيع الآلات الهندسية. فيما يتعلق بخدمتنا في توريد مختلف مسامير أسنان دلو الحفار لعملائنا. لقد شهدنا نموًا قويًا للأعمال التجارية كل عام منذ تأسيسنا ، والآن ، نقوم بشراء وتوسيع نطاق إنتاجنا في مرافق الآلات الأوتوماتيكية لنصبح روادًا في هذه الصناعة. المستقبل.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
تقع شركة Ningbo Fancheng Machinery Parts Manufacturer (Fancheng باختصار) في مدينة Ningbo ، وهي مدينة ساحلية شهيرة في الصين. Fancheng هي مؤسسة موجهة للتصدير متخصصة في إنتاج قطع غيار الآلات ، بما في ذلك المسامير المسننة لدلو الحفار والمثبتات مثل البراغي والصواميل. تأسست في عام 2002 وتغطي مساحة 8000 متر مربع. بمساحة بناء 5000 متر مربع. لدى Fancheng 100 موظف ، من بينهم 15 تقنيًا واثنين من كبار المهندسين. تم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى عشرات البلدان والمناطق مثل أمريكا الشمالية وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأستراليا. تشمل بشكل أساسي: 1. دبابيس الأسنان دلو كاتربيلر والتوكيل. 2. أسنان دلو كوماتسو. 3. دبابيس التروس وقفل دلو هيونداي. 4. دبابيس دايو مسننة وقفل دلو 5. ESCO / هيتاشي دبوس قفل والمطاط. 6. أسنان دلو Liebherr وقفل مطاطي. 7. Bofors دلو الأسنان. 8. H&L درفلة ودبوس مرن. 9. دبابيس مسننة وقفل دلو فولفو. 10. دلو الأسنان الأخرى. لدينا مرافق إنتاج متقدمة ، ومنشآت معالجة حرارية ، ومعدات اختبار ، ولدينا نظام صارم لإدارة الإنتاج ، فضلاً عن سنوات عديدة من الخبرة في إنتاج المعدات الهندسية. يشرح كل ما سبق سبب تمتعنا بتقدير الزملاء والشعبية والثقة. العملاء فيما يتعلق بخدماتنا لتوريد مختلف دبابيس دلو حفارة. لقد شهدنا نموًا ثابتًا للأعمال عامًا بعد عام منذ تأسيسنا. نحن الآن نشتري أدوات آلية مؤتمتة ونوسع نطاق الإنتاج ، ونسعى جاهدين لنصبح روادًا في هذه الصناعة. بالنظر إلى المستقبل ، نحن على ثقة من أنه يمكننا بناء مستقبل باهر.
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طاب مسائك. بيع بالجملة مع استبدال الهواتف الذكية وقطع الغيار. مجموعة كبيرة من الهواتف الذكية ذات العيوب الطفيفة. الأجزاء كلها جديدة.
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المكون الآلي NC LLC التسليم المباشر توريد شامل لقطع غيار الشاحنات 100٪ إنجاز الطلبات خلال يوم واحد اقتباس سريع وتقديم عرض تجاري التسليم عبر الاتحاد الروسي ورابطة الدول المستقلة بواسطة شركات النقل مورد موثوق ومثبت حاز على ثقة عملائه سياسة التسعير التنافسي اختيار بسيط ومريح على الموقع مجموعة واسعة من الماركات كاماز ماز اورال غاز نفاز كراز زيل نحن نقدم التعاون تجار الوكلاء المتاجر عبر الإنترنت أقسام المشتريات دروبشيبينغ
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حدد السعر USD 0 0
Winco WL16000HE Portable Generator – 16kW Package, Dolly Kit + Battery Condition of the goods: You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C. Minimum purchase: Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection. Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine. Top Brands: Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens. Appointment: After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality. Contact: For further details, please send us your contact details as a message, or contact us by phone. We look forward to a successful cooperation.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Landover AIR Cooling Tower Unit HVAC Chiller Tower Series 10000 System Condition of the goods: You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C. Minimum purchase: Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection. Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine. Top Brands: Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens. Appointment: After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality. Contact: For further details, please send us your contact details as a message, or contact us by phone. We look forward to a successful cooperation.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1. Premium PDC Cutter Which has a shallow parabolic profile and medium cutter density, designed for coring the medium hard formation. Utilizing different patented PDC cutters enhance the bit’s ability in hard formations. Special TSP gauge Provide better protection for the bit body. Suitable for Soft to medium hard formation with low compressive strength interbedded with hard layers. Rock type: Mudstone, limestone, anhydrite. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1.Using new surface wear-resistant materials, more effective use of positive and negative ions to prevent mud packs more effectively. Optimize the structure design, increase the narrow area in the bit design, deepen the waterway, and reasonably improve the blade thickness, so as to maximize the flow area in the use of the bit and improve the chip removal ability of the bit. By using the bottom hole simulation and nozzle optimization design, the number and position of nozzles can be reasonably arranged to prevent mud balling more effectively. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1.Main features Forging shaft (50% rolled material spindle and 30% old drill collar spindle on the market) Customized cutters, Composite seal, metal seal, various models are available 2.According to the characteristics of the rig and stratum condition, select the most suitable tooth type and bearing structure; Digital cutting and processing according to the drawing; one piece for one picture, one piece for one card; Ensure the welding process to prevent overheating. 3.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 4.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 5、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1.Due to the increase of buried depth and the uncertainty of formation, the drilling speed and efficiency are greatly hindered, among which the bit selection of some complex layers is difficult, which is mainly reflected in the low stroke drilling speed of conventional bit, many times of starting and falling drilling, difficulty in orientation and other aspects. In view of the complex formation, poor drillability, soft and hard interlock, difficult orientation, easy to release pressure, our company developed a variety of sizes, models, performance of the mixed bits can be selected, the use of mixed bits can more effectively improve drilling efficiency, shorten the drilling cycle. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1. Premium PDC Cutter Which has a shallow parabolic profile and medium cutter density, designed for coring the medium hard formation. Utilizing different patented PDC cutters enhance the bit’s ability in hard formations. 2. Special TSP gauge Provide better protection for the bit body. Suitable for Soft to medium hard formation with low compressive strength interbedded with hard layers. Rock type: Mudstone, limestone, anhydrite. 3.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 4.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 5、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1.Advantages of PDC Reamer: --Reduce the possibility of sticking pipe; --Improve drilling efficiency; --Reduce the cost; --Suitable for MWD and other high-tech tools; --High quality borehole; --Effective operation under low torque; 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1.Using new surface wear-resistant materials, more effective use of positive and negative ions to prevent mud packs more effectively. Optimize the structure design, increase the narrow area in the bit design, deepen the waterway, and reasonably improve the blade thickness, so as to maximize the flow area in the use of the bit and improve the chip removal ability of the bit. By using the bottom hole simulation and nozzle optimization design, the number and position of nozzles can be reasonably arranged to prevent mud balling more effectively. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case ,also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
1、Tooth shape includes wedge-shaped tooth(X),wide top tooth(K),spon type tooth(S),conical-ended shape tooth(Y),hemi-spherical ended shape tooth(Y1),gage protection by diamond enhanced cutters on cone(F),flat diamond tooth(P).Different tooth types are selected according to different strata. The strengthening of bits and inserts can effectively reduce the wear of tooth palms,improve the diameter protection performance of drill bits,and prolong the service life of drill bits in abrasive or directional wells or horizontal wells. 2.Our Advantage ----adequate stocks----competitive price----timely delivery----factory direct 3.Packing/Shipping Packing :wooden case or iron case, also be packaged according to customer requirements. Modes of transportation: by sea, by air or land transportation, Of course, a small amount can also by Express. 4、Company Profile Cangzhou Great Drill Bit Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010, and the company is located in Hejian Development Zone, Hebei Province.We have multiple international advanced CNC machining center production lines with combined turning and milling and multi-axis linkage. Cumulative sales of more than 100,000 drill bits.Main products: PDC bit, tricone bit, coring bit, bi-center bit, Torkbuster , PDC reamer, PDC hole opener, rock reamer, customized cutters.
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