ЗАО «Кузнецовский фарфор»

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USD 32.7 - 98.09/pcs
Porcelain souvenirs from the Kuznetsovsky Porcelain company: The choice of a true connoisseur of art The Kuznetsovsky Porcelain company has been a leader in the production and sale of porcelain for many years. But among all the tea sets, dining utensils, vases and jugs offered in our catalog, souvenirs deserve a special place in this entire collection. The Kuznetsovsky Porcelain online store delivers all porcelain souvenirs directly from its own production workshop, where the best Russian craftsmen create real masterpieces that have no analogues.
USD 54.49 - 76.29/pcs
Children's tea set "Beauty and the Beast" Volume: 50g cup - 450 gr teapot.
About company
Categories: Address:
Gifts, sport & toys, Gifts & Crafts, Keychains, Souvenirs Russia, Володарского ул., 5А

The history of CJSC Kuznetsovsky Porcelain, the largest manufacturer of earthenware and porcelain products, began in 1832 in the village of Dulevo. Over the years, the company has been developing dynamically, new technologies have been introduced, equipment has been modernized, and the assortment has expanded.

Today, the range of the company includes: services, sculpture, souvenirs, piece items and more. All objects are painted by artists manually, products are made in several copies. Each product is stamped with the date of manufacture and the signature of the artist.

The company has the opportunity in a short time to organize the production of exclusive products at the request of the customer, taking into account wishes, style and symbolism. Send questions to the manager on the site.

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