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Medical products in bulk on Qoovee

USD 27.0/pcs 27.0
Stylish Women's Lycra Jogger Suit is one of the suits that stands out for its comfort and elegance in the medical apparel industry. The women's lycra two-piece suit is an exceptionally high quality garment designed specifically for women in the healthcare industry. The top and bottom are compatible with each other and the same color, you can choose from a rich range of colors. Lycra suits are made from super-flexible Lycra fabric, which is 75 percent polyester, 21 percent rayon and 4 percent lycra. The costume is easy to wash, does not stain in the washing machine and retains its color brightness for a long time. It can be used for many years thanks to the durability of the kit, which can be easily ironed.
USD 21.0 - 24.0/pcs
Women's Hijab Suit models are offered to hijab women with rich color options and various body sizes. Models of hijab suits for every taste in 9 color options are easy to use as a surgical uniform. Available in sizes Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, XXLarge, the hijabs are suitable for all body sizes and provide comfort when worn. Models made of Lux Terikoton fabric are easy to iron due to their texture. The suits, which are comfortable to wear in any season, are functional thanks to the pockets at the top. The two-piece sets have the desired dimensions and are 90 cm long. They are easy to wash in the washing machine and when washed at 30 degrees, they retain the brightness of their colors for a long time. Press-studs on the sleeves shorten the jersey sleeves to the elbows for ease of use when needed. The composition of the fabric of the hijab suit models consists of 55% cotton and 45% polyester. Women's Hijab Suit models are the ideal clothing for people working in the healthcare industry. It is easily used in emergency services, surgical services, oncology services, cardiac services, children's clinics and many other services. Models that provide elegance and comfort, satisfy every taste with their design.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Hyaron is a biorevitalizant based on hyaluronic acid. Scope of application: - Couperosis - Folds and wrinkles - Uneven skin texture - Dry skin - Hyperpigmentation - Unhealthy complexion - Scars and scars Corrects age-related changes - Reduces existing mimic wrinkles, creases - Reduces the severity of skin defects: stretch marks, rosacea, post-acne - Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen - Does not cause allergies and serious adverse reactions Application area: face, neck, décolleté and back of the hands. Packing: 10 syringes of 2.5 ml.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Lipo Lab PPC Solution non-surgical liposuction is a new generation lipolytic that destroys fat cells and removes them from the body. Thanks to a special technology, the particles of the active ingredients of the drug have a size of 50-70 microns (smaller than a cell): sodium deoxycholate envelops the membrane of fat cells, which are loosened under its influence, and phosphatidylcholine (PPC) turns them into an emulsion that is easily excreted from the body. Lipo Lab PPC Solution lipolytic is effective against cellulite, helps in the fight against local fat deposits. Gives a quick effect of lipolysis. Increases elasticity and turgor of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Gives effective long-term results. Can be used to model the contours of the face and body. Active Ingredients: Phosphatidylcholine (PCC) highly purified, 99.8% pure (made in Germany) Highly purified sodium deoxycholate, 98% pure (made in Japan) Application: - Chin - Shoulders and forearms - Back and stomach - Side folds - Buttocks - Thighs - Knees. To order please send a private message. Worldwide shipping at competitive prices.
DaeHan Meditech Co. Ltd
Gunpo-si, South Korea
USD 7.5 - 8.0/pcs
MolecuTech® Real-Time COVID-19 kit for performing reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in real time, designed for the qualitative determination of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in bio-samples (smear / sputum) taken from patients with suspected COVID-19. This multiplex set consists of an RdRP gene specific primer / probe for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and E gene specific primer / probes for detecting all coronaviruses and RNA isolated from respiratory tract samples. MolecuTech® Real-Time COVID-19 is used in the Republic of Korea with permission from the MFDS and complies with the applicable essential requirements of the IVD directive 98/79 / EC. Certificates: EN ISO 13485: 2016, GMP. Features • Dual target detection for RdRP and E genes • A special primer / probe mixture to increase its specificity • Rapid test results: 2 hours • Specificity: 100% • Sensitivity: 95% • Samples for analysis: sputum, tracheal aspirate (lower respiratory tract ); nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs (upper respiratory tract)
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство «ДЕЗОМЕД Универсальный» продукт «премиум» класса 1000мл, описание и предназначение: Наши средства предназначены как ликвидации уже возникшей проблемы, так и как профилактическая мера, направленная на предупреждение заражения; Дезинфицирующее средство «ДЕЗОМЕД Универсальный» по параметрам острой токсичности относится к 4 классу мало опасных веществ при введении в желудок, к 4 классу мало опасных веществ при нанесении на кожу и в виде паров при ингаляционном воздействии, при парентеральном введении относится к 5 классу практически нетоксичных веществ, не оказывает местно-раздражающего действия в виде концентрата при однократном воздействии на кожу, не обладает кожно-резорбтивным и сенсибилизирующим действием; Для удаления неприятных запахов; Привыкание к дезинфицирующему средству — (синоним толерантность к применяемому средству) не вызывает привыкания вирусов и бактерий к препарату или не происходит ослабление эффекта воздействия при  многократном применении; Гипоаллергенное – это единственный, в своем роде уникальный, не имеющий аналогов дезинфектант с моющим эффектом, который не содержит хлора, спирта, кислот, щелочей, отдушек; Не вызывает раздражающего действия при попадании на кожу; Особенно рекомендуется для аллергиков и астматиков; Предлагаемое средство превосходит все известные на российском и зарубежном рынке продукты подобного назначения по потребительским характеристикам и соотношению цены и эффективности. для дезинфекции и мытья поверхностей в помещениях, жесткой и мягкой мебели, напольных ковровых покрытий, обивочных тканей, предметов обстановки, поверхностей аппаратов, приборов, санитарно-технического оборудования, белья, посуды, предметов для мытья посуды, резиновых полипропиленовых ковриков, уборочного инвентаря и материала, игрушек; инфекционных очагах при проведении текущей, заключительной и профилактической дезинфекции; для дезинфекции транспорта перевозящего продукты питания; для проведения генеральных уборок в детских дошкольных, школьных и других общеобразовательных и оздоровительных учреждениях, на коммунальных объектах, пенитенциарных и других учреждениях; для дезинфекции воздуха способом распыления на различных объектах, систем вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха (бытовые кондиционеры, сплит-системы, мультизональные сплит- системы, крышные кондиционеры и др.); для дезинфекции и мытья помещений и оборудования (кроме оборудования, имеющего контакт с пищевыми продуктами) на предприятиях общественного питания, продовольственной торговли, потребительских рынках, коммунальных объектах, гостиницах, общежитиях, бассейнах, аквапарках, фитнес-центрах, банях, саунах, местах массового скопления людей; для дезинфекции обуви с целью профилактики инфекций грибковой этиологии дерматофии); для дезинфекции помещений, оборудования, инструментов, спецодежды, воздуха прачечных, клубов, санпропускников и других объектов сферы обслуживания населения.
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство «ДЕЗОМЕД-Медицинский» 1000мл, предназначено: для дезинфекции различных объектов при инфекциях бактериальной (включая туберкулез, сибирской язвы), грибковой (кандидозы) и вирусной (полиомиелит, гепатиты всех видов) этиологии; для дезинфекции и мытья поверхностей в помещениях, жесткой и мягкой мебели, напольных ковровых покрытий, обивочных тканей, предметов обстановки, поверхностей аппаратов, приборов, санитарно-технического оборудования, белья, посуды (в том числе лабораторной), предметов для мытья посуды, резиновых ковриков, уборочного инвентаря и материала, игрушек, предметов ухода за больными, предметов личной гигиены в ЛПУ (включая клинические, диагностические и бактериологические лаборатории, отделения неонатологии, роддома, палаты новорожденных); для дезинфекции медицинского оборудования (в т.ч. кувезы, наркозно-дыхательная аппаратура, анестезиологическое оборудование и др.); для дезинфекции, стерилизации, (в том числе совмещенной с предстерилизационной очисткой, в том числе механизированным способом) изделий медицинского назначения (включая жесткие и гибкие эндоскопы, инструменты к ним, хирургические и стоматологические инструменты, в том числе вращающиеся, а также стоматологические материалы – оттиски из альгинатных, силиконовых материалов, полиэфирной смолы, зубопротезные заготовки из металлов, керамики пластмасс и других материалов); для предстерилизационной и окончательной очистки изделий медицинского назначения (включая жесткие и гибкие эндоскопы, инструменты к ним, хирургические, стоматологические инструменты, в том числе вращающиеся, а также стоматологические материалы) ручным и механизированным (с использованием ультразвука) способом; для дезинфекции высокого уровня эндоскопов; для стерилизации изделий медицинского назначения; для дезинфекции медицинских отходов – изделий медицинского назначения однократного применения, перевязочного материала, белья одноразового применения и т.д. перед их утилизацией в ЛПУ: для проведения генеральных уборок в лечебно-профилактических, детских дошкольных, школьных и других общеобразовательных и оздоровительных учреждениях, на коммунальных объектах, пенитенциарных и других учреждениях; для дезинфекции обуви с целью профилактики инфекций грибковой этиологии: для дезинфекции биологического материала; для обеззараживания крови и биологических выделений (мочи, фекалий, мокроты) в лечебно-профилактических учреждениях, диагностических и клинических лабораториях, на станциях и пунктах переливания и забора крови, на санитарном транспорте.
USD 1.15 - 2.0/pcs
Disposable Coverall (Nonwoven Spunbond ss). 20-25-30-40gr. unlaminated. Front 80 cm zip for easy donning and taking off. It is air permeable, water repellent, flame retardant, particle proof, bacteria proof, light and soft. You can use it in any area you want. Usually used as overalls. Production capacity of over 12,000 pieces per week. Made in Turkey.
USD 1.31/pcs 1.31
Антибактериальные, противовирусные многоразовые маски в розовом, черном и серых цветах. Двойной полиуретановый слой с противовирусной защитой и неприятного запаха Можно мыть до 5 раз Не запотевает Стильный дизайн в трех цветовых исполнениях Не требует обязательной сертификации (так как не является медицинским аттрибутом) Хорошее качество, не иеет запаха Скоро на складе в Москве и Алматы. Также работаем по предзаказу.
USD 0.35/pcs 0.35
Медицинские 3х слойные маски. Имеются сертификаты соответствия CE (междунарожный) и Ру (российский). Только по предзаказу, в наличии в Москве отсутствует. Условия оплаты: 50% предоплата, 50% перед отправкой.  
Москва, Russia
USD 1.63/pcs 1.63
Один из лучших респираторов N95, который пользуется большим спросом у клиентов. Инновационный регулируемый головной ремень в сочетании с другими функциями, такими как безметалловые компоненты, контурный дизайн для лучшей подгонки и совместимость с другими средствами индивидуальной защиты, мягкий и удобный материал, среди многих других, сделали серию SAFETYWARE 3223 популярным выбором среди многих пользователей.   Запатентованная пряжка для регулировки длины головного ремня для различных размеров лица.    Прохладный текстильный плетеный  без латекса для удобства ношения.    Непрерывный дизайн петли может позволить повесить маску вокруг шеи , когда не используется.    Металл не используется. Избегает контакта между кожей и металлом и подходит в тех средах, где запрещен металл.    Внутренний слой полипропилена (P.P.) обеспечивает наиболее мягкое прикосновение к вашему лицу.    Предварительно сформированная подушка для носа и с закрытыми порами обеспечивают индивидуальную форму и  повысит комфорт и восприятие.     Контурная конструкция обеспечивает совместимость очков / защитных очков и уменьшает запотевание.    Рельефное бахромчатое уплотнение позволяет избежать образования пушистого открытого слоя по краям.    Соответствует стандартам NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 как класс N95.    
USD 0.04/pcs 0.04
Disposable 3ply face mask medical Low breathing resistance with high filtration efficiency. Skin friendly, hypoallergenic, comfortable, high breathability, fiberglass free, latex free It can be used in hosipital,or industrial area,protect face from the dust,water and bacteria.  
Eirini Efthymiadou
London, United Kingdom
USD 1.1/pcs 1.1
Disposable polyethylene gloves. Designed to preserve the skin of the hands when working in the kitchen, in the garden, when caring for a child or when caring for animals, during auto repair work, etc.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Classification: AlcoholCAS No.: 64-17-5Other Names: Ethyl AlcoholMF: C2H6OEINECS No.: 200-578-6Place of Origin: ThailandGrade Standard: Food Grade, Industrial Grade, Medicine GradePurity: 99.9% min.Appearance: colorless transparent liquidApplication: ChemicalBrand Name: Fengda
Specify the price USD 0 0
Classification: AlcoholCAS No.: 67-63-0Other Names: 2-Propanol; Isopropyl alcohol; IPAMF: (CH3)2CHOHEINECS No.: 200-661-7Place of Origin: Bangkok, ThailandGrade Standard: Food Grade, Industrial Grade, Medicine GradePurity: 99.9%, 99.95%min Isopropyl alcoholAppearance: Colorless Transparent LiquidApplication: Industry, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical,etcBrand Name: M&JMolar mass: 60.10 gmol1Density: 0.786 g/cm3 (20 °C)Boiling point: 82.6 °C (180.7 °F; 355.8 K)UN NO: 1219
USD 27.25/pcs 27.25
Analogue of PCR test. No equipment needed! STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag kit for real-time rapid test for the qualitative detection of coronavirus antigen in human nasopharyngeal swab samples from the first day of symptom onset. Advantages: Ease of application. Get quick test results early in the disease. Decide on isolation quickly. Test STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag & mdash; This is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative determination of the & nbsp; SARC-CoV-2 antigen present in the human nasopharynx. This test is intended for professional use by healthcare professionals or laboratories only, as an aid in the early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with clinical symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The test provides only a preliminary screening result. Confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection requires more specific alternative diagnostic methods. * according to & nbsp; clinical and laboratory tests & nbsp; GBUZ IKB №2 DZM Moscow Features Exploration method test-free immunochromatographic assay (ICA) Purpose of the analysis antigen detection Biomaterial in nasopharyngeal swabs Time for one test no more than 30 min. Test Results positive / negative / invalid Test equipment not required Minimum wrap 25 tests Manufacturer SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea. Certification Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor No. RZN 2020/11113 dated 02.07.2020 2020.03.10 CE declaration of conformity
USD 141.69/pcs 141.69
& nbsp; "Rapid STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag test for antigen determination" in & nbsp; packing for 5 people & nbsp; for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff) & nbsp; A convenient kit for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff) for conducting a rapid test in real time for the qualitative detection of the COVID-19 coronavirus antigen in swabs from a human nasopharynx in the early stages of the disease (from day 1 of the onset of symptoms). & Nbsp; Convenient and easy-to-use kit for testing the whole family in order to determine the antigen in case of suspicion and confirm the presence of a virus in the body for further epidemiological examination in medical institutions. For added security & nbsp; the set includes personal protective equipment: a medical mask and examination gloves. & nbsp; ADVANTAGES: Being an analogue of the PCR test, it has a number of undeniable advantages: Does not require additional hardware to detect the virus. Time for one test and getting the result is 30 minutes. Ease of use. Possibility of testing outside the laboratory or honey. institutions. & nbsp; Quickly obtain test results in the early stages of the disease (from day 1 of the onset of symptoms). & nbsp; Decide on isolation quickly. Completion of the Ag-5 set: Test cassette (individually wrapped in foil, complete with desiccant) & mdash; 5 pcs. Sterile swab & nbsp; & mdash; 5 pcs. Extraction Buffer Tube & nbsp; & mdash; 5 pcs. Dropper nozzle & nbsp; & mdash; 5 pcs. Instructions for a medical device & nbsp; & mdash; 1 pc. Examination gloves & nbsp; & mdash; 5 pairs & nbsp; Medical mask & nbsp; & mdash; 5 pcs. & Nbsp; * according to & nbsp; clinical and laboratory tests & nbsp; GBUZ IKB №2 DZM Moscow Features Exploration method test-free immunochromatographic assay (ICA) Purpose of the analysis antigen detection Biomaterial in nasopharyngeal swabs Time for one test no more than 30 min. Test results positive / negative / invalid Test equipment not required Minimum wrap 25 tests Manufacturer SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea. Certification All permits and certificates are available
USD 32.7/pcs 32.7
'STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag rapid antigen test' in & nbsp; packing for 1 person for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff) & nbsp; Convenient set for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff) for conducting a rapid test in real time for the qualitative detection of COVID-19 coronavirus antigen in smear samples from a person's nasopharynx in the early stages of the disease (from day 1 of the onset of symptoms). & nbsp; Convenient and easy-to-use kit for testing & nbsp; 1 person in order to determine the antigen in case of suspicion and confirmation of the presence of the virus in the body for further epidemiological examination in medical institutions. For added security & nbsp; the set includes personal protective equipment: a medical mask and examination gloves. & nbsp; ADVANTAGES: Being an analogue of the PCR test, it has a number of undeniable advantages: Does not require additional hardware to detect the virus. Time for one test and getting the result is 30 minutes. Ease of use. Possibility of testing outside the laboratory or honey. institutions. & nbsp; Quickly obtain test results in the early stages of the disease (from day 1 of the onset of symptoms). & nbsp; Decide on isolation quickly. Completion of the Ag-1 set: Test cassette (individually wrapped in foil, complete with desiccant) & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. Sterile swab & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. Extraction Buffer Tube & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. Dropper nozzle & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. Instructions for a medical device & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. Examination gloves & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pair & nbsp; Medical mask & nbsp; & mdash; 1 & nbsp; pcs. & Nbsp; * according to & nbsp; clinical and laboratory tests & nbsp; GBUZ IKB No. 2 DZM Moscow Features Exploration method test-free immunochromatographic assay (ICA) Purpose of the analysis antigen detection Biomaterial in nasopharyngeal swabs Time for one test no more than 30 min. Test results positive / negative / invalid Test equipment not required Minimum wrap 25 tests Manufacturer SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea. Certification All permits and certificates are availableikats & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
USD 23.98/pcs 23.98
Kits for a rapid test for the qualitative detection and differentiation of IgM / IgG antibodies to the new SARS coronavirus -CoV-2 in human whole blood, serum or plasma samples. Benefits: Ease of application. Ultra-fast isolation decisions and fast analysis results. Tests determine the formation of antibodies, which is the basis for further epidemiological examination of the patient. STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM / IgG Duo test & mdash; is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative determination of SARC-CoV-2 specific antibodies present in human serum, plasma or whole blood. This test is intended for professional in vitro use in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the convalescent phase of a patient with clinical symptoms of SARSCoV-2 infection. * Sensitivity when using capillary blood & ndash; 92%; when using & nbsp; venous blood, plasma or serum, sensitivity increases up to 99% Features Exploration method test-free immunochromatographic assay (ICA) Purpose of the analysis detection and differentiation of IgM / IgG antibodies Biomaterial capillary blood from the patient's finger, plasma, serum , venous blood Time for one test 10-15 min. Test Results positive / negative / invalid Test equipment not required Minimum wrap 20 tests Manufacturer SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea. Certification Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor No. RZN 2020/10742 dated 09.06.2020 Declaration of Conformity CE 2020.03.05 & nbsp;
USD 1.43/pcs 1.43
"STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM Rapid Test / IgG Duo for the determination of antibodies in the blood '' in & nbsp; packaging for 4 persons & nbsp; for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff). Convenient set for individual use (under the supervision of medical staff) for performing a rapid test to detect IgG antibodies and IgM & nbsp; to coronavirus 2019-nCoV. Includes everything you need to detect and protect against coronavirus infection. & Nbsp; & nbsp; Convenient and easy-to-use 4-person test set allows you to anticipate and prevent & nbsp; further spread of the infection among the closest environment in contact with the sick. For added security & nbsp; the set includes personal protective equipment: a medical mask, a lancet (scarifier), an alcohol antiseptic napkin and examination gloves. & nbsp; BENEFITS: The kit contains everything you need to test your family, the nearest circle of people. Ease of application. Get analysis results ultra-fast and then decide on isolation. Tests determine the formation of antibodies, which is the basis for further epidemiological examination in medical institutions. DUo-4 set: < / p> Test cassette (STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM) & mdash; 4 pcs. Test cassette (STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgG) & mdash; 4 pcs. Buffer bottle & mdash; 1 pc. Microcapillary & mdash; 4 pcs. Instructions for use & mdash; 1 pc. & Nbsp; Alcohol antiseptic napkin & mdash; 4 pcs. Lancet (scarifier) ​​& mdash; 4 pcs. Examination gloves & mdash; 4 pairs Medical mask & mdash; 4 pcs * Sensitivity when using capillary blood & ndash; 92%; when using & nbsp; venous blood, plasma or serum the sensitivity increases up to 99%. Features Exploration method Freeze-dried immunochromatographic assay (ICA) Purpose of the analysis detection and differentiation of IgM / IgG antibodies Biomaterial capillary blood from the patient's finger, plasma, serum , venous blood Time for one test 10-15 min. Test results positive / negative / invalid Test equipment not required Minimum wrap 20 tests Manufacturer SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea. Certification All permits and certificates are available
AE Group
USD 0.09 - 0.1/pcs
Vacuum tubes (vakutainer) with a clotting activator and gel allow you to obtain a larger volume of serum than in standard tubes, due to a clearer separation of the clot. Applications: clinical chemistry, immunology, protein electrophoresis, serology, microbiology, toxicology.
AE Group
USD 0.09 - 0.11/pcs
Single-use infusion system with a plastic spike, designed for intravenous administration of infusion solutions, as well as for infusion of liquid preparations and solutions into the blood of a person or animal.
AE Group
USD 0.06 - 0.09/pcs
The test tube is used to collect material and analyze biochemistry, serology, bacteriology, and blood group determination. Sterilized by gamma radiation. The design excludes the contact of the employee with the patient's blood and the patient's blood with the environment. To accelerate blood clotting, an activator of clot formation (SiO2-silicon dioxide, also called clot activator, clot-activator, AC, silica) is applied to the walls to accelerate blood coagulation, which ensures the separation of serum and clot for up to 48 hours without re-centrifugation. Volume 5 ml, 6 ml, 8 ml, 9 ml, Sizes 12 * 100mm - 5ml, 6ml, 16 * 100mm - 8ml, 9ml.
Specify the price USD 0 0
The DST Series™ TA™ staplers are disposable, reloadable linear staplers with titanium staples using directional staple technology. Click to watch a video about the TA DST series staplers. For complete specifications including locking clip height and reload colors, please see the attached PDF. The GIA surgical stapler is suitable for thoracic surgery, general surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, such as lobectomy, gastrointestinal anastomosis, etc. The GIA stapler has larger jaws that help in position adjustment, which helps in position adjustment.
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The LigaSure Impact™ device is lightweight and easy to use. It is designed to optimize performance in a wide range of specialties, including urology, colorectal and general surgery, and gynecology.
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The LigaSure Atlas™ Open Surgical Instrument (LS1020) is a sealed sealer and divider with a blunt tip and a 20 cm shaft for use in open procedures. Procedural applications of this device include: adhesiolysis, abdominal hysterectomy.
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Circular staplers are used primarily for creating end-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses of the esophagus, stomach and rectum. Endoscopic surgery
USD 3.81 - 4.89/L
Our company is a direct supplier of Alcohol according to GOST. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS by a transport company.
USD 239.78/pcs 239.78
Agfa Structurix F8 is an X-ray film with high radiation sensitivity and small grain size. Designed for specialized applications with metal fluorescent or fluorescent screens. Allows you to obtain high-contrast images with good resolution in such photographs. Supplied in a light-proof envelope without paper pads, format 30x40 cm. We sell AGFA F8 30/40 22,000 rub. EXP 04-2025. Orders are sent from Turkey. 100 packs in stock. Delivery 10 days. Write a message for other models.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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An automatic mesoinjector (sometimes also called a mesotherapy injector) is used in medical procedures related to mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a treatment method in which small doses of drugs or biologically active substances are administered under the skin to a shallow depth. An automatic mesoinjector is designed to automate this process and ensure precise and controlled administration of drugs into the skin. It is often used in aesthetic medicine to improve the condition of the facial skin, for example, to reduce wrinkles, improve skin color or eliminate cellulite. The use of an automatic mesoinjector can provide a more uniform distribution of the drug, reduce the risk of infections, and reduce pain in patients. This tool helps medical professionals perform mesotherapy treatments more effectively and safely.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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HP VITARAN I PLUS is an innovative tissue stimulator for deep renewal and biorestructuring of the skin. The drug contains polynucleotides (PDRN) - fragments of DNA and RNA nucleic acids. PDRN stimulates skin repair in three ways: Lifting – affects the growth and activity of various types of skin cells, including fibroblasts, adipocytes and osteoblasts. The production of collagen and elastin type I is stimulated, which leads to thickening and tightening of the skin. Antioxidation – fights free radicals, inhibits photoaging. They support the regeneration of skin damaged by UV radiation. Hydration – polynucleotides have the ability to bind water and provide long-term isosmotic hydration of the intercellular matrix. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic and moisturized. The drug thoroughly heals and restores the structure of the skin, reducing wrinkles, smoothing scars and reducing stretch marks. Thanks to the optimal concentration of HP CELL VITARAN I polynucleotides, we can use it on the entire face – regardless of the patient’s age and skin type. Active ingredients: Sodium polynucleotide 20 mg/ml Indications: anti-aging therapy skin revitalization loss of skin elasticity photoaging therapy dry, dehydrated, dull skin smoker's skin reduction of scars, stretch marks, including acne scars Treatment procedure HP CELL VITARAN I: Due to the variety of applications There are many treatment protocols for the drug. Possibility of using 3 techniques: multi-injection technique - applying mesotherapy using a needle; linear-retrograde technique using a cannula; five-point technique with a needle. Treatment cycle: 1 pre-filled syringe every 2–4 weeks. It is recommended to perform a series of repetitions of 3 to 5 procedures. Durability of the effect: depends on the individual predisposition of the patient. Packaging: 1 ml x 2 syringes 33GX4mm.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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HP Nucleo Vital Category:: professional cosmetics Packaging: 5.0 ml x 5 bottles Skinboosters have become leaders in Korean skin rejuvenation procedures. Korean PDRN Mesotherapy, also known as HP Nucleo or PDRN Regeneration, is now actively used in Korean plastic surgery centers as the main method of cell renewal. The new technology of combining PDRN with hyaluronic acid skin boosters has been shown in studies to significantly hydrate, thicken and reverse the signs of aging in the skin barrier. This chemical compound has proven abilities to promote skin and tissue regeneration. The drug improves the growth rate of human fibroblasts in primary cultures at therapeutic concentrations of 20-100 µg/ml. Polydeoxyribonucleotide contains polymers of deoxyribonucleotides, where 50–2000 base pairs are connected in a chain and is known for its ability to activate cell proliferation processes by activating the A2 subtype of the purinergic receptor and the salvaginal pathway. PDRN promotes skin and tissue regeneration and can also be used for the clinical treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Since it promotes skin regeneration, it can be used after laser treatment. PDRN was indicated for tissue healing and skin graft wound management in 2008 by the Korean Food and Drug Administration. PDRN was first approved for clinical use in Italy as a stimulating agent for tissue repair. Nucleo Vital combines 2000 ppm PDRN and 5000 ppm hyaluronic acid.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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V Line-A Solution effectively eliminates fat cells and cellulite using a non-invasive injection method, providing a number of benefits. Main benefits: Removes fat deposits and cellulite effectively and without pain. No bruising, swelling or redness. Stimulates collagen synthesis, providing a lifting effect. Prevents the formation of new fat cells. Dissolves not only fat, but also cellulite. Has no side effects. Fat cells in subcutaneous fat are difficult to reduce. The drug is intended to treat “submental fat” (the fatty pocket under the chin), dissolving stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. Application on the Body: V Line-A Lipolytic Solution (Body) can be applied to various parts of the body such as shoulders, armpits, waist, hips, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, under the bra and above the knees. Application on the face: V Line-A (Face) lipolytic solution can be used on the entire face. To eliminate sagging chin and double chin. To reduce fat deposits on the cheeks and cheekbones. To combat fat bags in the corners of the mouth. To achieve a V-shaped face contour. Restricted area: area around the eyes.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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The South Korean rejuvenation drug Rejuvenex forte was created through a collaboration between the Rejuran brand and the Italian salmon producer MASTELLI. MASTELLI produces salmon DNA for skin treatment using PDRN. Rejuvenex forte mesotherapy helps restore damaged or aging skin and provides an anti-aging effect. Frequently asked questions: - Where is Rejuvenex forte with salmon DNA produced? Answer: Made in South Korea. - For what purposes is Rejuvenex forte used? Answer: Suitable for restoring damaged skin, regulating water and oil balance, tightening pores, improving acne marks, improving wrinkles, etc. - What are the effects of Rejuvenex forte? Answer: It has the effect of restoring the skin barrier, stimulates regeneration, provides a balance of water and oil, tightens pores, improves wrinkles, etc. - What ingredients are included in Rejuvenex forte? Answer: The main ingredient is PDRN in the amount of 14.06 mg/2.5 ml. - Dosage and course of use of Rejuvenex forte? Answer: It is recommended to use one dose of 6-8 ml for the entire face of Rejuvenex forte. If used with kinetic energy, it is recommended to control the total dose to within 10 ml for the entire face at a time. 3-5 procedures per course of treatment are recommended. - What is the difference between Rejuvenex forte and Placentex Salmon? Answer: The difference in PDRN content: in Placentex - 5.625 mg/3 ml, in Rejuvenex forte - 14.06 mg/2.5 ml.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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Skinbooster, a drug for deep mesotherapy. Rejuvenex Hydro is an innovative product designed for deep skin regeneration and biostructuring, providing a unique three-phase approach at the cellular level, resulting in a clear and long-lasting rejuvenation effect. This unique treatment focuses on three key aspects: Lifting: The treatment initiates a lifting effect by stimulating fibroblast receptors in the skin, causing them to transform into myofibroblasts. This stimulation triggers the production of type I collagen and elastin, leading to thickening and tightening of the skin. Antioxidation: The product uses a scientifically proven method of skin biostimulation using polynucleotides. This mechanism scavenges free radicals and has antioxidant activity, helping to reduce oxidative stress and promote a more radiant skin tone. Hydration: Rejuvenex Hydro provides long-term isosmotic hydration of the extracellular matrix by binding water through polynucleotides. This results in hydrated and firm skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This holistic approach delivers a natural yet noticeable rejuvenating effect, addressing loss of firmness, signs of aging and fatigue while delivering deep hydration. Suitable for people of all ages and skin types, treatment is carried out using Nucleofill - a safe and natural gel that does not contain irritants. The procedure is performed by injection by a physician and is usually hassle-free, causing minimal sensations such as a mild tingling sensation. After the procedure, people can quickly return to daily activities, although some swelling or bruising may occur. For optimal results, a series of four treatments is recommended at 2-4 week intervals.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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Anesthetic cream for cosmetologists, lidocaine content 10.56%. Store at room temperature (1~30°)
Golden Toad
South Korea
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Fillers based on hyaluronic acid Lefilleo are available in three types: Lefilleo Light, Lefilleo Mid-Light, Lefilleo Pro. All options include lidocaine, which makes the procedure less painful.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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The drug Re N Tox (Rentox) 100 is an innovative premium botulinum toxin type A drug developed by the South Korean company Pharma Research Bio. Its popularity in clinics in South Korea and Japan is due to a number of advantages: 1. Provides a 3D effect. 2. Shows high efficiency at low cost. 3. The patient feels the result after 3 days. 4. Duration of action is 6-8 months. 5. The safety and effectiveness of the drug has been proven by many years of clinical studies. 6. Minimal risk of complications when the procedure is performed by a professional. 7. Painless introduction. 8. No rehabilitation period. The composition of Re N Tox includes lyophilized white powder for injection, located in a colorless transparent bottle. After dilution with saline, a clear liquid is formed. Each vial contains: • Botulinum toxin type A 100 units. • Human serum albumin 0.5 mg. • Sodium chloride 0.9 mg. Botox injection areas include the forehead, eyebrow area, eye area, nose, bridge of the nose, lip area, chin, neck, décolleté and armpits.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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The drug Re N Tox (Rentox) 200 is an innovative premium botulinum toxin type A drug developed by the South Korean company Pharma Research Bio. Its popularity in clinics in South Korea and Japan is due to a number of advantages: 1. Provides a 3D effect. 2. Shows high efficiency at low cost. 3. The patient feels the result after 3 days. 4. Duration of action is 6-8 months. 5. The safety and effectiveness of the drug has been proven by many years of clinical studies. 6. Minimal risk of complications when the procedure is performed by a professional. 7. Painless introduction. 8. No rehabilitation period. The composition of Re N Tox includes lyophilized white powder for injection, located in a colorless transparent bottle. After dilution with saline, a clear liquid is formed. Each vial contains: • Botulinum toxin type A 200 units. • Human serum albumin 0.5 mg. • Sodium chloride 0.9 mg. Botox injection areas include the forehead, eyebrow area, eye area, nose, bridge of the nose, lip area, chin, neck, décolleté and armpits.
Golden Toad
South Korea
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Skinbooster for deep hydration and rejuvenation of the skin. Ingredients: Bottle 1: Purified Water, Hydrolyzed DNA (c-PDRN), Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hyaluronate Bottle 2: Purified Water, Glycine, Proline, Leucine, Lysine HCL, Sodium Chloride Packaging: Bottle 1: 2ml X 3 Bottles Bottle 2 : 2 ml X 3 bottles Directions for Use: Mix Bottle 1 and Bottle 2 together, apply immediately after microneedling (MTS) or fractional laser treatment. (Recommended to use immediately after mixing) Shelf life: 24 months from the production date (Use within 1 day after opening) Storage: Room temperature (2~25℃), avoid direct sunlight Skinbooster c-PDRN Manufacturer: PharmaResearch Co., Ltd Usage Cautions: If side effects such as redness, swelling and/or itching occur while using this cosmetic, or if such symptoms occur when exposed to direct sunlight after use, consult a dermatologist immediately. Do not use on skin with scars, eczema or dermatitis. Precautions: a. Keep out of the reach of children. b. Avoid direct sunlight.

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