IP Kinsfater Oksana Vadimovna

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USD 5.45/pcs 5.45
🧵🪡Sewing Factory & nbsp; ✅We create high-quality sewing baby bedding. ✅We have a lot of top models, fabrics: bed linen crib bumpers canopy diapers and much more ... PERCAL, OIL, POPLIN, SATIN, MUSLIN ... * We sew under your order and develop patterns for your products (your model) All products are‼ ️ certified‼ ️ ❗️Delivery ❗️Products designed by us have good SALES * Wholesales. * Write and call * We will answer all your questions
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Categories: Address:
Children's Clothing, Home Textile, Children's bedding sets, Textile Russia, Московская обл, г Ступино, село Авдотьино, ул Гамалея, д 29, Московскаяобл,гСтупино, село Авдотьино,ул Гамалея,д 29

🧵🪡Sewing Factory ✅We create high-quality sewing of children's bedding. ✅We have a lot of top models, fabrics: • bed linen • sides in the crib • canopy • diapers and much more ... \ PERCAL, OIL, POPLIN, SATIN, MUSLIN ... * We sew under your order and develop patterns for Your products (your model) All products‼ ️ certified‼ ️ ❗️ Delivery. We send by any transport company ❗️ Products developed by us have good SALES * Wholesales. * Write and call * We will answer all your questions

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