Bayer Kyrgyzstan

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The company "Optom Dordoi" invites all interested parties for wholesale purchases to cooperate. We are engaged in the wholesale sale of clothing from the largest clothing market Dordoi in Central Asia. The scope of activity also includes production organization. We will be glad to cooperate with each of you). Minimum order of $200 for services we take 5% of the order.
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Children's Clothing, Women's clothing, Men's clothing, İslamic clothing Kyrgyzstan

The company "Optom Dordoi" invites all interested parties for wholesale purchases to cooperate. We are engaged in the wholesale sale of clothing from the largest clothing market Dordoi in Central Asia. The scope of activity also includes production organization. We will be glad to cooperate with each of you). For a minimum order of $200 we charge 5% for services.

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