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Tarım ve hayvancılık makinaları, ekipmanları
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Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alma işleminizden memnun kalmazsanız, lütfen ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin. NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALINIR? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız rakipsizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden cumartesiye gönderiyoruz. * Toplu alımlarda makul bir indirim sunuyoruz * 90 günlük iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Dieses Produkt funktioniert garantiert einwandfrei in gutem Zustand. Wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund mit Ihrem Kauf nicht zufrieden sind, teilen Sie uns dies bitte innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach Erhalt des Artikels mit. WARUM BEI UNS KAUFEN? * Ihre Privatsphäre garantiert * Unsere Preise sind unübertroffen * Sichere Transaktion garantiert * Wir versenden von Montag bis Samstag. * Wir bieten einen angemessenen Rabatt für Großeinkäufe * Wir bieten ein 90-tägiges Rückgaberecht und eine 100 % Geld-zurück-Garantie.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alma işleminizden memnun kalmazsanız, lütfen ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin. NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALINIR? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız rakipsizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden cumartesiye gönderiyoruz. * Toplu alımlarda makul bir indirim sunuyoruz * 90 günlük iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alma işleminizden memnun kalmazsanız, lütfen ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin. NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALINIR? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız rakipsizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden cumartesiye gönderiyoruz. * Toplu alımlarda makul bir indirim sunuyoruz * 90 günlük iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alımınızdan memnun değilseniz, ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALIN? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız benzersizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden Cumartesiye kargoya verilir. * Toplu alımlarda makul indirim sunuyoruz * 90 gün iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alımınızdan memnun değilseniz, ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALIN? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız benzersizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden Cumartesiye kargoya verilir. * Toplu alımlarda makul indirim sunuyoruz * 90 gün iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
Dana Medical Equipment
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Bu ürünün iyi durumda kusursuz çalışması garanti edilir. Herhangi bir nedenle satın alımınızdan memnun değilseniz, ürünü aldıktan sonra 90 gün içinde bize bildirin NEDEN BİZDEN SATIN ALIN? * Gizliliğiniz garantilidir * Fiyatlarımız benzersizdir * Güvenli işlem garantilidir * Pazartesiden Cumartesiye kargoya verilir. * Toplu alımlarda makul indirim sunuyoruz * 90 gün iade politikası ve %100 para iade garantisi sunuyoruz.
SENSO X GLOV, tek elle kullanım için bilime dayalı olarak geliştirilmiş bir göğüs yumru tespit eldiveni cihazıdır. SENSO X GLOV'S tasarımı, kayma hareketini iyileştirir ve parmak hareketi ve topaklar ve bilinmeyen iğne şekli oluşumu için parmak hassasiyetini artırarak üretilen sürtünmeyi azaltır. SENSO X GLOV, prestijli Kanser Hastaneleri tarafından onaylanmış ve tavsiye edilmiştir. Güvenli ve özel, hızlı ve kullanışlı. Meme sağlığını korumak için düzenli olarak kendi kendine meme muayenesi (KKMM) yapın. Erken keşif ve tedavi hayati önem taşır. SENSO X GLOV, muayene için memenizi göstermenin garipliğinden sizi kurtarır. SENSO X GLOV “Göğüs Yumru Tespit Eldiveni” tüm kadınlara meme kanserini önlemeyi hatırlatır ve öngörü kavramını oluşturur. Ürün kullanımı kolay, güvenli, kullanışlı, hızlı ve özeldir. SENSO X GLOV, taşınması kolaydır ve tekrar tekrar kullanılabilir.
ÜRÜN TANITIMI Araştırma ve teknolojinin getirileri, ambalajları Buz Devri'nden çıkaran devrim niteliğinde bir ürün olan TEKNO-ICE®'a ulaştı. Geleneksel buza etkili bir alternatif olan TEKNO-ICE®, bir tarafta özel olarak işlenmiş dokunmamış kumaştan yapılır ve diğer katman, bu iki katman arasında benzersiz bir süper emici toz içinde kapsüllenmiş bir opak Polyester polietilendir (P.P.E.). Optimum su tutma için akrilik reçinelerden seçici olarak işlenmiş süper emici toz. TEKNO-ICE® İlaç ürünleri, Veteriner ürünleri, Deniz ürünleri, Meyve ve Sebze, Et ve Kümes Hayvanları, Çiçekler, Dondurma, Çikolata, Mantar ve Bitkiler vb. ambalajlarda hemen kabul görmektedir. TEKNO-ICE® üretildiğinde kare şeklinde yapılmaktadır. "hücresel" formda ve oluklu olduğundan, ürünün paketlenen öğenin etrafına sarılmasına izin verecek şekilde kendinden esnektir. Susuz halde satılan TEKNO-ICE®, kullanım kolaylığı için hafif ve kompakttır. Her bir TEKNO-ICE® “hücresi” suya daldırıldıktan sonra belirli bir miktarda su emecek ve ardından donmaya hazır hale gelecektir. TEKNO-ICE®, paketlemede sıcaklık kontrolüne yardımcı olarak paha biçilmez kılan 3 önemli özelliğe sahiptir - donma faktörü, esneklik ve sıvı tutma.
TEKNO-ICE M-PET BUBBLE YALITIMLI TORBALAR VE KUTU ASTARLARI, tek veya çift katmanlı, ağır dereceli LDPE sızdırmaz bir kabarcık içinde sağlanır, folyo bazlı bir laminat (İç ve Dış) arasına sıkıştırılır, yansıma yoluyla olağanüstü bir yalıtım seviyesi sağlar ve sıkışır hava, nispeten düşük bir maliyetle.
Ürün Detayları Marka Adı: Liming motorÜrün Adı: Ayakkabı Parlatıcı MotorModel Numarası: YYPhase: Tek fazlıAC Voltaj: Özel yapılmışFrekans: 50HzÇıkış Gücü: 1-30wProtect Özellik: IP40Certification: CCC, CEColor: BlackHousing: Soğuk levha germeTel: Tüm bakır telRulman : Bilyalı rulmanMenşe Yeri: Shengzhou, Zhejiang, Çin Kullanım: Ayakkabı Parlatıcı MotorAdı: Siyah Tek Fazlı Ayakkabı Temizleme Makinesi Motoru
Altai St. Petersburg
СПБ, Rusya
Dispenser, elbow dispenser for soap, antiseptics and disinfectants (1l) with a drip tray.
Altai St. Petersburg
СПБ, Rusya
Dispenser VD-20, dispenser dosing elbow for antiseptics, disinfectants, soap, etc. (1l)
GoldenMed Hospitech
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Offering a customer-driven design and MUSICA intelligence, the DR 100s combines fast, high-quality DR imaging with excellent maneuverability and ease of use. Power: 32/ 40 kW Width: 57.6 cm Weigth: 470 kg Highlights • Customer driven design, amazing usability and freedom of movement • Smart Imaging, with MUSICA intelligence, for smooth, effective imaging • Drive and park, with the FreeView collapsible column and height adjustable handle. • Extended range of applications, for greater mobile flexibility • Motorized: Up to 5 km/h • Technology: Wireless – Amorphous Silicon Detector (a-Si) • mAs Range : 70 - 400 mA selectable • kV Range: 40 to 150 kVp Designed in collaboration with users around the world, the DR 100s optimizes flexibility and usability, to improve efficiency and productivity MUSICA Acquisition Workstation offers intelligent features and tools that streamline the workflow Excellent DR image quality enables 'first time right' imaging Cyber-security tools – embedded in the MUSICA Acquisition Workstation, the digital nerve center, that helps protect patient data and prevent disruptions to patient care We ship to all locations and we are very ready to serve you, For purchase and inquiries, Message GoldenMed Hospitech via email style="color: #373737; font-family: Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">so they can best assist you., We also have both new and refurbished ones in excellent shape, we're certain that it works for you
GoldenMed Hospitech
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
DR 100e Fully-motorized, flexible direct radiography (DR) system with NX MUSICA2 offering excellent image quality for a broad range of X-ray studies. DR 100e is a versatile and straightforward solution for you to get all the quality and productivity benefits of going direct digital. Flat Panel detector technology with either CsI or GOS offers excellent image quality and immediate image availability, while the MUSICA image processing delivers consistency and superior contrast detail. Dose management and quality control software are standard features to help your department maintain high quality care. Power: 32 kW Width: 61.8 cm Weight: 252 kg Highlights • Comfortable imaging experience for patient and operator • Short exposure times and fast assessment of images after exposure • Outstanding image quality and dose reduction potential Seamless connectivity with PACS, HIS / RIS and imagers • Wireless detector for improved flexibility and infection control • Your path to Direct Digital at your own pace • Equipped with a powerful generator of up to 32 kW • Operation: Plug /Motorized: Yes
GoldenMed Hospitech
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Mobile and flexible direct radiography (DR) system offering excellent images that are immediately Patients who most need imaging exams may lack the mobility necessary to move to the X-ray room or to position themselves properly for optimum imaging. This is where our mobile DX-D 100 DR system makes the difference. The DX-D 100 can handle a broad range of general radiography X-ray studies, even for less mobile patients. Available with Cesium-based DR panels, the improved DQE delivers improved image quality and potential dose reduction for patients and operators. The DX-D 100 offers a very short exposure time, so images are available for validation immediately. The combination of greater productivity and image quality translates into lower cost per exam and higher diagnostic efficiency. With excellent handling capabilities, patient waiting times are reduced and diagnostic confidence increased. Overall, the DX-D 100 helps you meet the need to constantly enhance patient comfort and performance in your radiology department. We ship to all locations and we are very ready to serve you, For purchase and inquiries, Message GoldenMed Hospitech via email so we can best assist you., We also have both new and refurbished ones in excellent shape, we're certain that it works for you
GoldenMed Hospitech
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
The F5 Corpus features an array of advancements to help increase the stability of the chair for a smooth, comfortable ride, including: a smaller footprint with an improved center of gravity, a more rigid chassis, fully independent oil-dampened suspension and a lower seat-to-floor height. The new three-point tilt and elevator system provides solid stability and performance. The standard 7.5 mph motor package with improved torque allows users to easily navigate obstacles at any speed. Options include: black tires with more aggressive tread patterns, chrome accents and two additional color options. The F5 Corpus VS is a durable, powerful and stable front wheel drive power wheelchair combined with the best seating system on the market – the Corpus seat. The seating system is designed to effectively support the clinical, functional and lifestyle needs of active users. The latest version of the Vertical Stander (VS) offers all the power seat functions of the Corpus seat plus an innovative new way of standing, allowing you to choose from two positions, Sit-to-stand or Lay-to-stand. Giving you greater independence and freedom, the F5 Corpus VS features fully independent suspension and automatic, self-adjusting support wheels, providing a new level of comfort and stability, especially when you stand and drive, indoors or outdoors! A range of alternative driving controls for non-joystick drivers is available, as well as separate controls for assistants/caregivers. For transport purposes, the upper part of the backrest can be removed to reduce the overall size of the wheelchair. We ship to all locations and we are very ready to serve you, For purchase and inquiries, Message GoldenMed Hospitech via email or call us Tel: (437) 370-7459 plus you can visit our website so they can best assist you., We also have both new and refurbished ones in excellent shape, we're certain that it works for you
GoldenMed Hospitech
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
The Draco Standing Wheelchair is the best electric standing wheelchair with all the features. It allows you to move, stand, sit, recline, and lie down in safe and comfortable positions.
The footrest, armrest and backrest move in concert at the same time, so the user will not feel muscle tension when moving from a standing-sitting-lying position.
With Draco, you can minimize the risk and effort involved in transferring the user during the day, as the user can take a nap while lying down.
Full power for lying, standing, sitting and lying position.
Top speed up to 8 km / h (5 mph).
Travels up to 30 km (18.5 miles) with a full charge.
Equipped with a dynamic LED graphic display controller (DX2) for precise user control.
For safety, automatically adjusts the speed while standing.
8 wheels for excellent stability, especially when standing and lying.
The motorized wheels are centrally positioned for a tight turning radius of 66 cm (30 ″).
Energy saving LED lights at night.
Adjustable headrest for added comfort.
H-shaped seat belt.
Spring suspension for extra comfort on rough terrain.
The adjustable tilt footrest allows you to take a standing position in different stages.
Adjustable leg length and seat depth for users with different leg lengths.
Seat width selection 14 "/ 16" / 18 "(36 cm / 41 cm / 46 cm
Seat depth (adjustable) 14 16 ″ / 17 ″ / 18 ″ (41 cm / 43 cm / 46 cm)
Seat depth (adjustable) 16 ″ / 18 ″ 18 ″ / 19 ″ / 20 ″ (46 cm / 48 cm / 51 cm)
Back height 64 cm (25.2 ″)
Total Weight 14 '' 16 '' 18 '' 284.5 lb / 291 lb / 298 lb (129 kg / 132 kg / 135 kg)
Open size 14 "(L x W x H) 45" x 25.5 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 65 cm x 108 cm)
Open size 16 "(L x W x H) 45" x 28 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 70 cm x 108 cm)
Open size 18 "(L x W x H) 45" x 30 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 75 cm x 108 cm)
Seat length footrest (adjustable) 17.7 ~ 23 inches (45 ~ 58 cm)
DC24V, 320W motor
12V36Ah battery X 2pcs
Package size 14 "and 16" (L x W x H) 43 "x 26" x 32 "(110 cm x 67 cm x 82 cm)
Package size 18 "(L x W x H) 43" x 28 "x 32" (110 cm x 71 cm x 82 cm)
Front wheel 9.5 ″
Middle wheel 13 ″
Rear wheel 3 ″
Tilt limit 10˚
Curb limit 2 ″ (5 cm)
Ground clearance 2 ″ (5 cm)
We ship to all locations and are ready to serve you. We also have the refurbished ones in excellent condition, we are sure this will work for you.
Nanjing, Çin
257.5 - 100000.0/pcs
MOQ / Reference FOB price1 Unit / US$257.50 / UnitPort: Qingdao, ChinaProduction capacity: 5000 Units / weekPayment Terms: L/C, T/TInstallation: Internal Threaded ConnectionSpray Liquid: Medicine, Disinfectant Spray shape: Full coneSpray volume: 500ml / minutePower supply: Electric Material: Stainless Steel
Nanjing, Çin
175.5 - 100000.0/pcs
MOQ / FOB price1 Unit / US$175.50 / UnitPort: Tianjin, ChinaProduction Capacity: 2000 Units / weekPayment Terms: L/C, T/TInstallation: External Thread ConnectionLiquid used: Disinfectant & waterSpray Shape: Full coneAtomization volume: 500ml / minute adjustablePower Supply: Electric
Nanjing, Çin
2000.0 - 200000.0/pcs
Disinfection Door Application Features: 1.Face recognition system. The system can record 20,000 face cases, which can effectively check the identity of people in and out of fixed and dense places such as office buildings, schools, communities, factories, etc., automatically intercept outsiders, and realize rapid control of personnel during the outbreak. 2. Automatic induction spray function. The equipment is equipped with a microwave moving object sensor. After detecting the entry of someone, it starts the fog machine and sprays disinfectant into the disinfection channel. 3. Infrared human body temperature measurement, sound and light alarm. Using high-precision industrial infrared spectroscopy sensor, factory calibration by black body radiation source, can achieve non-contact measurement of body temperature, fast and reliable, can effectively avoid cross-infection, and collect body temperature in real-time. 4. Food-grade disinfection products. The equipment adopts a food-grade disinfectant, which is widely used in the disinfection of food, tap water, vegetables, and fruits. 5. Contact alcohol disinfector for hand. The temperature measurement area of the equipment is specially equipped with hand sterilizers, non-contact induction spraying, safe and hygienic, and can carry out effective sterilization. 6. Non-angle-of-attack spray does not stimulate human facial organs. The mist outlet of the disinfection channel is designed with a low angle of attack to avoid discomfort caused by the direct spray of mist on the human face. 7. Disinfection function of soles and wheels. There is a carpet containing disinfectant in the middle of the disinfection channel, which can disinfect the soles of passing people, wheels of wheelchairs, toy cars, and so on. 8. Device status reminder function. The equipment has the status display of work, lack of liquid, light, etc. so that the equipment management personnel can accurately grasp the operation status of the equipment in real-time. The fog-making equipment has an anti-dry burning function, which can effectively prevent damage to the equipment caused by improper operation. 9.Automatic fluid replacement function. The equipment is equipped with a 20L large-capacity liquid storage tank, which can automatically refill the atomization tank, reduce the workload of the operator, and can be used for more than one day without the need to add disinfectant. 10.Waste liquid collection function. The bottom of the equipment is designed with a waste liquid collection tank and an active waste liquid collection tank, which can completely collect the waste liquid remaining after the equipment is sterilized and concentrate on hazardous waste treatment to prevent environmental pollution. 11. Channel lighting function. The equipment has fully considered the use scene, and the channel is equipped with an LED lighting function, which is convenient for use at night or in a dark light environment. 12. Removable function. The disinfection tunnel equipment has two sets of universal casters with brakes and two sets of directional casters with brakes. The auxiliary slopes on both sides are foldable, which is convenient for moving positions, quick layout, reducing storage space occupation, using nylon thread, adapting to various road conditions. Operating Principle: Using triple disinfection of ultraviolet, plasma, and light-spray atomization, matrix-type dead-end whole-body disinfection, non-contact disinfection, more thorough disinfection. The control disinfection cabinet has three buttons and starts in turn. Ultrasonic spray disinfection. Ultraviolet disinfection. Blue light start button, the device can operate normally. After the disinfection lamp button is turned on, the ultraviolet disinfection on both sides and the plasma disinfection on the top are turned on. After the disinfection button is turned on, the light wave atomization is turned on, which is divided into low gear and high gear. Intelligent Atomization Disinfection Door Operation Instructions: 1. Open the disinfectant storage cabinet, put the disinfectant in the storage cabinet, and connect the pipe diameter. 2. Turn on the power. 3. Start in turn: a. Ultrasonic spray disinfection b. Ozone disinfection c. The button and device to start blue light can work normally. 4. Close: close in turn a. Ultrasonic spray disinfection b. Ozone disinfection c. The start button of the blue light, the device can be turned off, the temperature measurement system can be started automatically 5. Water replenishment: add disinfectant according to the dosage to ensure a certain level of atomized water.
Nanjing, Çin
1000.0 - 100000.0/pcs
Inflatable Disinfection TunnelMOQ: 3 SetsFOB Price: US$1327.00 per setPayment Terms: L/C, T/TType: TentInflation method: FanInflation Gas: AirApplication: OutdoorsManufacture technique: SewingMaterial: PVC
Nanjing, Çin
526.5 - 100000.0/pcs
SH Disinfection TunnelMOQ / Reference FOB Price1Unit / US$526.50 / UnitPort: Qingdao, ChinaProduction Capacity: 30,000 / MonthPayment Terms: L/C, T/TMaterial: PVCStyle: 2 DoorsPole Material: Flexible Pole, fiberglass
Nanjing, Çin
350.0 - 100000.0/pcs
Resmi Qoovee web sitesi, karlı anlaşmalara varmanıza, işinizi büyütmek için bir tedarikçi veya üretici bulmanıza yardımcı olur. “Tedarikçiler listemi” bölümünde ihtiyacınız olan her şeyi bulabilirsiniz Rusya, Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Türkiye, Ukrayna ve diğer ülkelerden : Medikal ekipman Ürün kategorileri sürekli güncelleniyor. Toptan tedarikçiler, toptan alımlar ve ortaklıklar ile ilgileniyorlar ve karşılıklı faydalı işbirliğine hazırlar.