Portable X-ray machine
Portable X-ray machine
Portable X-ray machine
Portable X-ray machine
Ürün açıklaması
Portable X-ray machines are used both in hospital and on-site medical services. They are used for examining children and adults, and are used for diagnostics in surgery and implantology. The use of mobile X-ray machines allows to reduce the requirements for the location of the patient's body. This makes the X-ray examination process more flexible, which plays an important role when performing diagnostics in extreme situations or in immobile patients. Call and get a free consultation!
Daha fazla bilgi edinin

Portable X-ray machine - 67010

Mevcudiyetini kontrol ediniz
30000.0 USD/adet 30000.0 USD

Minimum sipariş: 1 pcs

Sevkiyat kapasitesi: 4 pcs/ayda

Byork LLC
Doğrulanmamış tedarikçi
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