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USD 0.84/pcs 0.84
Характеристикиколичество деталей2 шт.особенностьразвивает творческие способностипроизводствосделано в Россиирекомендуемый возрастот 3 летсертификациятовар сертифицировантипШнуровочкаупаковкацеллофановый пакет с подвесомцветнесколько цветоввариантвес0.078 кгразмер16.5 x 14 x 0.8 смматериалфанера, шнурок
USD 0.84/pcs 0.84
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingcolor multiple colors < p> option weight 0.077 kg < /tr>size13.5 x 17 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
USD 0.84/pcs 0.84
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified packaging cellophane bag with hanging color several colors < td> option weight 0.097 kg size 16.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
USD 0.84/pcs 0.84
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors weight 0.097 kg < /td>size16.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm material plywood, lace
USD 1.89/pcs 1.89
Features number of parts 2 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.233 kg size 16 x 6 x 12.5 cm material birch, plywood, lace
USD 1.93/pcs 1.93
Features parts count 16 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.300 kg size 14 x 10.5 x 6 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
USD 1.66/pcs 1.66
Features number of parts 8 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.167 kg size 9 x 14 x 3 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
USD 1.35/pcs 1.35
Features number of parts 8 pieces feature develops creativity production made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type Lacingpackaging cellophane bag with suspension color multiple colors option weight 0.078 kg size 8 x 12 x 4 cm material birch, lace < / tr>
USD 6.52/pcs 6.52
Features number of parts 30 parts, 3 laces feature develops logic and motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> lacing packaging micro corrugated cardboard box (TV) < tr> color multiple colors, drawing weight 0.300 kg size 26 x 22 x 5 cm < tr> material birch, acrylic paints, laces
USD 6.0/pcs 6.0
Features number of parts 40 parts, 3 laces feature develops logic and motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> lacing packaging micro corrugated cardboard box (TV) < tr> color multiple colors weight 0.400 kg size 26 x 22 x 5 cm < td> material birch, acrylic paints
USD 4.25/pcs 4.25
Features number of parts 24 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity, logic, motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> mosaic packaging wooden box < td> color multiple colors weight 0.800 kg size 21 x 21 x 3 cm < p> material birch, acrylic paints
USD 5.84/pcs 5.84
Features number of parts 32 parts < / tr> feature develops creativity, logic, motor skills production < / p> made in Russia recommended age from 3 years old certification product certified type < / td> mosaic packaging wooden box < td> color multiple colors weight 0.870 kg size 26.5 x 26.5 x 3 cm < p> material birch, acrylic paints
Kategoriler: Adres:
Hediye, spor ve oyuncak, Oyun ve oyuncaklar, Ahşap oyuncak, Eğitici oyuncaklar Rusya, ул. Кирпичная, 1

Alatoys şirketi, Mari El'in Rusya Cumhuriyeti'nin çevre dostu bölgesinden ahşap kullanarak yüksek kaliteli çocuk eğitici oyuncaklar ve oyunlar üretiyor. Alatois ahşap oyuncak geleneğini yeniden canlandırıyor. Ahşap oyuncaklar halkımızın hikayesidir. Dünya çapında, ahşap oyuncaklar çevre dostu ve güvenli kabul edilir. Alatais markası altındaki ahşap oyuncaklar geleneklerin yok olmasını önler ve Rus kültüründe yer alır.

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