Antiperspirant/ 7 days of long-term action. Suitable for men, women and teenagers from 12 years old. Keeps skin and clothes dry, kills unpleasant body odor, Unlike analogues, does not block armpit pores but narrows them
Описание товара
Antiperspirant 7 days of long-term action. From 3 to 10 days depending on human physiology. Kills bacteria and unpleasant body odor. Keeps it dry. Clothes stay dry. It does not block the pores of the skin but narrows tightens the skin. Suitable for men, women and teenagers from 12 years old.

Antiperspirant/ 7 days of long-term action. Suitable for men, women and teenagers from 12 years old. Keeps skin and clothes dry, kills unpleasant body odor, Unlike analogues, does not block armpit pores but narrows them - 104575

В наличии
6.0 USD/шт 6.0 USD

Минимальный заказ: 120 шт

Возможность поставки: 1200 шт/в день

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