Today the Northern Teas Partnership unites the companies Northern Teas LLC - Novosibirsk, Siberian Natural Resources LLC - Novosibirsk, Gorny Nectar LLC - Krasnogorsk District of Altai Territory and Pikhtovy Greben LLC Toguchinsky District of Novosibirsk Region. As a strategic partner, the partnership is LLC Siberian Tea - Tomsk.
The Partnership has a single engineering and technical group responsible for the production of equipment and scheduled maintenance, an experimental laboratory for quality control and the development of new formulations and types of products. The history of the Partnership began in 2008, when Ivan Kolobok was made into the hands of the founders.
In 2009, the founders familiarized themselves with all types of Ivan-tea offered on the market and made sure that they came into their hands with a product made according to a unique recipe that is not known to any manufacturer in Russia. A completely reckless expedition to the Altai Mountains is undertaken, where from the scattered stories and half-hints that have preserved the ancient secrets of individual Old Believers, the recipe and technology of Northern Ivan Tea is restored.
One of the discoveries was that the name Severny combines two meanings - Severny as a geographical indicator of the territory where the recipe was born; and a direct indication of the quality of tea is SE RIGHT tea, in modern language it sounds like THIS RIGHT tea. Ivan was read by them as number 1.
Fully Northern Ivan Tea reads THIS IS THE RIGHT MOST MAIN TEA.
In 2010, an experimental set of equipment was manufactured and the first 300 kg of tea were produced. The results convinced the founders of the correctness of the solutions found.
In 2011, a unique mobile manufacturing complex was manufactured. Certification of production, equipment, with the assistance of partners from the "Siberian Tea" certified technology and products. 1500 kg of Northern Ivan tea are produced. Blends with sea-buckthorn, currant, mountain ash, with meadowsweet, "Balm" with herbs of the Altai Mountains are launched into production. The best confirmation of the quality of tea was an order from the company "RUYAN" for restaurants "Expedition-Northern cuisine".
In 2012, Mountain Nectar and Fir Crest join the founders. LLC "Northern Teas" is registered as a Management Company. Unified trademarks and logo are deposited. 15 tons of faithful Ivan tea are produced. Unique blends "Fir Comb" and "Taiga" are launched into production.