Production company DIA
The factory "Production company" DIA "has more than half a century of history. In the early 60s, the enterprise was conceived as an experimental-mechanical, satisfying the needs of an industrial complex.
Having survived the difficult 90s and the first half of the 2000s, PC “DIA” has turned into a modern manufacturing enterprise with advanced equipment and high-tech multi-profile capacities on its balance sheet. At the same time, the plant has not lost its previous machinery and personnel potential, which allows us to produce non-standard products on orders today.
Phasedly, two Italian pipe-welding mills were installed at PC “DIA” for the production of metal round electric-welded straight-seam pipes, as well as for the production of square and rectangular cross-section pipes from various steel grades (including galvanized steel):
In 2007, the TESA 12-63 mill was launched, and in 2010, the TESA 38-133 mill. At the same time, the Finnish slitting unit (APR) was introduced into the technological equipment of the plant, which made it possible to fully load the pipe production with our own billet cut to the required dimensions.
In 2007 at PC “DIA” the following were also commissioned: installation for the production of polystyrene foam (polystyrene) of various grades.
In 2010, the development of capacities received a further impetus: a line for the production of wall “sandwich panels” ( SIP panels) was mounted on the basis of our own production of expanded polystyrene plates , and for the more efficient use of the available space, the production of overalls (work gloves, mittens, suits) was mastered )
In 2011, the company's management decided to develop a new type of product - polymer (polyethylene and polypropylene) pipes for the construction of water and gas pipelines, as well as for laying sewer networks. To implement this solution, in the same year, two high-precision German mills were purchased and installed Hans Weber and Krauss - Maffei .
Since 2012, the company began the development of production of house kits for the construction of prefabricated residential buildings using its own components - polystyrene foam, polymer and steel pipes, “sandwich panels. In the same year, a plant for the manufacture of metal structures was organized at the plant and the first orders were accepted.
In 2014 - was launched new equipment firm Krauss - Maffei for manufacture of plastic pipes with diameter up to 630 mm, which significantly expanded the range of products in this segment.
2014 –Pipe production complex launched DMC TECH Corporation Republic of Korea for the production of welded pipes from cold-rolled and galvanized steel. This complex is represented by three pipe-welding machines (TESA "10-38" and two TESA "12-63") and a unit for the longitudinal cutting of rolled steel.
The plans of the Production Company "DIA" further development of steel and polymer pipe production, the existing capacity in these areas in the near future it is planned to increase by 2-3 times.
We are optimistic about the future and believe that focusing on results, striving to become the best in our business will allow us to go through all the difficulties and overcome any crisis phenomena.