In terms of volume, so. 50-100 kg per purchase. For a month as a whole, 500. The goods will be needed for production in Dubai. Below is a list of all the products we need.
raw chickpeas
Dates Dekel Nur (Tunisia)
Pitted prunes
concentrated PrebioSweet
Cocoa butter natural
Alcoholized cocoa powder
DoTerra Wild Orange Essential Oil
White sesame
Ground coffee
Sublimated raspberries, powder
Food coloring, dry, natural in assortment
Almond flour
Isomalt BENEO, 25 kg
Coconut oil
Dark chocolate without sugar and lactose
Potassium sorbate
Margarine GrandPro Case
Corn starch
Gluten Free Flour Mix
Egg yolk pasteurized
Egg white pasteurized
dough baking powder
peanut petals
(Translated from Russian)
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