Здравствуйте мы средний швейный цех.работает 20девочек.есть большой опыт на рубашках из любой ткани.также отшиваем молодёжку.с японским шелком работаем.т.вотсап +996509500551.сможем предоставить живые фото и видео наших работ.
I am looking for a workshop for sewing women's palazzo trousers made of barbie fabric, an oversized jacket lined with the same fabric, women's oversized cotton shirts. I will consider the workshops specializing in this clothing. We also need a workshop for sewing dresses, skirts and suits made of Japanese silk. If you have never worked with this fabric, please do not write. We will consider only those productions. who will be able to show a photo that has already been sent off. We are only interested in manufacturers from Kyrgyzstan.
The first batch for each model 150pcs. Further, we plan batches of 500 pieces per model.
(translation from russian)
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