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Holostoproshivny cloth or as it is also called hpp is an excellent cleaning material from which a floor rag and various napkins for cleaning can be made. HPP belongs to the category of non-woven fabrics. Here you can buy non-woven fabric. Its price is very cheap. Its basis is 100% cotton. HPP is good because it has excellent moisture absorption and is simply indispensable for cleaning rooms. Also, its quality is determined by the frequency of flashing. There is a rare-stitched (10mm), medium-stitched (5 mm) and often-stitched (2.5 mm) canvas. These characteristics determine the quality of the material. Accordingly, the price depending on the firmware will be different. Another feature of this fabric is its width. The usual width is 140 cm. In our price list, you can also find a 160 cm wide xpp. Therefore, you will find the material you need with us. If you want to buy HPP with a density of 140 to 160 g/m2 and a width of 140 cm, then go to the ordering page or write to our mail
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Bedding set, Nectar fabrics, Yarn, Tricot, Technical fabrics, Bed Linen Fabrics, Cotton Uzbekistan

Our company is a manufacturer of technical fabrics. We have more than 10 types of goods. Our products are regularly exported to the CIS countries. We offer you - a large assortment, timely delivery without delay, stability in quality and price We take into account the individual requirements of our customer partners

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