We manufacture products in the field of "Health and Beauty". People use sea bathing to rejuvenate and increase their attractiveness. Many go to resorts that have mineral water similar to ocean water. They use this water for external use (baths, compresses). But trips to the sea / resorts are time consuming and expensive. Our company bottles natural underground seawater concentrate from a well 1000 m deep. It contains 300 grams of 15 minerals per liter. It is used with a dilution of 5-20 times, depending on the patient's diagnoses. Health gives the usefulness of water, which is close in composition to ocean water. Delivering the concentrate to patients is not expensive compared to its value. Consumers are recovered from dozens of illnesses at home. They have a better quality of life with savings in time and money. Often and willingly, our salt concentrate is used by those who do not like pills and injections. We have been working for five years. Major clients: pharma, clinics and hospitals, selected patients.
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4.45 - 5.65/pcs
Helps to get recovery (remission) with more than 90 diseases. The natural underground composition contains 300 grams of fifteen minerals per liter (more than in the Dead Sea). It was mined from a depth of more than 1 km. A unique novelty for baths and mini-pools - high concentration seawater! Add it to your bath or mini-pool water and swim in any sea at home! Up to 150 liters of sea from 5 liters! Increases the enjoyment of life! Main advantages: · Improvement and strengthening of the whole organism (ARVI, skin, nerves, joints; psoriasis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, hypertension, excess weight) · Sea water for children is a guarantee of health and longevity! · Retained all useful minerals and trace elements · Getting water from any sea in a few minutes · Sea bathing at an affordable price The sea at your home at any time of the year!
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Water, Health and beauty, Cosmetics and perfumery, Medicine, Children care products | Russia, 109144, Россия, Москва, ул. Маршала Голованова, дом 13. |
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