Fashionable women's clothing from the manufacturer Endea gives its customers a sense of self-confidence and their uniqueness. From season to season, the Endea team creates modern collections that are qualitatively embodied in the domestic production of the company.
Own design bureaus and production, individual selection of fabrics in European and Asian factories, perfect fit, as well as consistently high quality products in combination with affordable prices ensure the love of customers and a large number of loyal audiences for the Russian manufacturer of women's clothing - tm Endea.
Designers and technologists of the LVMH group participated in the development of the first collections, the manufacturer of women's clothing Endea. Their experience with a brand such as Christian Dior has helped bring product fit to perfection.
Of particular importance is the company's sewing production in the city of Sobinka, Vladimir Region - the Fashion Style Factory. Having started its development with a small sewing workshop with twenty employees, today the enterprise is a high-tech production of women's clothing with comfortable working conditions. The factory has its own experimental department and high production facilities. The factory has triple quality control. All these aspects give partners confidence in the quality of products of the Russian manufacturer of women's clothing - Endea.
Russian manufacturer of women's clothing
The Russian manufacturer of women's clothing, Fashionstyle, produces products not only for its own Endea brand, but is also one of the reliable Russian wholesale women's clothing manufacturers who work under the order of both large federal chains and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The enterprise’s capacities are designed to produce 25,000–30,000 garments per month, and the women's clothing produced by the manufacturer is presented both in stores in Moscow and throughout Russia.
Endea Group of Companies is always happy to offer its existing and new partners interested in purchasing women's clothing of Russian manufacturers wholesale to purchase clothes made in Russia under their own brand.
A designer clothing store from a Russian manufacturer is a successful business with a quick return on investment. Endea brand is trusted by more than 250 wholesale partners in Russia and the CIS, who once procured from the Russian manufacturer of women's clothing Endea in bulk, appreciating all the advantages of the products, become regular customers of the brand.