ООО «Наш Двор-РСК» является официальным дистрибьютором ООО "Тоговый Дом «Кварц» по продаже ремонтных (МБР) составов , производство которых находится в г. Екатеринбург, на собственном кварцевом карьере. Благодаря этому, мы можем обеспечить стабильные цены на всю выпускаемую продукцию. Материалы сертифицированы и имеют положительный опыт применения в различных регионах РФ. Наша продукция рекомендована: ООО «Спецвысотстройпроект» Шматков С.Б., ОАО «Южный инженерный центр энергетики» Тен Л.Б. для ремонта и реконструкции дымовых и вентиляционных промышленных труб; испытаны и получены технологические карты в АО «ВНИИЖелезобетон». Основные направления потребления ремонтных составов МБР на предприятиях энергетики: -ремонт промышленных дымовых труб, -ремонт бетонных частей чаш и каркаса градирен, -ремонт бетонных конструкций гидротехнических сооружений, -подливка под оборудование и металлоконструкции на предприятиях энергетики, - ремонт плит перекрытий, железобетонных стеновых панелей, балок и колон, -торкретирование ЖД тоннелей, усиление торкретом подпорных стенок , -восстановление бетонных частей очистных сооружений, -ремонт опор и бетонной плиты мостов. Крупные потребители ремонтных составов МБР и МБВ: УГМК(Сафьяновская медь, Уралэлектромедь, Святогор, Гайский ГОК и др.), Русал(БАЗ, Каменск-Уральский алюминиевый завод, СУБР, Ачинский глиноземный комбинат и др.), Евраз(НТМК), Роснефть(Башнефть, Комсомольский НПЗ, Туапсинский НПЗ и др.) , Т Плюс, Фортум, Водоканалы(Екатеринбург, Тюмень, Нижневартовск, Пермь и др.) и множество других.
Make a safe deal with this supplier.
ООО Наш Двор-РСК
Cementing is one of the most complex and most critical operations in the technological cycle of well construction. Geological conditions and features sections of oil and gas fields are very diverse and complex. Groutstone, ensuring the tightness of the wells for the first time hardening, after prolonged exposure, for example high temperatures and reservoir pressures, may lose its insulating properties. Therefore an urgent problem is the creation of heat-resistant cement cements, providing preservation of physical and mechanical properties of cement stone in difficult geological conditions, including in the presence of high temperatures.
Our company produces and offers silica flour (ground quartz) with a high content of silicon oxide for use as an active mineral additive in the manufacture of heat-resistant grouting cements. This flour is produced by grinding vein chemically pure quartz. The degree of grinding of our quartz flour is similar to the fineness of grinding cement Portland cement for elevated and moderate temperatures (passage through a sieve with a mesh No. 008 - at least 90%)
Adding quartz flour effectively slows down the time of cement setting, provides uniformity and stability (non-separability) of the mortar, increases the strength of cement stone at high temperatures.
The use of heat-resistant cements allows for grouting in deep wells. with elevated bottomhole temperatures (from 101 C to 150 C), as well as in the range of moderate temperatures (75 C or less), providing high-quality fastening of casing strings throughout the placement interval solution.
Granulometric composition of quartz flour:
Sieve mesh size, mm
Sieve residue,%
The content of SiO 2 - not less than 98%
Humidity - not more than 0.7%
The specific surface is 300-350 m2 / kg.
Products are delivered by railway wagons, railway 3, 5, 20-ton containers, by road, in 1-ton MKR-1 soft containers, in bags of 25-50 kg.
Also at our dry mortar factory production of grouting compositions according to recipes is possible the customer. At the manufacturing stage additional reagents or special additives (expanding, reinforcing, clogging, etc.) can be added to the cement, providing a ready-made dry mixture for specific hydrogeological conditions.
ООО Наш Двор-РСК
Repair mixture
for concrete
ICBM 500
Appointment :
Dry construction mix MBR 500 is intended for the preparation of building fine-grained concrete (mortar) used for repairing concrete structures, monoling joints, technological holes, sealing cracks in concrete, brick walls, ceilings, etc.
Composition :
Dry construction mix MBR 500 is a polymer-mineral fine-grained mixture obtained by intensive mixing of fractionated sand, Portland cement and a complex of modifying additives.
Concrete preparation :
For the preparation of dry building mix MBR 500 pour into clean fresh water, constantly mixing until a homogeneous mass is obtained using an electric drill with a mixer nozzle or a low-speed forced-action mixer.
The amount of water required for the preparation of concrete is determined from the ratio of 0.18-0.19 l per 1 kg of dry construction mixture. Excess water contributes to the formation of cracks.
Ready concrete must be used within 15 minutes.
Preparation of the working surface (base) :
The working surface (base) must be strong, durable, free of dust, dirt, oils, fats, wax, bitumen, paint residues, cement milk, efflorescence. Cracks are broken, old fragile concrete is removed, the released reinforcement is cleaned of rust. The prepared surface is cleaned of dust with compressed air, washed with water or treated with a sandblasting machine. It is necessary to treat with a polymer-mineral primer weak and highly absorbent substrates. Metal parts must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution.
Concrete Application :
Before applying concrete, the prepared surface is abundantly moistened. The water is allowed to soak and then manually apply concrete with a spatula. It is necessary to reinforce the applied repair layer with large areas of the surface to be repaired, repair of places subject to large bending loads, and a concrete layer thickness of more than 50 mm.
Concrete laying is carried out without interruption until complete completion, or by grips. Before applying subsequent layers, it is necessary to moisten the previous layer, i.e. observe the processing method - “wet on wet”.
The temperature of the working surface should be at least + 5ºС and not more than 30ºС. At negative temperatures up to -10ºС, the repair mixture MBR500M is used. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to use water at a temperature of at least 15 ° C. Stir the solution until the antifreeze additive is completely dissolved for at least 5 minutes from the moment of adding water.
The consumption of dry mix depends on the type of repair. To repair a damaged horizontal surface with a repair layer thickness of 50 mm, 95-110 kg of mixture per 1 sq.m. To close a hole in a concrete wall with a diameter of 30-35 mm and a depth of 10 cm, 150-200 g of mixture is required, to close a crack with a width of 20 mm and a length of 1 m at a depth of 20 mm, 700-750 g of mixture are required.
Specifications :
Portland cement
fractionated sand
Placeholder fraction
up to 1.0 mm
Water retention capacity
not less than 9 5 %
Maximum thickness in one run
50 mm
Water consumption for cooking
0.18-0.19 L per 1 kg of mixture
not less than 60 min
Work surface temperature
For MBR-500
For MBR-500M
from + 5˚С to + 30˚С
from -10˚С to + 5˚С
Compression strength after 28 days (grade)
500 kgf / m 2 (50 MPa)
Peel strength from concrete surface
17.5 kgf / m 2 (1.75 MPa)
Frost resistance
no less than 400 cycles
Water resistant
not less than W 10
Safety precautions :
Portland cement contained in the mixture, when interacting with water, forms an alkali. Avoid getting ready-made mortar on the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse the contact area with clean running water.
Strength chart of ICBM 500M (seven-day strength calculation)
p / p
Hardening temperature, ° С
The strength in the samples is 70.7x70.7x70.7 mm when hardening for
1 day
3 days
7 days
14 days
28 days
The set of strength can vary within the permissible variation of 15%.
Shelf life :
Store mortar in a dry place at a relative humidity of 60%, temperature from –50 to +50 ˚С. Shelf life in the manufacturer’s packaging 6 months from the date of manufacture
ООО Наш Двор-РСК
Repair mixture
for concrete
ICBM 400
Appointment :
Dry construction mix MBR 400 is intended for the preparation of building fine-grained concrete used for repairing concrete structures, monoling joints, technological holes, filling cracks, etc.
Composition :
Dry construction mix MBR 400 is a polymer-mineral fine-grained mixture obtained by intensive mixing of fractionated sand, Portland cement and a complex of modifying additives.
Concrete preparation :
For the preparation of dry building mix MBR 400 poured into clean fresh water, constantly mixing until a homogeneous mass with a wooden spatula, electric drill with mixer nozzle or low-speed forced-action stirrer. Mixing is carried out for at least 5 minutes.
The amount of water required for the preparation of concrete is determined from the ratio of 0.2-0.22 L per 1 kg of dry construction mixture (5.5-5.75 L of water per bag of 25 kg of dry construction mixture). The exact amount of water is determined when the consistency required for the work, the plasticity of the building concrete, is achieved.
Ready concrete to stand for 5 minutes to obtain complete homogeneity and then re-mix.
Ready concrete must be used within 1 hour.
Preparation of the working surface (base) :
The working surface (base) must be strong, durable, free from dust, dirt, oils, fats, wax, bitumen, paint residues. Cracks are broken, old fragile concrete is removed, the released reinforcement is cleaned of rust. The prepared surface is cleaned of dust using compressed air.
Weak old concrete or mortar reinforced with polymer-mineral primer
Apply a highly absorbent surface to the primer.
Metal parts must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution.
Concrete Application :
Before applying concrete, the prepared surface is abundantly moistened. Allow the water to soak in and then apply the concrete manually. For large areas of the surface to be repaired, repair of places subject to large bending loads, the layer of applied concrete, the thickness of the concrete layer of more than 50 mm must be reinforced with an alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh, metal reinforcement or fiber.
Concrete laying is carried out without interruption until complete completion, or by grips. Before applying subsequent layers, it is necessary to moisten the previous layer, i.e. observe the processing method - “wet on wet”.
The temperature of the working surface should be at least + 5ºС and not more than 30ºС.
Concrete consumption depends on the type of repair. To repair a damaged horizontal surface of 95-110 kg per 1 sq. M of the surface to be repaired with a layer thickness of 50 mm.
Specifications :
Portland cement
fractionated sand
Placeholder fraction
up to 1.0 mm
Water retention capacity
not less than 98%
Maximum thickness in one run
50 mm
Water consumption for cooking
0.2-0.22 L per 1 kg of mixture
at least 1 hour
Hardening time
24 hours
Work surface temperature
from + 5˚С to + 30˚С
Compressive strength (grade)
400 kgf / m 2 (40 MPa)
Peel strength from concrete surface
17.5 kgf / m 2 (1.75 MPa)
Frost resistance
no less than 400 cycles
Safety precautions :
Portland cement contained in the mixture, when interacting with water, forms an alkali. Avoid getting ready-made mortar on the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse the contact area with clean running water.
Shelf life :
Store mortar in a dry place at a relative humidity of 60%, temperature from –50 to +50 ˚С. Shelf life in the manufacturer’s packaging 6 months from the date of manufacture
ООО Наш Двор-РСК
Repair mixture
for concrete
ICBM 300
Appointment :
Dry construction mix MBR 300 is intended for the preparation of building fine-grained concrete used for repairing concrete structures, monoling joints, technological holes, sealing cracks, etc.
Composition :
Dry construction mix MBR 300 is a polymer-mineral fine-grained mixture obtained by intensive mixing of fractionated sand, Portland cement and a complex of modifying additives.
Concrete preparation :
For the preparation of dry building mix MBR 300 poured into clean fresh water, constantly mixing until a homogeneous mass with a wooden spatula, electric drill with mixer nozzle or low-speed forced-action stirrer. Mixing is carried out for at least 5 minutes.
The amount of water required for the preparation of concrete is determined from the ratio of 0.2-0.22 L per 1 kg of dry construction mixture (5.5-5.75 L of water per bag of 25 kg of dry construction mixture). The exact amount of water is determined when the consistency required for the work, the plasticity of the building concrete, is achieved.
Ready concrete to stand for 5 minutes to obtain complete homogeneity and then re-mix.
Ready concrete must be used within 1 hour.
Preparation of the working surface (base) :
The working surface (base) must be strong, durable, free from dust, dirt, oils, fats, wax, bitumen, paint residues. Cracks are broken, old fragile concrete is removed, the released reinforcement is cleaned of rust. The prepared surface is cleaned of dust using compressed air.
Weak old concrete or mortar reinforced with polymer-mineral primer
Apply a highly absorbent surface to the primer.
Metal parts must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution.
Concrete Application :
Before applying concrete, the prepared surface is abundantly moistened. Allow the water to soak in and then apply the concrete manually. For large areas of the surface to be repaired, repair of places subject to large bending loads, the layer of applied concrete, the thickness of the concrete layer of more than 50 mm must be reinforced with an alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh, metal reinforcement or fiber.
Concrete laying is carried out without interruption until complete completion, or by grips. Before applying subsequent layers, it is necessary to moisten the previous layer, i.e. observe the processing method - “wet on wet”.
The temperature of the working surface when applying MBR300 should be not less than + 5ºС and not more than 30ºС.
The temperature of the working surface when applying MBR300M should be at least -10ºС and not more than + 5ºС.
Concrete consumption depends on the type of repair. To repair a damaged horizontal surface of 95-110 kg per 1 sq. M of the surface to be repaired with a layer thickness of 50 mm.
Specifications :
Portland cement
fractionated sand
Placeholder fraction
up to 1.0 mm
Water retention capacity
not less than 98%
Maximum thickness in one run
50 mm
Water consumption for cooking
0.2-0.22 L per 1 kg of mixture
at least 1 hour
Hardening time
24 hours
Work surface temperature
For MBR-300
For MBR-300M
from + 5˚С to + 30˚С
from -10˚С to + 5˚С
Compressive strength (grade)
300 kgf / m 2 (30 MPa)
Peel strength from concrete surface
18 kgf / m 2 (1.8 MPa)
Frost resistance
no less than 400 cycles
Safety precautions :
Portland cement contained in the mixture, when interacting with water, forms an alkali. Avoid getting ready-made mortar on the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse the contact area with clean running water.
Shelf life :
Store mortar in a dry place at a relative humidity of 60%, temperature from –50 to +50 ˚С. Shelf life in the manufacturer’s packaging 6 months from the date of manufacture
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