Our company provides a full range of services for organizing the import of goods from China. You can order us only those services that your company needs or all these services in a complex:
- Search for suppliers, checking their capabilities and reliability, selecting competing suppliers in accordance with your requests.
- Negotiating with suppliers. At your request, we will provide you with the opportunity to directly interact with the supplier, organize trips and negotiations, provide information support and offices in China. We will advise on the supply contract.
- Daily work with the supplier. We will help you do business in China without leaving your desktop.
- Logistics services, preliminary analysis of all aspects of cargo transportation. Consolidation of goods.
- Customs clearance services. Customs calculation and declaration of goods, execution of all necessary documents for customs clearance of goods, submission of cargo customs declarations to state customs authorities, control and support of all customs procedures, selection of TNVED product codes, “customs audit”.
- Refund of Chinese VAT.
- We provide official translation services certified by a seal.