ООО «Фаворит-агро»

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About company
Categories: Address:
Veterinary and Animal Feed Russia, Семиреченская, 130Г

Favorit-Agro company offers the production and sale of feed, animal feed, BMVD (protein vitamin and mineral supplements) for agricultural animals of all categories and ages. In addition, it is possible to make additives according to the customer’s recipe. For our customers, we provide transportation services (car and railway).
Our trademark is registered in the state register of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation.
All details on the official website of the company.

The company produces and sells mineral additives for livestock, processes grain. We carry our products not only in the Omsk region, but also deliver to other Russian regions, as well as abroad and the CIS. Delivery terms with each customer are negotiated individually, as well as prices. To regular customers we always give very good discounts.

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