LLC "Factory of leather goods" We are located in Belarus. (Bags, clothes, belts and anything else from leather and fabric.) We will produce any product from leather and fabric. Cooperation options (MOQ) from 100 items of goods. At the same time, the factory allows you to work with a volume of up to 10,000 units per month. We know how to sew luxury quality. We develop individual designs and constructions. We have a very high speed of work, and we have been on the leather goods market for 10 years. Why our announcement may be useful to you: 1. We can produce corporate gifts for companies. 2. You are trading on marketplaces and looking for relevant products for listing. 3. Perhaps you are a dealer, and we would be happy to work with you.
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Women's Accessories, Women's belts, Men's accessories, Belts for men, Children's Accessories, Belts, suspenders, Bags, Leather goods | Belarus |
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