ООО «ДелКо»

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About company
Categories: Address:
Meat, Seafood, Sausage Russia, Муромская 18, строение 10

Hello. DelCo company offers you cooperation on favorable terms. We always have fresh products, competitive prices, promotions, bonuses, returns, well-developed logistics, deferred payment and other conditions negotiated individually with each client. Our company is engaged in the production of fish products (hot smoked, cold smoked, including vacuum-packed and sliced, preserves, dried fish and delicacies), as well as sausages and meat products (cooked ham, deli and smoked sausages, smoked sausages , boiled, half-smoked, raw smoked, sausages and sausages, jellied meat). Our partners include federal chain stores such as Auchan, Atak, Dixy, x5 retail group, Kvartal, SPAR, Verny, hypermarkets, large distributors and wholesale bases. For more detailed information you can contact by phone 9302241070 or write to Turp2010 mail dog Yandex dot ru.

Logistics throughout the Russian Federation. Free shipping.

We discuss working conditions and prices individually.

Big discounts on volume.

We offer a retro bonus, promotions, motivation, production of STM

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