Мусихин. Мир мёда

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About company
Categories: Address:
Honey Russia, ул. Салмышская, д. 14, а/я 240

In the company “Musikhin. The World of Honey ”presents a wide range of honey products - more than 30 different varieties of dark and light honey, propolis, beef, wax, explosions, creams, balms, syrups, teas, etc. All products are safe and of high quality, which is confirmed by the corresponding licenses and certificates . Buy honey products in LLC Musikhin. The World of Honey ”can be wholesale and retail.

Wholesale honey

Wholesale honey can be ordered with delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. When buying more than one cubotainer (weight products) or 1 box (packaged products), special prices and terms of cooperation apply. You can get more accurate information in the sales department of our company.

Buying honey at retail

If you are looking for tasty and healthy honey for yourself and your family, you can buy it with delivery to any region of the Russian Federation from us - at Musikhin. The world of honey. " The site provides all the information if you have questions, you can always get advice from our manager by phone or online

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