«Мелеузовский молочноконсервный комбинат»

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Milk Products Russia, ул. Ленина, д 35

Production of dry dairy products, butter, whole milk products.

CJSC Meleuzovsky Milk Canning Plant is the largest enterprise for the production and processing of milk and dairy products, a prominent representative of the dairy industry with a rich history of more than 70 years and traditions.

Since February 1940, the Meleuzovsky milk powder plant was put into trial operation. In the first year of its operation, 11,863 tons of milk were processed and 20 types of products were produced.

In the beginning of the 50s, the team, without expanding the area, proceeded to radical technical re-equipment, the main and auxiliary workshops, as well as the raw material zone of the enterprise.

To enlarge production and improve public services in 1964, the cannery was reconstructed at the plant with the installation of two additional drying units and three vacuum / apparatuses, which doubled the capacity of the plant.

In 1966, the plant was renamed the Meleuzovsky Dairy Plant.

In 1968, with the commissioning of the Nemo-500 drying plants, the export of products abroad began.

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