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Education, Creativity and Design in bulk on Qoovee

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USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Картина по номерам Сальвадор Дали. Постоянство памяти - набор для рисования, с помощью которого нарисовать настоящий шедевр не составит труда. Все, что нужно, просто следовать нумерации на холсте и закрашивать сегменты рисунка краской соответствующего цвета. Количество красок: 24Уровень сложности: трудныйЗащитить готовую картину от воздействия ультрафиолетовых лучей и влаги поможет акриловый лак в наборе. Перед использованием его необходимо разбавить водой в соотношении 1:1. Лак следует наносить на краску в качестве финишного покрытия.Состав набора: холст из натурального хлопка на деревянном подрамнике (холст предварительно прогрунтован), нейлоновые кисти разного размера 3 шт., акриловые краски (устойчивые к выцветанию), крепление на стену, акриловый лак (2 баночки).ГабаритыШирина 40 см.Высота 50 см.Глубина 3 см.В упаковке 0 шт.Кол-во в коробке 20 шт.ДоставкаБес­плат­ная доставка по Москве до транс­порт­ной компании от 15 000 руб.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Картина по номерам Сальвадор Дали. Постоянство памяти - набор для рисования, с помощью которого нарисовать настоящий шедевр не составит труда. Все, что нужно, просто следовать нумерации на холсте и закрашивать сегменты рисунка краской соответствующего цвета. Количество красок: 24Уровень сложности: трудныйЗащитить готовую картину от воздействия ультрафиолетовых лучей и влаги поможет акриловый лак в наборе. Перед использованием его необходимо разбавить водой в соотношении 1:1. Лак следует наносить на краску в качестве финишного покрытия.Состав набора: холст из натурального хлопка на деревянном подрамнике (холст предварительно прогрунтован), нейлоновые кисти разного размера 3 шт., акриловые краски (устойчивые к выцветанию), крепление на стену, акриловый лак (2 баночки).ГабаритыШирина 40 см.Высота 50 см.Глубина 3 см.В упаковке 0 шт.Кол-во в коробке 20 шт.ДоставкаБес­плат­ная доставка по Москве до транс­порт­ной компании от 15 000 руб.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Картина по номерам Сальвадор Дали. Лицо войны - набор для рисования, с помощью которого любой сможет нарисовать на холсте красивую картину. Раскрашивание по номерам развивает внимание, аккуратность, усидчивость. Количество красок: 24Уровень сложности: трудныйЗащитить готовую картину от воздействия ультрафиолетовых лучей и влаги поможет акриловый лак в наборе. Перед использованием его необходимо разбавить водой в соотношении 1:1. Лак следует наносить на краску в качестве финишного покрытия.Состав набора: холст из натурального хлопка на деревянном подрамнике (холст предварительно прогрунтован), нейлоновые кисти разного размера 3 шт., акриловые краски (устойчивые к выцветанию), крепление на стену, акриловый лак (2 баночки).ГабаритыШирина 40 см.Высота 50 см.Глубина 3 см.В упаковке 0 шт.Кол-во в коробке 20 шт.ДоставкаБес­плат­ная доставка по Москве до транс­порт­ной компании от 15 000 руб.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number Salvador Dali. Living still life is an analogue of traditional painting, but on canvas. Observing the numbering of the fragments of the picture, you need to decorate the picture with paints. It is recommended to start with lighter shades, gradually progressing to darker ones. Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number Salvador Dali's invisible man - a set for painting on canvas with paints. Drawing a picture is simple and pleasant. The sketch of the painting is divided into segments with numbers, each of which must be colored, following the numbering. Number of colors: 23 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number A dream caused by the flight of a bee, Salvador Dali, according to the principle of creation, is similar to painting on paper, only in this case the drawing is applied to canvas. Following the numbering, you need to decorate the picture with paints. Paintings by numbers give the opportunity to feel like a real artist, develop creative potential. Number of colors: 27 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number A dream caused by the flight of a bee, Salvador Dali, according to the principle of creation, is similar to painting on paper, only in this case the drawing is applied to canvas. Following the numbering, you need to decorate the picture with paints. Paintings by numbers give the opportunity to feel like a real artist, develop creative potential. Number of colors: 27 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number Galatea of ​​spheres - coloring by numbers on canvas. The principle is simple: you need to paint over the numbered segments of the drawing with paints of the desired color. Coloring trains fine motor skills of hands, trains memory, develops imagination. Number of paints: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Paint by number Phenomenon of a face and a fruit vase, Salvador Dali - a painting kit with which you can paint a picture by numbers. Acrylic paints are suitable for coloring. To paint a picture, you need to paint over the numbered fragments of the picture with the appropriate paints. Coloring develops creative imagination, thinking, teaches you to concentrate. Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Painting Angelu Millet - a set for children's creativity, with which you can draw a beautiful picture. You just need to paint over the numbered segments with paint of the desired color. Coloring pictures by numbers develops creativity, instills a love of drawing. Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: medium Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 28 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 28 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of paints: 26 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 27 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. Package 0 pcs. < br> Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic lacquer (2 cans) Dimensions Width 40 cm. Height 50 cm. Depth 3 cm. B pack 0 pcs. Qty per box 20 pcs. Shipping Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15,000 rubles.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Painting by numbers Lake Como. Italy captured the third largest lake in Italy, the beauty of which can be seen in the paintings "Ocean's Twelve", "Casino Royale", "A Month by the Lake". Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of paints: 26 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 23 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of paints: 26 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 25 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Animalistic plot in the picture by numbers Sweet couple - a combination of tenderness and strength. Number of colors: 23 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Number of colors: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.
USD 8.55/pcs 8.55
Painting by numbers Dancing in the rain was painted using L. Afremov's favorite technique - mirror reflection on wet asphalt. Street lights fill the street with light after rain. Number of paints: 24 Difficulty level: difficult Acrylic varnish in the set will help protect the finished painting from exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. It must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. The varnish should be applied to the paint as a topcoat. Contents of the set: natural cotton canvas on a wooden stretcher (canvas is pre-primed), nylon brushes of different sizes 3 pcs., Acrylic paints (fade resistant), wall mount, acrylic varnish (2 jars). Dimensions Width 50 cm. Height 40 cm. Depth 2 cm. In a package 0 pcs. Qty in a box 0 pcs. Delivery Free delivery in Moscow to a transport company from 15 000 rub.

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