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Natural cosmetics in bulk on Qoovee

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Exfoliderm Skin Care Gel Содержит в составе комплекс активных ингредиентов для лечения гиперпигментации, постакне, жирной и склонной к акне кожи. Skin Care Gel Помогает быстро избавиться от угревой сыпи, постакне, прыщей и черных точек подслушивает их, предотвращая повторное появление. Оказывает противовоспалительное, антисептическое и бактерицидное действие. Снимает воспаление, способствует сужению пор, быстро избавляет от прыщей и угревой сыпи, предотвращает рецидивы. Регулярное применение геля помогает избавиться от акне, постакне и гиперпигментации, Состав: Ниацинамид 4% Салициловая кислота Молочная кислота Экстракт конского каштана Тип кожи: жирная, комбинированная
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Essential Care Cream Нежный крем с ниациномидом4% витамином Е глубоко увлажняет обеспечивает настоящий королевский уход за вашей кожей. 4% Ниацинамида способствует регенерации клеток, выполняет защитную и омолаживающую функцию, повышает эластичность и упругость кожи, выравнивает тонн и рельеф, устраняет пигментацию. Активный помощник в борьбе с воспалениями и постакне, он оказывает выраженное противомикробное действие, сужает поры и нормализует работу сальных желёз. Второй ключевой компонент, Витамин Е, насыщает эпидермис кислородом, помогает поддерживать необходимый уровень влаги. Способствует глубокому увлажнению и питанию кожи, придают ей мягкость и тонус, разглаживает морщины и заживляют микротрещины. ESSENTIAL CARE CREAM активно борется с шелушениями и тусклым цветом лица, придает здоровое сияние и бархатистость. Тип кожи: Для всех типов кожи
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LUWISCHE ANTİ-AGİNG Hydration крем против первых признаков старения 26+ Нежный крем увлажняет и защищает кожу, Предупреждает появление первых признаков возраста. Способствует глубокому увлажнению и питанию кожи, придают ей мягкость и тонус, разглаживает морщины и заживляют микротрещины. Состав: Гиалуроновая кислота — наделена свойством притягивать и удерживать воду. тем самым обеспечивает упругость каркаса кожи и укрепляет его. Ниацинамид — водорастворимый витамин группы в (также встречается под названиями никотинамид или витамин В3), жизненно важный элемент для всего организма, и для кожи в частности. Он способствует укреплению гидролипидного барьера кожи и улучшает ее внешний вид Ниацинамид в комплексе с другими активными компонентами косметических средств дает дополнительные преимущества Провитамин В5 — увлажнение и анти-эйдж уход. Чудесно кондиционирует кожу и разглаживает мелкие морщины. Обладает мощной противовоспалительной активностью. Устраняет покраснения, Помогает при эпителизации. В заживлении и восстановлении целостности кожных покровов после серьезных поражений (раны,ожоги и т.д.)Заинтересует любителей красивого загара. D-пантенол увеличивает выработку пигмента. Таким способом он защищает клетки кожи от разрушающего их УФ излучения Календула — экстракт календулы очень популярен в косметологии, поскольку он успокаивает, снимает воспаление, заживляет: стимулирует защитные функции кожи; оказывает омолаживающее действие, устраняет ощущение сухости и дискомфорта; активизирует репарацию клеток, тонизирует, разглаживает кожный покров; усиливает действие солнцезащитных средств; Тип кожи: для всех типов кожи.
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Epsom salt - it is impossible to replace any other bath salt (sea, Himalayan). This is because it has completely different properties. Compound. Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate, that's the main difference! MAX. Cleaning 99.9% ⠀ Epsom salt has drainage properties. That is, it removes excess fluid from the body along with toxins, thereby unloading your body from unnecessary debris. And add on the anti-cellulite effect, the orange peel is smoothed out with regular use. Epsom salt does not dry out the skin. The skin is saturated with magnesium, becomes soft and silky. And if the skin has allergic rashes or atopic dermatitis - Epsom salt will gently heal the wounds and relieve itching and you will feel the long-awaited relief! This salt is subject to a comprehensive recovery of the body. Due to magnesium, muscles and joints are strengthened, blood pressure returns to normal❤, nerves are restored, migraines and insomnia go away. ⠀ If you add Epsom salt to hair care cosmetics, they will become voluminous and strong! ⠀ Baths with salt can be taken even by babies!
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Magnesium milk. Own development (certified) Deeply moisturizes, nourishes, saturates the body with MAGNESIUM!!!
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magnesium oil is ideal, magnesium chloride 98%. Because we all know that magnesium is practically not absorbed through the digestive tract, and the best option is through the skin! ⠀ If you have difficulties with your hair, they fall out, break and so on. The oil accelerates and stimulates hair growth. ⠀ If you suffer from migraines, apply oil to the whiskey and the attacks will go away ⠀ If your pressure jumps, oil, how an experienced "conductor" normalizes it ⠀ The oil will calm the nervous system, increase stress resistance, and give a restful sleep. Relieves irritation in skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema ⠀ Helps to quickly get rid of pain in the joints and muscles after training and not only Magnesium oil is a multifunctional remedy for almost all occasions! ⠀It is very easy to apply Principle: spray ➡ rub ➡ wait ➡ rinse/wipe.
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
he hydrating balm that will get you revitalized and seriously cool. Its penetrating peppermint scent will get your lips fresh and enhance your mood with a tingling sensation. The wild and hydrating REVIVE coconut oil lip balm is double size because we want it last longer. Looks and feels like a lip balm but… who said you could only use balm for your lips? We created it multi-purpose for a more sustainable lifestyle. Apply it to any area of your gorgeous skin and benefit of the antiseptic, refreshing and stimulating properties of the mint. * Bioactive * Protects * Mint boost
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
This sweet and floral balm will get you blooming and relaxed. The pure lavender essential oil is incredibly aromatherapist and highly beneficial to defy emotions of anxiety. The wild and hydrating RELAX coconut oil lip balm is double size because we want it last longer. Looks and feels like a lip balm but… who said you could only use balm for your lips? We created it multi-purpose for a more sustainable lifestyle. Apply it to any area of your gorgeous skin and removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness. Your mental activity deserves balance. * Bioactive * Protects * Floral boost
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A seriously hydrating lip balm and refreshing. Its citrusy grapefruit scent will lift up your joy thanks to its detoxifying and clarifying properties. Looks and feels like a lip balm but… who said you could only use balm for your lips? We created it multi-purpose for a more sustainable lifestyle. Apply it to any area of your gorgeous skin and get that well-deserved citrus boost. * Bioactive * Protects * Citrus Boost
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A hydrating lip balm with a sheer tint packed with natural emollients. As the sun rises, SUNRISE gives you a natural tan of subtle orange, nourishing with extra deliciousness to your (already) flawless lips. * Bioactive * Protects * Hypoallergenic colourant
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A hydrating lip balm with a sheer tint packed with natural emollients. This ultimate rose will make you SPARK with a healthy glow while nourishing with extra deliciousness your (already) flawless lips. * Bioactive * Protects * Hypoallergenic colourant
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A hydrating lip balm with a sheer tint packed with natural emollients, quietly cheering yet soothing. The subtle crimson of SMOOCH will nourish with extra deliciousness to your (already) flawless lips. * Bioactive * Protects * Hypoallergenic colourant
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A hydrating lip balm with a sheer tint packed with natural emollients. The sheer, warm metallic red and peach undertones make our PASSION firing wild. While desire raises, you stay nourished adding extra deliciousness to your (already) flawless lips. * Bioactive * Protects * Hypoallergenic colourant
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 15.25/pcs 15.25
A hydrating lip balm with a sheer tint packed with natural emollients, quietly cheering yet soothing. The subtle pink of CORAL will nourish with extra deliciousness to your (already) flawless lips. * Bioactive * Protects * Hypoallergenic colourant
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 18.5/pcs 18.5
Warm and woody, ZEN comes for you to sweat off the stress. It contains the aromas of wellness and vitality recharged by the blend of Cedarwood, Bergamot and Vetiver essential oils. Ommm... it’s mind-soothing. BEST NATURAL DEODORANT WITHOUT * ALUMINUM * CLEAN INGREDIENTS FOR HEALTHY LIVING * LONG LASTING YET COMPACT * PLASTIC FREE DEODORANT * KIDS FRIENDLY, AND PREGNANCY SAFE.
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 18.5/pcs 18.5
Feel ready to walk fearlessly in every journey. The victorious on this deed are Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Rosemary, the push of essential oils you need to seize the day! HERO keeps your mind-focused, stimulated and adventurous. BEST NATURAL DEODORANT WITHOUT * ALUMINUM * CLEAN INGREDIENTS FOR HEALTHY LIVING * LONG LASTING YET COMPACT * PLASTIC FREE DEODORANT * KIDS FRIENDLY, AND PREGNANCY SAFE.
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 18.5/pcs 18.5
Time to feel salvage with the most coconutty of our deo’s. Because self-love is the best love, we want you free and fresh. COCONUT'S nice, light coconut aroma means it never crashes with your favourite perfumes. It is a hypoallergenic deodorant to suit extra sensitive skin! BEST NATURAL DEODORANT WITHOUT * ALUMINUM * CLEAN INGREDIENTS FOR HEALTHY LIVING * LONG LASTING YET COMPACT * PLASTIC FREE DEODORANT * KIDS FRIENDLY, AND PREGNANCY SAFE.
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 18.5/pcs 18.5
This citrusy wonder is a deodorant, not lemonade! As soon as you pop it open, the refreshing blend of Lemongrass, Lime and Frankincense essential oils will make you feel a boost of energy and brings clarity to the mind. Smells like BLISS and reigns with a tropical character. BEST NATURAL DEODORANT WITHOUT * ALUMINUM * CLEAN INGREDIENTS FOR HEALTHY LIVING * LONG LASTING YET COMPACT * PLASTIC FREE DEODORANT * KIDS FRIENDLY, AND PREGNANCY SAFE.
Be Organic Foodstuff
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
USD 18.5/pcs 18.5
Flowers pumping in a good MOOD, SPRING gets you flourishing even on the cloudy times. All because we scent it with the essential oils of goddesses: Geranium, Lavender and Lime. A blend with Uplifting properties for your mind to bloom with grace and have you raining happiness.
USD 1.08 - 2.16/pcs
USD 73.12/pcs 73.12
Natural gel with a high concentration of Ginkgo biloba, Yarrow and Ursina grape extracts, capable of carrying out a gradual, effective and non-aggressive lightening action. Paraben-free, Peg-free, purified and biodynamized water, wild-harvested plants, natural fragrance, VegetalOK. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Alcohol, Glycerin, Xanthan gum, Achillea millefolium extract, Arctostaphylos uva ursi leaf extract, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, Citrus limon peel oil*, Limonene, Citral. *from organic farmin.
USD 43.19/pcs 43.19
A delicate organic cleanser suitable for the frequent washing of the body and hair, it ensures the gentle and careful cleansing of the body and hair, thanks to refined surface agents of exclusively plant-based origin and selected extracts of plants that have a revitalising and skin rebalancing action, such as cypress, green tea, rosemary and horse chestnut. In contact with water, the plant extracts immediately release their fresh fragrance, for a refreshing shower that is kind to the skin and hair. Does not contain sulphates. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance, VegetalOK, Aiab certified for organic. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Water*, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Decyl glucoside, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Parfum, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Aesculus Hippocastanum Seed Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Cupressus Sempervirens Fruit Extract, Tocopherol, Xanthan Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Decyl alcohol, Sodium benzoate. *from organic farming.
USD 54.44/pcs 54.44
Special intensive serum, with strong plumping and relaxing properties. With blueberry, liquorice and cypress extracts, which stimulate and protect collagen production from the effects of oxidising agents, while promoting a toning and protective effect on the blood capillaries. Light and airy, it is not greasy and immediately penetrates deeply, leaving the skin soft and pleasantly moisturised. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance, VegetalOK. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Glycerin, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract, Cupressus Sempervirens Fruit Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Aesculus Hippocastanum Seed Extract, Symphytum Officinale Root Extract, Parfum, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Tocopherol *from organic farming.
USD 46.04/pcs 46.04
This special fast-absorbing cream is ideal for effectively and naturally nourishing and protecting the skin, leaving it soft and pleasantly scented. The presence of Aloe improves the moisturising and repairing capabilities of even the most dehydrated skin, reducing redness and inflammation, while the synergy of precious oils and butters and the natural extracts of horse chestnut, green tea and cypress repair micro-lesions of the skin, while also helping to strengthen the nails. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance,VegetalOK. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil*, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Cetyl alcohol, Sesamum indicum seed oil, Oryza sativa bran oil, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Cetearyl glucoside, Glycerin, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum, Potassium sorbate, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Tocopherol, Canola oil, Aesculus hippocastanum seed extract, Camellia sinensis leaf extract, Cupressus sempervirens fruit extract, Citric acid, Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder, Vitis vinifera leaf extract*, Sodium benzoate, Rosmarinus officinalis extract. *from organic farming.
USD 61.22/pcs 61.22
Cream specially formulated for the care of male facial skin, especially as a smoothing agent for roughness of the eye contour. Thanks to the elasticising, antioxidant and toning properties of its plant extracts, it performs an important revitalising action, visibly attenuating the signs of fatigue from the face Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance,VegetalOK, Aiab certified for organic. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil*, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil*, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter*, Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil, Cetearyl Glucoside, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil*, Borago Officinalis Seed Oil, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables, Cupressus Sempervirens Fruit Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Aesculus Hippocastanum Seed Extract, Parfum, Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Potassium Sorbate, Citric acid. *from organic farming.
USD 57.62/pcs 57.62
A fresh and light emulsion, based on shea butter, sweet almond oil, argan oil and vitamin E, which form a fluid that not only nourishes and softens the skin, but also protects it from photo-ageing. Restores hydration and calms redness after shaving. Its richness in emollient active ingredients also make the product ideal for applying before shaving, especially in the case of sensitive skin. Does not contain ethyl alcohol. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance, VegetalOK, Aiab certified for organic. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter*, Cetearyl Glucoside, Parfum, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil*, Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Potassium Sorbate. *from organic farming.
USD 71.41/pcs 71.41
Body lotion with hyaluronic acid, which has an extraordinary smoothing effect, help to provide support and firmness and is effective in combatting cellular ageing. Thanks to the synergy of Rosa centifolia extracts and precious oils, its eudermic, elasticising and firming properties are maximised, helping to counteract the imperfections caused by stretch marks. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, PEG-free, GMO-free, cold-pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Persea gratissima oil, Cetyl alcohol, Helianthus annuus seed oil*,Oryza sativa bran oil, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil*, Glycerin,Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Cetearyl glucoside, Rosa centifolia flower water, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum, Potassium sorbate, Tocopherol, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Sodium hyaluronate, Citric acid, Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder, Boswellia carterii oil, Citronellol, Geraniol, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Limonene, Citral. *from organic farming
USD 48.2/pcs 48.2
Hand cream characterized with a remarkable eudermic compatibility, capable to help restore the hydrolipidic film of the even most chapped skins. With Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid, providing a smoothing effect and reducing the signs of skin ageing, for visibly younger hands. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, natural fragrance, cold pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Rosa centifolia flower water, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Sesamum indicum seed oil, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil*, Cetyl alcohol, Prunusamygdalus dulcis oil, Vitis vinifera seed oil, Glycerin, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Cetearyl glucoside, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Tocopherol, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Sodium hyaluronate, Citric acid, Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder, Malva sylvestris flower/leaf extract, Boswellia carterii oil, Citronellol, Geraniol, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Limonene, Citral. *from organic farming.
USD 68.56/pcs 68.56
Face cream with a high content of hyaluronic acid, help to produce an extraordinary smoothing, firming and toning effect. In combination with extracts of Rosa centifolia, borage and marsh-mallow, its capacity for maintaining the skin’s optimal hydration, radiance and well-being is maximized. Formulated with the addition of vitamin E, with its antioxidant properties, and precious natural oils and butters that are rich in fatty acids, to nourish and soften the skin. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, PEG-free, GMO-free, cold-pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Rosa centifolia flower water, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil*, Cetyl alcohol, Borago officinalis seed oil, Prunus amygdalus dulcis oil, Prunus armeniaca kernel oil, Glycerin, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Cetearyl glucoside, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Punica granatum seed oil, Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Tocopherol, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Sodium hyaluronate, Citric acid, Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder, Malva sylvestris flower/leaf extract, Boswellia carterii oil, Citronellol, Geraniol, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Limonene, Citral. *from organic farming.
USD 70.81/pcs 70.81
High-performance fluid with a high concentration of natural active ingredients, which have a plumping effect and help to improve the texture and elasticity of the skin. Hyaluronic acid penetrates deeply, restoring an immediate tightening effect to the skin and giving a relaxed and radiant appearance to the features of the face and décolleté. Aromatic Rosa centifolia water and extracts of Rosa canina, with their refreshing and eudermic properties, play an important toning, revitalising and astringent role in this serum, contributing to its antioxidant and anti-wrinkle action. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, natural fragrance, cold pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, VegetalOK. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Rosa centifolia flower water, Aqua, Glycerin, Sodiumhyaluronate, Ascorbic acid, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Citric acid, Boswellia carterii oil, Rosa canina fruit extract, Citronellol, Geraniol, Aesculus hippocastanum seed extract*, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Sodium benzoate, Limonene, Tocopherol, Citral. *from organic farming.
USD 73.61/pcs 73.61
Massaging roll-on for the eye contour based on Hyaluronic Acid, Geranium and draining plant extracts such as Cypress and Centella asiatica for a visible reduction of imperfections around the eye contour, in particular bags and dark circles. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, PEG-free, GMO-free, cold-pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Glycerin, Rosa centifolia flower water, Sodium hyaluronate, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Ascorbic acid, Cupressus sempervirens fruit extract, Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Achillea millefolium extract, Plantago lanceolata leaf extract, Centellaasiatica leaf extract, Equisetum arvense extract, Citric acid, Boswellia carterii oil, Citronellol, Sodium benzoate, Geraniol, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Limonene, Tocopherol, Citral. *from organic farming.
USD 62.83/pcs 62.83
Concentrated roll-on with hyaluronic acid, gotu kola and comfrey, to help counteract fine lines around the eyes, giving firmness and support to the skin and a fresh and luminous look from the first application. Contributes to the production of collagen and vitamin E, which neutralises the action of free radicals, curbing the effects of oxidative stress. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, natural fragrance, cold pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Rosa centifolia flower water, Aqua, Glycerin, Sodiumhyaluronate, Ascorbic acid, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Citric acid, Boswellia carterii oil, Symphytum officinale root extract, Citronellol, Geraniol, Centella asiatica leaf extract, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Linalool, Sodium benzoate, Limonene, Tocopherol, Citral. *from organic farming.
USD 59.2/pcs 59.2
Massaging roll-on effective in moisturising and supporting the skin and restoring firmness and plasticity, thanks to the presence of hyaluronic acid and geranium essential oil, recognised for its particular anti-wrinkle, eutrophic and stimulating properties. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, PEG-free, GMO-free, cold-pressed plants oils, purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Rosa centifolia flower water, Sodium hyaluronate, Benzylalcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Ascorbic acid, Althaea officinalis root extract,Potassium sorbate, Parfum, Allantoin, Hydrolyzed oat protein, Xanthan gum, Pelargonium graveolens oil*, Citric acid, Boswellia carterii oil, Citronellol,Geraniol, Linalool, Limonene, Tocopherol, Alpha-isomethyl ionone, Citral,Cinnamyl alcohol. *from organic farming.
USD 70.39/pcs 70.39
Day cream with a light and pleasant texture. Its blend of ingredients makes it an ideal support in fighting the damage caused by pollution, leaving the face hydrated and radiant. The powerful detoxifying action is enhanced by the presence of two different extracts of Helichrysum, while Grapeseed oil promotes an emollient and smoothing effect. The antioxidant effects of Calluna and Rosa Canina have a rapid rebalancing and protective influence on mature skin. Handmade cosmetic product, Zero-miles raw materials, help to increase collagen production, has an anti-pollution action, help the skin renewal and protective biofilm . Has a super moisturising effect and help to protect from oxidative damage. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamic water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Vitis vinifera seed oil*, Helianthus annuus seed oil*, Cetearyl alcohol, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Cetearyl glucoside, Rosa canina fruit extract, Parfum, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Calluna vulgaris flower extract, Glycerin, Maltodextrin, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Lecithin, Potassium sorbate, Citric acid, Tocopherol, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Ascorbyl palmitate, Helichrysum italicum flower extract*, Sodium benzoate. *from organic farming.
USD 70.71/pcs 70.71
A face cream with powerful eudermic properties, valuable as an intensive protective treatment. Its powerful restorative and nourishing action is enhanced by the presence of extra virgin olive oil and jojoba oil. Lavender oil, which also has soothing properties, boosts the relaxing and toning action on the face. The combined effects of the active ingredients, together with the unique properties of Calluna, make the product particularly effective when applied in the evening. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Helianthus annus seed oil*, Butyrospermum parkii butter*, Olea europaea fruit oil*, Cetyl alcohol, Glycerin, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, Cetearyl glucoside, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Parfum, Calluna vulgaris flower extract, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Lecithin, Potassium sorbate, Maltodextrin, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Tocopherol, Citric acid, Ascorbyl palmitate, Lavandula angustifolia flower extract*, Olea europaea leaf extract*, Sodium benzoate *from organic farming.
USD 69.43/pcs 69.43
Pollution defense cream that acts as a real protective shield against photoaging and pollutants to which the skin is exposed daily. The antioxidant and moisturising action of Calluna is combined with that of marshmallow and Rosa canina extracts and pomegranate oil, which act in synergy to delay the first signs of skin ageing. The product hydrates and protects the skin’s hydrolipidic film, keeping it constantly radiant. Handmade cosmetic product, Zero-miles raw materials, help to increase collagen production, hasan anti-pollution action, help the skin renewal and protective biofilm . Has a super moisturising effect and help to protect from oxidative damage. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter*, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Glycerin, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil*, Punica Granatum Seed Oil, Cetearyl Glucoside, Hydrogenated Ethylhexyl Olivate, Parfum, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, CallunaVulgaris Flower Extract, Lecithin, Potassium Sorbate, Maltodextrin, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Tocopherol, Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Althaea Officinalis Extract*, Sodium Benzoate, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract*, Rosa Canina Fruit Extract*. *from organic farming.
USD 66.28/pcs 66.28
A practical cream face mask. Its natural active ingredients detoxify and protect against the damage caused by exposing the skin to factors such as pollution, solar radiation, smoking, stress, insufficient rest and temperature changes. Frequent application of the product tones the skin and prevents the formation of the first wrinkles, leaving a pleasant sensation of softness and freshness on the face. Handmade cosmetic product, Zero-miles raw materials, help to increase collagen production, has an anti-pollution action, help the skin renewal and protective biofilm . Has a super moisturising effect and help to protect from oxidative damage. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Oryza Sativa Bran Oil, Helianthus Annus Seed Oil*, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, VitisVinifera Seed Oil*, Zinc Oxide, Hydrogenated Ethylhexyl Olivate, Cetearyl Glucoside, Montmorillonite, Parfum, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, CallunaVulgaris Flower Extract, Lecithin, Potassium Sorbate, Zea Mays Oil, Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Tocopherol, AscorbylPalmitate, Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Extract*, Malva Sylvestris Flower/Leaf Extract, Helichrysum Italicum Flower Extract*, Aesculus Hippocastanum Seed Extract*, CI 75810, Sodium Benzoate,parfum. *from organic farming.
USD 58.48/pcs 58.48
A cleansing gel scrub, ideal for rebalancing and soothing and brightening stressed skin. It gently smoothes the face thanks to the exfoliating action of bamboo fibres, which stimulate cellular renewal. The synergistic action of aromatic rosemary and lavender waters purifies, tones and refreshes the skin, leaving it cleansed, soft and fragrant. Handmade cosmetic product, Zero-miles raw materials, help to increase collagen production, has an anti-pollution action, help the skin renewal and protective biofilm . Has a super moisturising effect and help to protect from oxidative damage. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Bambusa Arundinacea Stem Extract, Xanthan Gum, Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Water*, Rosmarinus Officinalis Water*, Parfum, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, CallunaVulgaris Flower Extract, Tocopherol, Maltodextrin. *from organic farming.
USD 55.23/pcs 55.23
Gentle two-phase cleanser with a fresh fruity scent: removes make-up, moisturises, protects, tones and regenerates. The blend is characterised by a high concentration of selected and high quality natural active ingredients. Calluna vulgaris extract is effective in helping to build the skin’s protective biofilm, in maintaining optimal skin hydration and in promoting fibroblast activity and collagen synthesis. The zero-miles aromatic lemon balm water has a sebum-regulating activity, rebalances the skin pH and gives the skin brightness. It has emollient and soothing properties. The high skin compatibility of his ingredients transforms the formulation into a precious gem in your beauty routine. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Helianthus annuus seed oil, Hydrogenated ethylhexyl olivate, Glycerin, Cocos nucifera fruit extract*, Caprylyl/capryl glucoside, Melissa officinalis flower/leaf/stem water, Hydrogenated olive oil unsaponifiables, Citric acid, Parfum, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium sorbate, Calluna vulgaris flower extract, Calendula officinalis flower extract*, Sodium benzoate, Maltodextrin, Viola tricolor extract*, Olea europaea leaf extract*, Tocopherol, Alkanna tinctoria root extract. *from organic farming.
USD 73.68/pcs 73.68
A fast-absorbing fluid with a high concentration of natural active ingredients, which make it an effective support in fighting skin ageing. Viola tricolor extract acts in perfect synergy with Calluna, giving the skin a radiant, supple and soothed appearance. Lemon balm and chamomile have an emollient, moisturising and protective action, making the product suitable for all skin types. Rosa canina also contributes to the antioxidant and free radical scavenger effect of this precious serum. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, Natural fragrance, Cold pressed plants oils, Purified and biodynamized water, VegetalOK, Dermatologically tested, Ecological pack, Aiab certified for organic. Product made in collaboration with the University of Siena. INGREDIENTS : Aqua, Glycerin, Melissa officinalis leaf water, Rosmarinus officinalis water*, Polyglyceryl-4 caprate, Calluna vulgaris flower extract, Parfum, Ascorbic acid, Benzyl alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Maltodextrin, Lecithin, Potassium sorbate, Xanthan gum, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, Viola tricolor extract*, Citric acid, Echinacea angustifolia root extract*, Sodium benzoate, Chamomilla recutita extract*, Rosa canina fruit extract*. *from organic farming.

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