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Cosmetics and perfumery in bulk on Qoovee

Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 2.9/pcs 2.9
Новый шампунь Infra Care благодаря лецитину и Д-Пантенолу является прекрасным средством для интенсивного питания и ухода за волосами на каждый день.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.5/pcs 1.5
Шампунь зеленый чай разработан для всех типов волос. Экстракт зеленого чая, эфирное масло бергамота и витамин С имеют антиоксидантное действие, и восстанавливают липидный баланс кожи головы. Шампунь алоэ специально создан для волос жирного типа. Входящие в его состав экстракт алоэ вера и D-panthenol увлажняют волосы, восстанавливают баланс жирности кожи головы. Шампунь с маслом репейника и витаминами А и Е усиливает естественный процесс роста волос, дарит ощущение лёгкости, делая волосы мягкими и послушными. Шампунь на основе натурального яичного экстракта и лецитина питают, укрепляют волосы делая их мягкими и блестящими, придают волосам шёлковую мягкость, делая волосы послушными, которые легко расчесываются.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
**VitaDerm 60** is a biorevitalizing booster with hyaluronic acid and 59 active ingredients. Restores the cycle of skin regeneration due to the regeneration of fibroblasts of the dermal layer and keratinocytes of the epidermal layer. Vitaderm60 helps to get radiant, supple skin. Amino acids, peptides, growth factors and vitamins provide sufficient nutrients to activate fibroblasts. In addition, depleted minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium will be replaced. Pure hyaluronic acid provides immediate results by evening out skin tone and hydrating it. This powerful skin enhancer stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. **Effect:** VitaDerm 60 stimulates the production of skin cells, which are fibroblasts, so that the added nutrients and vitamins can work under optimal conditions under the skin. **Usage:** Skin hydration and texture are expected to improve after the first treatment. After 2 sessions, skin elasticity and brightening is expected. After 3 sessions, a general strengthening and brightening of the skin of the face is expected. To maintain the effect, we recommend the following two sessions a month. **Packing:** 3ml*5 ammul.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.5/pcs 1.5
Шампуни с ароматами Ellet
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.2/pcs 1.2
Гладкий шелк крем-депилятор Éclair создан для быстрого и качественного удаления ненужных волос на ногах, руках, в области бикини и подмышках. В состав данного крема входят D-Panthenol и лецитин, которые оказывают разглаживающее, увлажняющее и смягчающее действие на кожy при проведении процедуры депиляции. Поэтому через несколько минут после нанесения крема кожа становится нежной и гладкой как шёлк.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.9/pcs 0.9
Благодаря новой усиленной формуле степень осветления «Ultra Blond» достигается до 6-8 тонов без повреждения структуры волос. Ампула с маслом репейника и витаминами А и Е ухаживает за волосами после процесса осветления, питает и восстанавливает поврежденные участки волос.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
**Vitamin B-12 Hydroxocobalamin** Vitamin B-12 shots are injections containing high levels of hydroxycobalamin. Important for growth, cell reproduction, hematopoiesis, and protein and tissue synthesis, these vaccinations, which can be self-administered or prescribed by a doctor, can rapidly increase B-12 levels in a deficient person. Usage: Adults: 5000 g IM or IV as hydroxocobalamin once a day. Continue treatment with a lower dose depending on the clinical response. Active ingredient: hydroxocobalamin (USP) Packing: 5mg/2ml.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.5/pcs 1.5
Разработана специально для бровей. За короткое время воздействия дает надёжный и качественный результат. Не вредит структуре бровей. Бережно воздействует и придает мягкость бровям. Крем-краску и крем-окислитель легко смешивать и удобно наносить.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.2/pcs 1.2
Новая стойкая крем-краска для волос Éclair, насыщенная маслами арганы и оливы, оказывает глубокое проникновение и закрепление цветовых пигментов в структуре волос,обеспечивая роскошный, насыщенный и стойкий цвет, а также максимальное закрашивание седины.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.6/pcs 1.6
Шампунь с маслом красного перца против перхоти для жирных волос, эффективный способ борьбы с перхотью и укрепления волос. Питательные элементы масла красного перца и активные компоненты шампуня прекрасно ухаживают за жирными волосами и придают ослепительный блеск. Не содержит парабенов.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 1.6/pcs 1.6
Новый шампунь с экстрактом чеснока, керапептидами и комплексом растительных протеинов способствует регенерации и укреплению волосяной луковицы, прекрасно подходит для ежедневного применения, обладает замечательными моющими качествами, не сушит кожу головы и не утяжеляет волосы. Без запаха чеснока.
IP Laura
Алматы, Kazakhstan
USD 8.77 - 26.3/pcs
Disposable sheets with perforation of excellent quality. 100 pcs per roll Size 70×200cm, 80×200cm. Used in medical institutions, spas, beauty salons, massage rooms, etc.
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejuran is a series of skin boosters based on salmon-derived polynucleotide (PDRN). PDRN promotes regeneration of all epidermis/dermis layers by stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and contributing to restoration of the extracellular matrix. Rejuran products are FDA-approved and EC-certified; they are aimed at long-term skin rejuvenation and hydration.   Strengths of Rejuran: ·         faster tissue regeneration and wound/scar healing compared to other products containing HA only as an active component ·         clinically proven increase in the skin’s thickness ·         2-fold enhanced skin elasticity compared to other products based on HA only ·         long-lasting effect ·         volumization effect due to the 3-D polymeric structure ·         minimum restoration time after the procedure ·         highly biocompatible composition guarantees the absence of adverse reactions   Rejuran is a dermal booster for promoting collagen secretion and skin rejuvenation. Rejuran is aimed at correcting a wide spectrum of folds and wrinkles, fighting undesired skin pigmentation, and improving the skin’s thickness and hydration rate.   Scope of Rejuran: ·         treatment of dark skin discoloration (melisma, rosacea) ·         pore narrowing ·         wrinkle filling ·         treatment of atrophic (including acne) scars ·         correction of the gravitational ptosis ·         moisturization of the dry and dehydrated skin   The esthetic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Product composition: PN, 2% 2 syringes × 2.0 ml per pack
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejuran is a series of skin boosters based on salmon-derived polynucleotide (PDRN). PDRN promotes regeneration of all epidermis/dermis layers by stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and contributing to restoration of the extracellular matrix. Rejuran products are FDA-approved and EC-certified; they are aimed at long-term skin rejuvenation and hydration.   Strengths of Rejuran: ·         faster tissue regeneration and wound/scar healing compared to other products containing HA only as an active component ·         clinically proven increase in the skin’s thickness ·         2-fold enhanced skin elasticity compared to other products based on HA only ·         long-lasting effect ·         volumization effect due to the 3-D polymeric structure ·         minimum restoration time after the procedure ·         highly biocompatible composition guarantees the absence of adverse reactions   Rejuran is a dermal booster for promoting collagen secretion and skin rejuvenation. Rejuran is aimed at correcting a wide spectrum of folds and wrinkles, fighting undesired skin pigmentation, and improving the skin’s thickness and hydration rate.   Scope of Rejuran: ·         treatment of dark skin discoloration (melisma, rosacea) ·         pore narrowing ·         wrinkle filling ·         treatment of atrophic (including acne) scars ·         correction of the gravitational ptosis ·         moisturization of the dry and dehydrated skin   The esthetic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Product composition: PN, 2% 2 syringes × 2.0 ml per pack Needle size: 33G, 4 mm
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejuran is a series of skin boosters based on polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN). Rejuran products are aimed at effective and fast rejuvenation and hydration of the superficial and deep skin layers.   Strengths of Rejuran: ·         the product is FDA-approved, and CE-certified ·         immediate and long-lasting skin hydrating effect ·         clinically proven increase in the skin’s thickness and brightness ·         2-fold enhanced skin elasticity as compared to other products based on HA only   Rejuran HB is a skin booster for dermal repair and hydration. Rejuran HB stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, triggers proliferation of fibroblasts: it literally repairs the skin. The booster can be injected into various parts of the face and neck, décolleté, elbows, knees, as well as back sides of the hand. The presence of lidocaine in the composition reduces painful sensations during the injection procedure.   Scope of Rejuran HB: ·         treatment of early signs of aging (fine and superficial wrinkles) ·         damaged skin repair (due to UV exposure and excessive cosmetic treatment) ·         skin texture and tone improvement ·         smoothing acne scars ·         prolonged skin hydration The esthetic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Product composition: PN, 1%, HA, 1%, lidocaine, 0.3% 1 syringe × 1.0 ml per pack Needle size: 33G
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejuran is a series of skin boosters based on salmon-derived polynucleotide (PDRN). Strengths of Rejuran: ·         the product is FDA-approved, and CE-certified ·         faster tissue regeneration and wound/scar healing compared to other products containing HA only as an active component ·         clinically proven increase in the skin’s thickness ·         2-fold enhanced skin elasticity as compared to other products based on HA only ·         long-lasting esthetic effect   Rejuran S has been developed specifically for reducing the appearance of acne scarring. Polynucleotide, the active component in Rejuran S, promotes collagen and elastin production thus providing a direct skin-healing effect.   Scope of Rejuran S: ·         healing of deep acne scars, wounds, and other skin imperfections ·         evening of the skin texture   The esthetic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Product composition: PN, 1% 1 syringe × 1.0 ml per pack Needle size: 34G   Rejuran I is a skin booster developed specifically for delicate under and around eye area. Rejuran I also improves skin elasticity and evens its tone and texture.   Scope of Rejuran I: reduction of dark under-eye circles and swelling (under-eye bags) treatment of early signs of aging in the periorbital area (crow’s feet, fine under-eye lines) restoration of thinned skin after cosmetic procedures moisturization of dry and dehydrated skin   The esthetic effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Product composition: PN, 1% 1 syringe × 1.0 ml per pack Needle size: 34G, 4mm
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Lenisna is a hybrid product of PLA(Poly L-lactide) micro-particles and hyaluronic Acid PLA + HA fillers: Maintains natural volume over time by stimulating collagen production Shortens the treatment time due to non-clogging of the needle and fast suspension time. Does not leave any residue in the body after a certain period of time since it is made from biodegradable and bioabsorbable materials Safe ingredients approved by the US FDA   The volume of the skin lasts for at least 2 years since PLA stimulates natural collagen production PLA, a porous polymer material, holds HA and fills the volume in the desired areas Lenisna does not leave any residue since it is made from biodegradable materials that are decomposed and are discharged from the body. Lenisna enables the patients to go to work the next day since it has less swelling than other PLA products. *Please do not use for forehead, lips, or around the eyes Recommended for: Chin augmentation (correction of small chin) Fine lines and wrinkles/firmness and elasticity Immediate effects without swelling
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rabianca  is a high quality solution for body volume and contouring. Made by the hyaluronic acid, which is fully safe to use. Also it is wasy to shape, has longer duration, higher viscosity and high level of purification. Recommend for those: 1. With flat hip or flat breast 2. With low breast elasticity 3. With low hip muscle 4. Wgo want quick body volume 5. Who concerned about side effect of surgery
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
**GLUTAX LAB** whitening complex of vitamins B and C, necessary for a daily healthy human body.   All vitamins help each other to work, filling in the gaps in the health of the human body, renewing and supporting the immune system. Due to the restoration of the body, the condition of the skin, the health of hair and nails improves.   It turns out that vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and metabolism improves.   VITAMIN B1 - relieve fatigue, increase endurance VITAMIN B12 - helthy nervous system VITAMIN B6 - strengthens the immune system MAGNECIUM - helps with headaches and asthma VITAMIN B5 - allergy, fat dissolving VITAMIN C - collagen production   **Package:** 1 set = 6 ampoules.   **Usage: **1 set every 2 weeks by intravenous injection.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
New generation lipolytic Dr. Lipo+ is a body shaping product. Ingredients: Phosphatidylcholine, Sodium Deoxycholate, Carnitine, SP1-EGF, SP1-FGF1, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, Nicotinoyl Tripeptide-1, 1,2-Hexanediol Dr. Lipo+ * Quick effect in the form of normalization of blood flow, restoration of metabolism and lipid metabolism. * Ability to adjust individual small areas. * Procedures allow you to get rid of cellulite, reduce body fat by 5-6 cm, improve skin condition. * With the help of Dr. Lipo+ can reduce the volume of the abdomen, remove folds on the sides, outline the waist. * The minimum period of rehabilitation, no need to drop out of your usual life for a long time Delivery worldwide at the best prices.
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Celosome presents a series of 100% cross-linked hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. Celosome Aqua is used for biorevitalizaton. The filler is injected into the superficial dermis.   Scope of Celosome Aqua: ·         deep skin hydration ·         treatment of early signs of aging (superficial-to-mid wrinkles, saggy skin) ·         evening of the skin tone ·         brightening of dull skin   The aesthetic effect lasts from 1 to 3 months. Product composition: HA, 24 mg/ml, Mannitol, 0.9% 5 syringes × 2.5 ml per pack   Celosome Aqua Lido HA, 24 mg/ml, Mannitol, 0.9% 5 syringes × 2.5 ml per pack Lidocaine 1.5mg/ml
Dk Bio Inc.
Seongnam-si, South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejeunesse Sparkle is a low density dermal filler for skin rejuvenation. Rejeuness Benefits: hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin of high purity. · no residual BDDE. prolonged effect. painless procedure. Application area: biorevitalization; prevention and elimination of fine wrinkles; lip augmentation; vector lifting; bioreinforcement; The duration of the effect is from 6 to 8 months. Composition: 20 mg/ml, Lidocaine 0.3%. 3 x 2.5 ml syringes per pack.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Soonsu Ultrahilo is a unique biorevitalizant for correction of age-related changes of face and body. This solution is created based on hyaluronic acid (HA), however, in contrast to other similar fillers, it does not contain cross-linked HA. In the heart of this unique formula lies a combination of high and low molecular weight HA which subjected to the thermal reaction resulting in the bespoke texture, dense enough for filling of wrinkles of various degree of manifestation but relatively fluid for uniform distribution under the skin same as water solution. Injections of the product immediately restore skin radiance, significantly improve its elasticity and tension along with skin tone flattering. The main feature of the solution is the influence on skin on the deep molecular level followed by stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis that provides long-lasting improvement of skin state. The biorevitalizant is absolutely lack of any cross-linking agents that guarantees high purity of the product and, as a consequence, its hypoallergenicity and biocompatibility. Strengths of Ultrahilo: the unique combination of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid provides homogeneity of filler, easy introduction and uniform distribution under the skin the product is effective for management of age-related changes in the various face and body areas during the production of the filler, the company doesn’t use any cross-linking agents such as BDDE that guarantees the highest purity of the product the study of product carried out on fibroblast demonstrated better stimulation of cellular growth and activity by Ultra Hilo in contrast to other analogous widely applied products Ultrahilo is injected for: elimination of fine mimic lines, including Crowd’s foot flattering of wrinkles on the forehead correction of wrinkles around eyes and filling of nasolacrimal sulcus elimination of wrinkles and stretch marks on belly and thighs elimination of Venus rings on the neck flattering of skin on the back of the hand and forearm correction of pronounced nasolabial folds diminishment of scars and post-acne spots The effect of the procedure lasts up to 12 months. Product composition: 32 mg high-molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid, 32 mg low-molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid Ultrahilo 1 pre-filled syringe × 2 ml in a pack  Manufacturer: Cosmoderma, Inc., South Korea  The product has contraindications and can only be used by a certified cosmetologist. We are not responsible for the negative consequences of self-use.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Rejuran S is a new generation biorevitalizant that has shown impressive results. A preparation based on polynucleotides, designed specifically for problem skin. It has a high concentration and viscosity, due to which, the aesthetic effect is achieved immediately after the procedure, filling in depressed acne scars. Rejuran S instantly smooths skin tissue and further stimulates collagen production. Effect: - Eliminates scars and scars; - Struggling with post-punk; - Deeply moisturizes and regenerates the skin; - Shrinks pores. The course of treatment is selected individually, depending on the complexity of acne. The interval between procedures is 4 weeks. In the syringe 1 ml Polynucleotide 1%.
USD 2.5 - 2.8/pcs
The price is for 1 item. The main properties of LAN'EL scrubs - Cleansing the skin from impurities, Exfoliating, Moisturizing, Improving microcirculation, Reducing the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and helping to fight them, Preventing ingrown hair after epilation - And much more. Our cosmetics are 101% ECO-Friendly, contains only natural ingredients. We DO NOT test cosmetics on animals! We care not only about you, but also about the environment, because our brand stands for environmental friendliness! By the way, our kraft packaging takes 2 years to decompose, while polyethylene and plastic take 450-500 years. Imagine how long such packages will lie on the ground? Flora and fauna will suffer.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
The South Korean company Caregen is one of the leaders in the research and development of products containing growth factors and peptides used in medicine and cosmeceuticals. One of the latest developments of this concern is the Dermaheal line of professional mesotherapy preparations, created thanks to innovative technologies. Dermaheal meso-cocktails are based on a combination of glutathiones and proteins. They have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of skin cells, their regeneration and renovation at the intracellular level. Created in the laboratory, peptides are absolutely identical to human ones and guarantee full compatibility with the body. Compound Dermaheal SR is a meso cocktail formulated with growth factors, copper tripeptide-1, and amino acids and minerals. Peptides are necessary for our skin to stimulate the formation of new cells, relieve inflammation, restore blood vessels, reactivate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, as well as to increase skin elasticity and firmness, enhance blood microcirculation and increase protective abilities. Vitamins and amino acids that are part of the meso-cocktail provide nutrition to the dermis. And hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Advantages Dermaheal SR meso-cocktail smoothes fine wrinkles and folds, prevents the appearance of new ones. Increases elasticity, actively hydrates, regulates moisture balance, stimulates the growth of skin cells. Indications Dermaheal SR is intended for patients with signs of early skin aging and dehydration, loss of tone and elasticity, as well as a tendency to acne. The mesococktail is intended for patients over the age of 30. In addition, this mesotherapeutic preparation is safe and provides a lasting effect of the procedure - up to 3 months. Safety - the preparations do not contain components that damage the skin structure. Contraindications The preparations are not recommended for use in patients with individual intolerance to the components, with oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, herpes. Also during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects During the injection procedure, slight swelling and redness may occur, which disappear after a few days.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
High Inj is an injection solution for skin rejuvenation based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid (HA). High Inj. contains high quality HA from a Japanese manufacturer (Shiseido). HA injections restore the skin's moisture level, promoting deep and long-lasting hydration while smoothing superficial wrinkles. High Inj. also evens out skin tone and reduces scars, age spots and post-acne blemishes. A more pronounced brightening effect can be achieved with the joint administration of High Inj. with vitamin C. Advantages of High Inj.: the drug is effective against superficial and moderately expressed superficial wrinkles injections of the drug can improve the general condition of even aged skin the drug facilitates and accelerates the regeneration of the surface layers of the skin after cosmetic procedures and damage to the skin after prolonged exposure to UV long-lasting effect of deep moisturizing skin, the drug stimulates the production of collagen and other essential components of the extracellular matrix in the skin, skin tone is evened out, pigmentation of various etiologies is reduced High Inj. used for biorevitalization. The drug is injected into the superficial layers of the dermis. Product area of ​​application: the first signs of skin aging (small wrinkles, reduced skin elasticity) dull and dry skin that requires deep moisturizing damaged skin after prolonged exposure to the sun and a series of cosmetic procedures preparation for and rehabilitation after plastic surgery and deep chemical peeling unwanted skin pigmentation ( age pigmentation, freckles, solar pigmentation, hormonal spots) post-acne scars and other skin imperfections (rosacea, stretch marks) The aesthetic effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 12 months. Ingredients: Sodium hyaluronate, 10 mg/ml High Inj. 3 × 2 ml syringes per pack Manufacturer: Huons Co., Ltd. South Korea.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Designed to solve problems in the delicate periorbital area. Promotes tissue repair, natural hydration and improvement of the appearance of the skin, increases elasticity, significantly improves blood circulation. Stimulates the production of collagen, has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Effectively copes with age signs and aesthetic defects around the eyes: reduces the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles and swelling under the eyes. Gives long-term results without side effects and long recovery. INDICATIONS: Crow's feet wrinkles. Dark circles under the eyes Edema (bags). Rehabilitation of thinned skin after peelings and hardware procedures. Dry, dehydrated skin, skin after active insolation. Preparation of the skin for the period of solar activity.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Juvederm Volbella is a new generation filler with a specially structured hyaluronic acid of long duration. Juvederm Volbella is used to smooth wrinkles and eliminate sagging in areas with delicate thin skin - under the eyes, on the surface of the lips. Juvederm Volbella (VyCross series) is considered an injectable gel containing non-animal cross-linked hyaluronic acid molecules and lidocaine to numb the injection site. Usually, the drug is injected into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis, where it "diverges" within a few days and begins to act. Areas of application: - most often used under the eyes, as well as at their outer corners, in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal sulcus; - submucosal contour of the lips, around the mouth; - area in front of the auricles; - on the forehead and between the eyebrows; - thin and dehydrated areas of the skin on the face.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Juvederm Voluma is a hyaluronic acid preparation designed to fill the missing volume of the dermis. The tool is recommended to be used in case of loss of volume and clarity of the oval of the face, as well as in case of asymmetry of various origins. The resulting effect of injections persists for up to 1.5 years (depending on individual characteristics, metabolism, taking certain drugs). The filler is completely hypoallergenic, does not cause side effects, after a while it is completely removed from the tissues in a natural way. The manufacturer of the product is the well-known French company Allergan, which developed it specifically for correcting facial volumes. Areas of application of the drug - chin - lips - cheeks and cheekbones - nasolabial triangle.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
Juvederm Volite is a hyaluronic acid (HA) based injectable treatment that has a triple action effect. It hydrates the skin, because of the high water-binding capacity of HA. It increases elasticity because HA also stimulates collagen production. Finally, it smoothes the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines. *Hyaluronic acid treatment *Hydrates, smooths and increases elasticity of skin *Up to 100 injections in a typical treatment *Available for face, neck, décolletage and hands *Suitable for all ages and skin types  
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
🔵Lipo Lab PPC Solution🔵 is a new generation lipolytic that destroys fat cells and removes them from the body.   Thanks to a special technology, the particles of the active ingredients of the drug have a size of 50-70 microns (smaller than a cell): sodium deoxycholate envelops the membrane of fat cells, which are loosened under its influence, and phosphatidylcholine (PPC) turns them into an emulsion that is easily excreted from the body.   Lipo Lab PPC Solution lipolytic is effective against cellulite, helps in the fight against local fat deposits. Gives a quick effect of lipolysis. Increases elasticity and turgor of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Gives an effective prolonged result. Can be used to model the contours of the face and body.   ❇APPLICATIONS:   - Chin - Shoulders and forearms - Back and abdomen - Side pleats - Buttocks - femoral part - Lap   ❇Composition: 1. PPC (phosphatidylcholine) is a German-made substance whose structure is 99.8% pure; 2. Sodium deoxycholate - a substance of Japanese origin
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
DeneB is a brand of injectable hyaluronic acid-based fillers to combat age-related skin changes and restore volume.   Filler DENEB with the effect of natural stimulation of collagen production and restoration of elastin, moisturizing, rejuvenation of the dermis is a completely biocompatible and evenly biodegradable filler.   📌 Line of Deneb fillers: * CE Mark Deneb Classic - H (no lido) * CE Mark Deneb Classic - S (no lido) * Deneb Classic-H (with lido) * Deneb Classic - S (with lido)   ***CE certified
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
MISFILL+ is a South Korean brand created by Medical Lab. Includes premium, high-quality cross-linked hyaluronic acid fillers, cannulas, medical patches, ampoules containing highly active EGF and a mask set with an excellent regenerative effect.   Misfill+ preparations immediately eliminate skin problems such as wrinkles, loss of volume, etc. They also tone the skin, moisturize it and have an incredible regenerating effect.   Filler line: *Misfill Light *Misfill Deep *Misfill Volume  
Quiver Medic
South Korea
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Botulinum toxin preparations have been actively used in cosmetology for many years. This is the main and extremely effective way to deal with mimic wrinkles. Expression wrinkles occur even at very young age due to the active use of facial expressions. With age, they become deeper and more noticeable and it is already more difficult to cope with them.  Most often, such wrinkles occur around the eyes, between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose due to the cheerful or harsh nature of its owner. In young women, when the muscles of the face relax, such wrinkles are smoothed out. The principle of action of botulinum toxin is connected with this: the protein that is part of it paralyzes the muscle, it does not tense up - a wrinkle does not appear. Over time, the skin hall at this place is completely smoothed out, but gradually the muscle activity is restored, and the injection must be repeated. The composition of the it includes: botulinum toxin, polysorbate and methionine. Botulinum toxin is a toxic substance produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum that affects nerve cells. Methionine and polysorbate 20 are used to stabilize botulinum toxin.  Is used:  For smoothing deep wrinkles of the face and neck. Also makes it effective. To increase the volume of the lips. with increased sweating, with thinning and lethargy of the skin, with ptosis, acne and post-acne, for scar correction, in preparation for plastic surgery, deep peeling. The introduction of botulinum toxin is the easiest and most effective way to deal with such an unpleasant problem as excessive sweating. The mechanism is the same as in the fight against mimic wrinkles: the work of the sweat glands is paralyzed.  Acne is a real problem and is an unaesthetic sight. Botulinum toxin stops excess sebum secretion. Also, it showed good results in getting rid of the effects of acne.  Ptosis is a common problem in women with a Slavic type of appearance. Over the years, the omission of the soft tissues of the face occurs, the oval floats, and fleas appear. Injections into the lower part of the face make the oval clearer.  Advantages It is safe and shows a high level of effectiveness. The effect of the application lasts up to 6 months. The effect after administration is noticeable after only 3-6 days. Meditoxin should not be administered when:  exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, oncological diseases, myasthenia, blood clotting disorders, pregnancy and breastfeeding, diabetes. The drug is not administered to children, people with mental disorders. Also, you can not carry out the procedure during the period of taking antibiotics.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
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Kairax is a hyaluronic acid based filler with maximum safety, convenience and effectiveness, based on superior technology, fully CE approved and contains lidocaine. Kairax filler lines: * Fine * Deep *Sub Q - CE certificate Can be applied to the entire face and neck, depending on the area of ​​application, the amount required, the desired treatment direction, etc. Kairax Fine has the lowest viscoelasticity in the range and is recommended for the correction of fine wrinkles, including: lips, eyes and periorbital lines. Kairax Deep has a medium viscoelasticity in the range and is recommended for the correction of deep wrinkles and volume enhancement, including: lip wrinkles, frown lines, nasolabial folds, wrinkles, nose and forehead contour. Kairax Sub Q has the highest viscoelasticity in the range and is recommended for volumizing areas including: cheeks, jawline, nasolabial folds and body contours.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
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Replengen - fillers based on hyaluronic acid containing lidocaine. Produced by the Korean company Glenzen CO. ltd. They have the form of a transparent gel, biocompatible with the human body and biodegradable. Hyaluronic acid as a moisturizing component is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Therefore, its use as part of a filler has a smoothing and rejuvenating effect, moreover, it does not cause rejection reactions by the body. Lidocaine acts as a local anesthetic that reduces painful reactions during injections. In the production of the filler, high-quality hyaluronic acid produced by the Japanese company Shiseido is used. The product itself was created by the best specialists in the field of cosmetology in South Korea.   Replengen™ fillers provide instant results with minimal discomfort and downtime. The effect lasts from 12 to 18 months.   Areas of application of the product:   moderate to deep wrinkles giving volume to the cheeks, lip augmentation, filling of nasolabial wrinkles, puppet lines. Ingredients: hyaluronic acid 24mg/ml, lidocaine 3mg/ml   Needle size: 27G (premium needles made in Japan)   Contents: 1 syringe 1.1 ml, 2 needles, 1 cannula   Duration of action: 12-18 months
Quiver Medic
South Korea
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YOUTHFILL fillers are manufactured using a special purification process of non-animal derived hyaluronic acid and BDDE as the crosslinking agent. The preparations contain 100% specially stabilized and cross-linked hyaluronic acid. YOUTHFILL's unique viscoelasticity makes the procedure simple, precise and painless using the included fine needles with each syringe blister. The hyaluronic acid in YOUTHFILL filler has a high molecular weight, which slows down the biodegradation of the product. Application area: YOUTHFILL Shape for the correction of medium and deep wrinkles; YOUTHFILL Deep For wrinkle correction and volumizing; YOUTHFILL Fine for the correction of fine and medium wrinkles.
Quiver Medic
South Korea
Specify the price USD 0 0
**Regenovue Aqua Shine Plus** - quickly replenishes the lack of moisture, plastic gel smoothes superficial wrinkles and revitalizes the skin. **Advantages:** - Fast effect, prolonged result. - A high degree of purification of the active substance eliminates the development of allergies and side effects. - Quickly restores hydrobalance, and also accelerates collagen synthesis, activates natural rejuvenation processes. - The result is stored up to six months. **Indications:** - For skin rejuvenation, hydration and lifting. - Smoothes superficial wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity, firmness, tightens pores, brightens age spots, freckles, improves complexion. - Injections are made in the area: - Nasolabial folds - Chin - Lips To achieve the effect, 3 procedures are required. The result appears within a week after the first injection. **Composition**: minimally crossed hyaluronic acid, 15 mg/ml; Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.0 **Volume **3.0 ml x 3 syringes.
USD 1.0 - 1.5/kg
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