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Floor coverings in bulk on Qoovee

USD 3.32/m 3.32
Board for floor covering (also: floor board, floor board) - a profile piece made of wood for floor covering . It is a milled board made of solid wood (in unlike parquet board, glued from several layers), due to which it is able to withstand a greater number of cycles. For fixing to each other, it has a groove on one edge and a ridge on the other. On the inside of the solid board there is a groove (or a series of grooves), which allows you to relieve the tension of the wood and prevent warping from fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Size: 28x141x3000 Grade: С Material type: Needles
USD 7.31/m 7.31
lately, artificial grass, fields with artificial grass cover have become increasingly popular. This type of coating does not require significant costs for its maintenance, it is resistant to temperature fluctuations, to ultraviolet radiation, which allows it to be used in any climatic conditions. Coverings differ in types and sizes: coverings for tennis courts, football fields , golf, field hockey, American football. Depending on this, various types of man-made fibers are used: - Fibrated polyurethane straight fiber. - Fibered polyurethane twisted fiber. - Straight monofilament. - Twisted monofilament. A prerequisite is the use of backfill, which is an element experiencing the main loads during the operation of an artificial field. In addition, backfill is a structural element that keeps the coating from horizontal displacement and protects it from deformations (the appearance of waves and bends). Sand backfill is most often used. It is relatively inexpensive and is used for playing football.However, this backfill does not provide a good quality of play, and the players are at constant risk of injury. A mixture of sand and crumb rubber is used as a backfill. Using this type of backfill, artificial turf is not like natural grass, but the quality of playing on such a surface is similar to playing on a natural turf.
USD 25.12/pcs 25.12
Напольные покрытия коровников и конюшенКакое покрытие выбрать для мест, где содержатся животные?Дерево? - Быстро гниет и изнашиваетсяБетон или кирпич? - Такие покрытия холодные и скользкиеПредставьте, как было бы здорово, если бы покрытия для ферм, коровников и конюшен обладали всеми свойствами и дерева и бетона...
USD 25.12/pcs 25.12
Бетонные полы. Эти покрытия часто применяются в технических помещениях. Со временем, они довольно быстро разрушаются, приходя в негодность. Колеса автомобилей, погрузчиков и других тяжелых объектов разрушают бетон, превращая его в мелкую крошку и пыль.
USD 17.01/pcs 17.01
Покрытие игровой площадки - это территория активных игр, и, следовательно, место возможного падения детей. Поэтому, осуществляя выбор, следует принимать во внимание ударопоглощение и безопасность материала площадки.Мягкие противоударные решения для детских площадок препятствуют получению детьми травм при падении. Это значит меньшее беспокойство за здоровье детей во время игр на улицеНаливные материалы для детских площадок не образуют пыль, которой дышат детие проваливаются и не вымываются в местах интенсивной нагрузки, например, под качелями, горками, игровыми комплексамиБлагодаря микропорам, материалы из резиновой крошки пропускают воду. Лужи быстро исчезают после сильного дождя. Одежда детей дольше остается чистойНаливные решения вандалоустойчивы - их трудно порвать, сломать и повредить сигаретами
USD 13.75 - 18.33/m
Betap Larix carpet tiles
USD 9.71 - 12.94/pcs
carpet betap plateau
USD 11.09 - 14.77/pcs
carpet betap pluto
Premium Wood
USD 100.0/m 100.0
The unique texture of the wood combined with the quality finish gives Imperial parquet flooring a luxurious and expensive appearance and stunning relief. This collection is ideal for connoisseurs of classic style. The elegant pattern and rich color of this board will fit into any interior and emphasize its grace.
Premium Wood
USD 115.0/m 115.0
Premium-class engineering floorboard made according to European technologies on German equipment "Schroeder" from valuable species of trees growing in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan (mountain elm and walnut). Created for those who can afford truly exclusive solutions in the interior, demonstrating the high status and special sense of style of the owners of the house. This series is made from a more valuable variety of mountain elm, containing elements of burl (growths on a tree that create stunningly beautiful patterns).

The official Qoovee website helps you make profitable deals, find a supplier and manufacturer to grow your business. In the “Directory of suppliers” section you can find for yourself everything you need: Floor coverings from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries. Product categories are constantly updated. Wholesale suppliers are looking for wholesale purchases and partnerships and are ready for mutually beneficial cooperation.

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