The factory of bags LLC "Levit", Ivanovo, is a manufacturer of men's, women's and children's bags for all occasions. We produce over 100 models of leather and textile.
The assortment includes such items as “Men's Business Bag”, “Women's Bag” and other products that can satisfy demanding customers. Fashionable youth bags and children's backpacks according to GOST. If you are not satisfied with any of the standard options, we offer tailoring of bags to order.
Thanks to the availability of modern equipment, we apply silk-screened images to the bags, which makes the products exclusive. In the manufacture of products we use only high-quality materials, components and accessories, so Levit bags are distinguished by style and reliability.
It is cheaper to buy Levit bags from us - the manufacturer. Catalog, wholesale price list are sent on request. The official website, phone, address is here on the "Contacts" tab.
Delivery to regions of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries, for export. We invite to cooperation wholesale customers, corporate customers.