Фабрика рабочей и специальной обуви "Оската'М"

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USD 10.96/pcs 10.96
Leather boots with high berets "Temp-2" are equipped with a deaf doubled valve to prevent the ingress of dust and moisture, and a quick lacing system. High berets contribute to greater shin protection. At the request of the Customer, polycarbonate or metal protective trays with a maximum shock load of up to 200J energy, metal anti-puncture plates with puncture resistance from 1450N, heat-resistant sole for short-term, up to 60s, contacts with surfaces warmed up to 300C can be installed, it can be insulated with artificial, wool or natural fur, it is possible to use better materials with individual agreement. All models are current models, images and prices are always presented on our website -
USD 10.16/pcs 10.16
Leather shoes "Temp-Classic" with a blank duplicate valve to prevent dust and moisture from entering the product. Breathable perforated abrasion resistant polyamide fiber lining. At the request of the Customer, polycarbonate or metal protective trays with a maximum shock load of up to 200J energy, metal anti-puncture plates with puncture resistance from 1450N, heat-resistant sole for short-term, up to 60s, contacts with surfaces warmed up to 300C can be installed, it can be insulated with artificial, wool or natural fur, it is possible to use better materials with individual agreement. All models are current models, images and prices are always presented on our website -
USD 1010.0/pcs 1010.0
Boots with leather boot "Temp-2". The vamp and the heel are leather, the boot consists of leather. Belt for individual adjustment of shin width. At the request of the Customer, polycarbonate or metal protective trays with a maximum shock load of up to 200J energy, metal anti-puncture plates with puncture resistance from 1450N, heat-resistant sole for short-term, up to 60s, contacts with surfaces warmed up to 300C can be installed, it can be insulated with artificial, wool or natural fur, it is possible to use better materials with individual agreement. All models are current models, images and prices are always presented on our website -
About company
Categories: Address:
Apparel & textile, Women's workwear, Men's clothing, men's work clothing, Men's footwear, Men's long boots Russia, Санкт-Петербург, Дибуновская, д. №65, литера А

Фабрика рабочей и специальной обуви "Оската'М", Санкт-Петербург.

Специальную и рабочую обувь изготовят для вас на фабрике ООО Оската'М. Зарегистрировано предприятие в 1997 году в Санкт-Петербурге.

В производстве свыше 30 моделей спецобуви с подошвой из вспененного термопластичного полиуретана (современная технология). ООО Оската'М выпускает обувь для нефтеперерабатывающей, металлургической, пищевой, судостроительной и других отраслей.

Качество продукции завода подтверждает международный сертификат ISO 9001:2008. Компания гарантирует защиту и безопасность для ваших ног.

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