Product description
A&S; Machinery Co., Ltd. supplies the following Blades/Cutting Edges/End Bits for CAT dozer. Dozer 5F5191 Dozer 5F5191 Dozer 7F8103 Dozer 7F8103 Dozer 7F8104 Dozer 7F8104 Dozer 5F3102 Dozer 5F3102 Dozer 7F8094 Dozer 7F8094 Dozer 2H8413 Dozer 2H8413 Dozer 4T6230MT Dozer 4T6230 Dozer 4T6229MT Dozer 4T6229 Dozer 4T6230HD Dozer 141-0413 Dozer 4T6229HDMT Dozer 6Y5839 Dozer 141-0413MT Dozer 6Y5840 Dozer 6Y5839MT Dozer 4T6230 Dozer 6Y5840MT Dozer 4T6232 Dozer 4T6230MT Dozer 4T6231 Dozer 4T6232MT Dozer 157-7338 Dozer 6Y5839HDMT Dozer 4T2977 Dozer 6Y5840HDMT Dozer 4T3043 Dozer 4T6231MT Dozer 4T3044 Dozer 4T6231HD Dozer 4T3021 Dozer 157-7338MT Dozer 4T2979 Dozer 4T2977MT Dozer 4T2981 Dozer 4T3043MT Dozer 4T2974 Dozer 4T3044MT Dozer 4T2973 Dozer 4T3021MT Dozer 5A4565 Dozer 4T3043HD Dozer 5A45656 Dozer 4T3044HD Dozer 4T8940 Dozer 4T2979MT Dozer 140-6787 Dozer 4T2981MT Dozer 140-6788 Dozer 4T2974MT Dozer 8E9379 Dozer 4T2973MT Dozer 8E9378 Dozer 5A4565MT Dozer 9F7073 Dozer 5A45656MT Dozer 9F7074 Dozer 4T8940MT Dozer 4T3051 Dozer 140-6787MT Dozer 4T3052 Dozer 140-6788MT Dozer 4T2983 Dozer 8E9379MT Dozer 4T29792 Dozer 8E9378MT Dozer 4T2980 Dozer 9F7073MT Dozer 8A8580 Dozer 9F7074MT Dozer 8A8581 Dozer 4T3051MT Dozer 4T3720 Dozer 4T3052MT Dozer 4T5407 Dozer 4T2983MT Dozer 4T5408 Dozer 4T29792MT Dozer 4T3029 Dozer 4T2980MT Dozer 4T3028 Dozer 8A8580MT Dozer 6Y5841 Dozer 8A8581 Dozer 3G9306 Dozer 4T3720MT Dozer 104-9634 Dozer 4T5407MT Dozer 140-2187 Dozer 4T5408MT Dozer 141-2238 Dozer 4T3029MT Dozer 140-6787 Dozer 4T3028MT Dozer 6Y5842 Dozer 6Y5841MT Dozer 8E9377 Dozer 3G9306MT Dozer 3G4285 Dozer 104-9634MT Dozer 4T2978 Dozer 140-2187MT Dozer 4T3030 Dozer 141-2238MT Dozer 9F7075 Dozer 140-6787MT Dozer 9F7076 Dozer 6Y5842MT Dozer 3G8295 Dozer 8E9377MT Dozer 3G8296 Dozer 3G4285MT Dozer 4J8261 Dozer 4T2978MT Dozer 4J8262 Dozer 4T3030MT Dozer 4T3041 Dozer 9F7075MT Dozer 4T3042 Dozer 9F7076MT Dozer 4T3004 Dozer 3G8295MT Dozer 3G8297 Dozer 3G8296MT Dozer 3G8298 Dozer 4J8261MT Dozer 4T3008 Dozer 4J8262MT Dozer 4T3020 Dozer 4T3041MT Dozer 4T3013 Dozer 4T3042MT Dozer 1U2207 Dozer 4T3004MT Dozer 4T3027 Dozer 3G8297MT Dozer 4T3028 Dozer 3G8298MT Dozer 3G8321 Dozer 4T3008MT Dozer 3G8322 Dozer 4T3020MT Dozer 4T3025 Dozer 4T3013MT Dozer 4T3026 Dozer 1U2207MT Dozer 4T3051 Dozer 4T3027MT Dozer 4T3024 Dozer 4T3028MT Dozer 3G6062 Dozer 3G8321MT Dozer 4T0731 Dozer 3G8322MT Dozer 1U2211 Dozer 4T3025MT Dozer 5A8644 Dozer 4T3026MT Dozer 8E7078 Dozer 4T3051MT Dozer 8E7079 Dozer 4T3024MT Dozer 3G4282 Dozer 3G6062MT Dozer 140-0983 Dozer 4T0731MT Dozer 5Q8193 Dozer 1U2211MT Dozer 4T2315 Dozer 5A8644MT Dozer 142-4914 Dozer 8E7078MT Dozer 4T6659 Dozer 8E7079MT Dozer 9U8057 Dozer 3G4282MT Dozer 4T3049 Dozer 140-0983MT Dozer 4T3050 Dozer 5Q8193MT Dozer 4T3009 Dozer 4T2315MT Dozer 9W9010 Dozer 142-4914MT Dozer 9W9011 Dozer 4T6659MT Dozer 4T6262 Dozer 9U8057MT Dozer 7T9977 Dozer 4T3049MT Dozer 4T4455 Dozer 4T3050MT Dozer 4T4454 Dozer 4T3009MT Dozer 4T4435 Dozer 9W9010MT Dozer 4T4436 Dozer 9W9011MT Dozer 5J6905 Dozer 4T6262MT Dozer 5J6897 Dozer 7T9977MT Dozer 5J6878 Dozer 4T4455MT Dozer 109-9093 Dozer 4T4454MT Dozer 6Y4411 Dozer 4T4435MT Dozer 6Y4410 Dozer 4T4436MT Dozer 4T4435 Dozer 5J6905 Dozer 127-3050 Dozer 5J6897MT Dozer 5J6879 Dozer 5J6878 Dozer 4T2976 Dozer 4T3041HDMT Dozer 4T3023 Dozer 4T3042HDMT Dozer 4T3010 Dozer 109-9093MT Dozer 3G8319 Dozer 6Y4411MT Dozer 3G8320 Dozer 6Y4410MT Dozer 4T3017 Dozer 4T4435MT Dozer 4T3045 Dozer 127-3050MT Dozer 4T3046 Dozer 5J6879MT Dozer 5J1419 Dozer 4T2976MT Dozer 5J1420 Dozer 4T3023MT Dozer 4T3011 Dozer 4T3010MT Dozer 4T3010 Dozer 3G8319MT Dozer 4T2952 Dozer 3G8320MT Dozer 4T2985 Dozer 4T3017MT Dozer 9W8874 Dozer 4T3045MT Dozer 9W8875 Dozer 4T3046MT Dozer 4T6659 Dozer 5J1419MT Dozer 4T4455 Dozer 5J1420MT Dozer 6Y4410 Dozer 4T3011MT Dozer 7T9976 Dozer 4T3010MT Dozer 9W1878 Dozer 4T2952MT Dozer 6Y3840 Dozer 4T2985MT Dozer 9W1875 Dozer 9W8874MT Dozer 9W1876 Dozer 9W8875MT Dozer 106-0956 Dozer 4T6659MT Dozer 177-4550 Dozer 4T4455MT Dozer 177-4551 Dozer 6Y4410MT Dozer 177-4552 Dozer 7T9976MT Dozer 4T2949 Dozer 9W1878MT Dozer 7J2397 Dozer 6Y3840MT Dozer 7J2398 Dozer 9W1875MT Dozer 4T2863 Dozer 9W1876MT Dozer 5J6866 Dozer 106-0956MT Dozer 5J6853 Dozer 177-4550MT Dozer 4T6667 Dozer 177-4551MT Dozer 4T6668 Dozer 177-4552MT Dozer 4T2948 Dozer 4T2949MT Dozer 3G8315 Dozer 7J2397MT Dozer 3G8316 Dozer 7J2398MT Dozer 4T2989 Dozer 4T2863MT Dozer 9W9796 Dozer 5J6866 Dozer 4T6505 Dozer 5J6853 Dozer 4T6506 Dozer 4T6667MT Dozer 9W6199 Dozer 4T6668MT Dozer 9W6198 Dozer 4T2948MT Dozer 4T2954 Dozer 3G8315MT Dozer 5J6933 Dozer 3G8316MT Dozer 5J6934 Dozer 4T2989MT Dozer 4T2864 Dozer 9W9796MT Dozer 4T3901 Dozer 4T6505MT Dozer 7T6589 Dozer 4T6506MT Dozer 135-6537 Dozer 9W6199MT Dozer 3G8311 Dozer 9W6198MT Dozer 3G8312 Dozer 4T2954MT Dozer 4T6671 Dozer 5J6933 Dozer 4T6672 Dozer 5J6934 Dozer 4T2946 Dozer 4T2864MT Dozer 4T2945 Dozer 5J6933HD Dozer 3G8315 Dozer 5J6934HD Dozer 4T2990 Dozer 4T3901MT Dozer 4T2991 Dozer 7T6589MT Dozer 5J6889 Dozer 135-6537MT Dozer 5J6830 Dozer 3G8311MT Dozer 4T6505 Dozer 3G8312MT Dozer 4T2921 Dozer 4T6671MT Dozer 4T2922 Dozer 4T6672MT Dozer 4T2993 Dozer 4T2946MT Dozer 4T2992 Dozer 4T2945MT Dozer 9W9794 Dozer 3G8315MT Dozer 9W9795 Dozer 4T2990MT Dozer 4T5318 Dozer 4T2991MT Dozer 7T6678 Dozer 5J6889 Dozer 105-0577 Dozer 5J6830 Dozer 105-0576 Dozer 4T6505MT Dozer 4T2955 Dozer 4T2921MT Dozer 4T2890 Dozer 4T2922MT Dozer 9W6199 Dozer 4T2993MT Dozer 4T2917 Dozer 4T2992MT Dozer 4T2916 Dozer 9W9794MT Dozer 4T3421 Dozer 9W9795MT Dozer 4T3420 Dozer 4T5318MT Dozer 9W9793 Dozer 7T6678MT Dozer 9W9792 Dozer 105-0577MT Dozer 128-5883 Dozer 105-0576MT Dozer 4J8843 Dozer 4T2955MT Dozer 4J8844 Dozer 4T2890MT Dozer 4T6506 Dozer 9W6199MT Dozer 4T7110 Dozer 4T2917MT Dozer 4T7109 Dozer 4T2916MT Dozer 7T6591 Dozer 4T3421MT Dozer 7T6592 Dozer 4T3420MT Dozer 135-9627 Dozer 9W9793MT Dozer 135-9626 Dozer 9W9792MT Dozer 1U1192 Dozer 128-5883MT Dozer 107-3363 Dozer 4J8843MT Dozer 107-3362 Dozer 4J8844MT Dozer 4T2943 Dozer 4T6506MT Dozer 4T2888 Dozer 4T7110MT Dozer 9W8657 Dozer 4T7109MT Dozer 4T6532 Dozer 7T6591MT Dozer 6Y6761 Dozer 7T6592MT Dozer 3G8285 Dozer 135-9627MT Dozer 3G8286 Dozer 135-9626MT Dozer 107-3474 Dozer 1U1192MT Dozer 7T4089 Dozer 107-3363MT Dozer 7T4088 Dozer 107-3362MT Dozer 7T4348 Dozer 4T2943MT Dozer 9W8651 Dozer 4T2888MT Dozer 9W8652 Dozer 9W8657MT Dozer 4T2994 Dozer 4T6532MT Dozer 3G8317 Dozer 6Y6761MT Dozer 3G8318 Dozer 3G8285MT Dozer 9W8658 Dozer 3G8286MT Dozer 107-3484 Dozer 107-3474MT Dozer 7T4351 Dozer 7T4089MT Dozer 3G8316 Dozer 7T4088MT Dozer 4T2988 Dozer 7T4348MT Dozer 4T2987 Dozer 9W8651MT Dozer 9W8655 Dozer 9W8652MT Dozer 1U4933 Dozer 4T2994MT Dozer 1U4932 Dozer 3G8317MT Dozer 107-3479 Dozer 3G8318MT Dozer 107-3481 Dozer 9W8658MT Dozer 9J1477 Dozer 107-3484MT Dozer 9J1478 Dozer 7T4351MT Dozer 3G8287 Dozer 3G8316MT Dozer 3G8288 Dozer 4T2988MT Dozer 9W5432 Dozer 4T2987MT Dozer 8E4193 Dozer 9W8655MT Dozer 8E4194 Dozer 1U4933MT Dozer 9W9098 Dozer 1U4932MT Dozer 112-2474 Dozer 107-3479MT Dozer 100-3139 Dozer 107-3481MT Dozer 100-3140 Dozer 9J1477MT Dozer 8E4537 Dozer 9J1478MT Dozer 8E4538 Dozer 3G8287MT Dozer 136-8757 Dozer 3G8288MT Dozer 136-8756 Dozer 9W5432MT Dozer 6Y4277 Dozer 8E4193MT Dozer 6Y4278 Dozer 8E4194MT Dozer 135-9373 Dozer 9W9098MT Dozer 135-9628 Dozer 112-2474MT Dozer 135-9629 Dozer 100-3139MT Dozer 4T2867 Dozer 100-3140MT Dozer 4T3418 Dozer 8E4537MT Dozer 4T6669 Dozer 8E4538MT Dozer 4T6670 Dozer 136-8757MT Dozer 3G3807 Dozer 136-8756MT Dozer 7J2975 Dozer 6Y4277MT Dozer 7J2976 Dozer 6Y4278MT Dozer 4Z9058 Dozer 135-9373MT Dozer 6Y5540 Dozer 135-9628MT Dozer 4T2862 Dozer 135-9629MT Dozer 3G8299 Dozer 4T2867MT Dozer 3G8300 Dozer 4T3418MT Dozer 6Y6763 Dozer 4T6669MT Dozer 6Y5777 Dozer 4T6670MT Dozer 7T4089 Dozer 3G3807MT Dozer 107-3476 Dozer 7J2975MT Dozer 3G8277 Dozer 7J2976MT Dozer 3G8278 Dozer 4Z9058MT Dozer 3G8301 Dozer 6Y5540MT Dozer 3G8302 Dozer 4T2862MT Dozer 3G8279 Dozer 3G8299MT Dozer 3G8280 Dozer 3G8300MT Dozer 7T4353 Dozer 6Y6763MT Dozer 4T3423 Dozer 6Y5777MT Dozer 4T3417 Dozer 7T4089MT Dozer 1U4930 Dozer 107-3476MT Dozer 1U4929 Dozer 3G8277MT Dozer 3G8317 Dozer 3G8278MT Dozer 6Y6358 Dozer 3G8301MT Dozer 6Y6359 Dozer 3G8302MT Dozer 1U4183 Dozer 3G8279MT Dozer 1U4184 Dozer 3G8280MT Dozer 107-3482 Dozer 7T4353MT Dozer 107-3480 Dozer 4T3423MT Dozer 9W8653 Dozer 4T3417MT Dozer 9W8654 Dozer 1U4930MT Dozer 7T5235 Dozer 1U4929MT Dozer 7T4346 Dozer 3G8317MT Dozer 7T4345 Dozer 6Y6358MT Dozer 7T4088 Dozer 6Y6359MT Dozer 4T9586 Dozer 1U4183MT Dozer 3G8291 Dozer 1U4184MT Dozer 3G8292 Dozer 107-3482MT Dozer 9W4396 Dozer 107-3480MT Dozer 9W4398 Dozer 9W8653MT Dozer 100-3137 Dozer 9W8654MT Dozer 100-3138 Dozer 7T5235MT Dozer 3G8283 Dozer 7T4346MT Dozer 3G8284 Dozer 7T4345MT Dozer 9W3925 Dozer 7T4088MT Dozer 9W3927 Dozer 4T9586MT Dozer 8E4539 Dozer 3G8291MT Dozer 8E4540 Dozer 3G8292MT Dozer 4T2944 Dozer 9W4396MT Dozer 4T2860 Dozer 9W4398MT Dozer 4T6531 Dozer 100-3137MT Dozer 4T6299 Dozer 100-3138MT Dozer 107-3477 Dozer 3G8283MT Dozer 4T6381 Dozer 3G8284MT Dozer 7T9126 Dozer 9W3925MT Dozer 7T9125 Dozer 9W3927MT Dozer 112-2472 Dozer 8E4539MT Dozer 112-2471 Dozer 8E4540MT Dozer 4T3419 Dozer 4T2944MT Dozer 4T2861 Dozer 4T2860MT Dozer 4T6303 Dozer 4T6531MT Dozer 4T6295 Dozer 4T6299MT Dozer 107-3473 Dozer 107-3477MT Dozer 7T4090 Dozer 4T6381MT Dozer 7T4091 Dozer 7T9126MT Dozer 4T6239 Dozer 7T9125MT Dozer 4T6240 Dozer 112-2472MT Dozer 4T6513 Dozer 112-2471MT Dozer 4T6512 Dozer 4T3419MT Dozer 6Y6765 Dozer 4T2861MT Dozer 6Y6762 Dozer 4T6303MT Dozer 4T6300 Dozer 4T6295MT Dozer 4T6296 Dozer 107-3473MT Dozer 107-3478 Dozer 7T4090MT Dozer 7T4355 Dozer 7T4091MT Dozer 107-3478 Dozer 4T6239MT Dozer 107-3475 Dozer 4T6240MT Dozer 4T3422 Dozer 4T6513MT Dozer 1U4931 Dozer 4T6512MT Dozer 6Y6360 Dozer 6Y6765MT Dozer 4T6240 Dozer 6Y6762MT Dozer 4T8089 Dozer 4T6300MT Dozer 4T8090 Dozer 4T6296MT Dozer 107-3483 Dozer 107-3478MT Dozer 7T4347 Dozer 7T4355MT Dozer 4T9590 Dozer 107-3478MT Dozer 4T9587 Dozer 107-3475MT Dozer 4J8723 Dozer 4T3422MT Dozer 4J8724 Dozer 9J1477 Dozer 9W4397 Dozer 9J1478 Dozer 9W3926 Dozer 1U4931MT Dozer 8E4197 Dozer 6Y6360MT Dozer 8E4196 Dozer 4T6240MT Dozer 4T6378 Dozer 4T8089MT Dozer 9W5232 Dozer 4T8090MT Dozer 9W6092 Dozer 107-3483MT Dozer 7T9127 Dozer 7T4347MT Dozer 112-2475 Dozer 4T9590MT Dozer 112-2473 Dozer 4T9587MT Dozer 059354 Dozer 4J8723MT Dozer 059355 Dozer 4J8724MT Dozer 059356 Dozer 9W4397MT Dozer 4T6388 Dozer 9W3926MT Dozer 4T6387 Dozer 8E4197MT Dozer 4T2328 Dozer 8E4196MT Dozer 4T2325 Dozer 4T6378MT Dozer 3G8292 Dozer 9W5232MT Dozer 7J2966 Dozer 9W6092MT Dozer 7J2965 Dozer 7T9127MT Dozer 4T6450 Dozer 112-2475MT Dozer 4T6389 Dozer 112-2473MT Dozer 4T6386 Dozer 059354MT Dozer 4T6391 Dozer 059355MT Dozer 4T6392 Dozer 059356MT Dozer 7J2980 Dozer 4T6388MT Dozer 4T6459 Dozer 4T6387MT Dozer 4T6456 Dozer 4T2328MT Dozer 3G8289 Dozer 4T2325MT Dozer 3G8290 Dozer 3G8292MT Dozer 7J2961 Dozer 7J2966MT Dozer 7J2960 Dozer 7J2965MT Dozer 3G8281 Dozer 4T6450MT Dozer 3G8282 Dozer 4T6389MT Dozer 4T6448 Dozer 4T6386MT Dozer 7J2962 Dozer 4T6391MT Dozer 9W4500 Dozer 4T6392MT Dozer 3G8290 Dozer 7J2980MT Dozer 7T4342 Dozer 4T6459MT Dozer 7T4092 Dozer 4T6456MT Dozer 7T4093 Dozer 3G8289MT Dozer 4T6385 Dozer 3G8290MT Dozer 3G7763 Dozer 7J2961 Dozer 3G7764 Dozer 7J2960 Dozer 9W4502 Dozer 3G8281MT Dozer 3G7763 Dozer 3G8282MT Dozer 1U1545 Dozer 4T6448MT Dozer 1U1546 Dozer 7J2962MT Dozer 6Y0310 Dozer 9W4500MT Dozer 6Y0312 Dozer 3G8290MT Dozer 6Y0311 Dozer 7T4342MT Dozer 8E4541 Dozer 7T4092MT Dozer 8E4542 Dozer 7T4093MT Dozer 9W4508 Dozer 4T6385MT Dozer 6Y0476 Dozer 3G7763MT Dozer 6Y0478 Dozer 3G7764MT Dozer 6Y0477 Dozer 9W4502MT Dozer 7T4689 Dozer 3G7763MT Dozer 7T4688 Dozer 1U1545MT Dozer 100-3131 Dozer 1U1546MT Dozer 100-3132 Dozer 6Y0310MT Dozer 100-3133 Dozer 6Y0312MT Dozer 100-3134 Dozer 6Y0311MT Dozer 7T9782 Dozer 8E4541MT Dozer 7T9779 Dozer 8E4542MT Dozer 8E4199 Dozer 9W4508MT Dozer 8E4198 Dozer 6Y0476MT Dozer 9W3928 Dozer 6Y0478MT Dozer 9W3930 Dozer 6Y0477MT Dozer 6Y5539 Dozer 7T4689MT Dozer 8E4196 Dozer 7T4688MT Dozer 7T5702 Dozer 100-3131MT Dozer 9W7043 Dozer 100-3132MT Dozer 4T6453 Dozer 100-3133MT Dozer 4T6457 Dozer 100-3134MT Dozer 7J2963 Dozer 7T9782MT Dozer 7J2964 Dozer 7T9779MT Dozer 4T6379 Dozer 8E4199MT Dozer 9W9197 Dozer 8E4198MT Dozer 7J2959 Dozer 9W3928MT Dozer 7J2979 Dozer 9W3930MT Dozer 9W4503 Dozer 6Y5539MT Dozer 6Y0313 Dozer 8E4196MT Dozer 6Y0314 Dozer 7T5702MT Dozer 6Y0315 Dozer 9W7043MT Dozer 9W4506 Dozer 4T6453MT Dozer 9W4507 Dozer 4T6457MT Dozer 7T4335 Dozer 7J2963MT Dozer 7T4343 Dozer 7J2964MT Dozer 7T4344 Dozer 4T6379MT Dozer 9W0775 Dozer 9W9197MT Dozer 7T9781 Dozer 7J2959MT Dozer 9W3931 Dozer 7J2979MT Dozer 9W3929 Dozer 9W4503MT Dozer 6Y5538 Dozer 6Y0313MT Dozer 7T5701 Dozer 6Y0314MT Dozer 8E4197 Dozer 6Y0315MT Dozer 9W7044 Dozer 9W4506MT Dozer 4T2308 Dozer 9W4507MT Dozer 4T6538 Dozer 7T4335MT Dozer 9J3751 Dozer 7T4343MT Dozer 1U4459 Dozer 7T4344MT Dozer 1U4455 Dozer 9W0775MT Dozer 4T0081 Dozer 7T9781MT Dozer 4T0082 Dozer 9W3931MT Dozer 8E4543 Dozer 9W3929MT Dozer 8E4544 Dozer 6Y5538MT Dozer 6Y0016 Dozer 7T5701MT Dozer 6Y0017 Dozer 8E4197MT Dozer 4T0607 Dozer 9W7044MT Dozer 4T0604 Dozer 4T2308MT Dozer 8E4545 Dozer 4T6538MT Dozer 8E4546 Dozer 9J3751MT Dozer 6Y0020 Dozer 1U4459MT Dozer 6Y0021 Dozer 1U4455MT Dozer 9W6609 Dozer 4T0081MT Dozer 9W6608 Dozer 4T0082MT Dozer 9W6656 Dozer 8E4543MT Dozer 9W6657 Dozer 8E4544MT Dozer 195-9170 Dozer 6Y0016MT Dozer 195-9171 Dozer 6Y0017MT Dozer 201-1230 Dozer 4T0607MT Dozer 8E2085 Dozer 4T0604MT Dozer 8E2086 Dozer 8E4545MT Dozer 135-9580 Dozer 8E4546MT Dozer 135-9579 Dozer 6Y0020MT Dozer 136-8755 Dozer 6Y0021MT Dozer 136-8754 Dozer 9W6609MT Dozer 100-3134 Dozer 9W6608MT Dozer 1U4458 Dozer 9W6656MT Dozer 1U4457 Dozer 9W6657MT Dozer 4T0083 Dozer 195-9170 Dozer 3G0396 Dozer 195-9171 Dozer 3G0395 Dozer 201-1230 Dozer 3G0397RHC Dozer 8E2085MT Dozer 3G0397LHC Dozer 8E2086MT Dozer 3G0397 Dozer 135-9580MT Dozer 6Y0018 Dozer 135-9579MT Dozer 6Y0019 Dozer 136-8755MT Dozer 4T0605 Dozer 136-8754MT Dozer 4T0606 Dozer 100-3134MT Dozer 8E9749 Dozer 1U4458MT Dozer 8E9748 Dozer 1U4457MT Dozer 4T0609 Dozer 4T0083MT Dozer 4T0608 Dozer 3G0396MT Dozer 6Y0023 Dozer 3G0395MT Dozer 6Y0022 Dozer 3G0397RHCMT Dozer 9W6615 Dozer 3G0397LHCMT Dozer 9W6658 Dozer 3G0397MT Dozer 8E2087 Dozer 6Y0018MT Dozer 223-8149 Dozer 6Y0019MT Dozer 201-1230 Dozer 4T0605MT Dozer 107-3510 Dozer 4T0606MT Dozer 107-3515 Dozer 8E9749MT Dozer 107-3516 Dozer 8E9748MT Dozer 113-0338 Dozer 4T0609MT Dozer 238-3171 Dozer 4T0608MT Dozer 273-7225 Dozer 6Y0023MT Dozer 273-7226 Dozer 6Y0022MT Dozer 238-3177 Dozer 9W6615MT Dozer 273-7230 Dozer 9W6658MT Dozer 273-7231 Dozer 8E2087MT Dozer 268-8751 Dozer 223-8149 Dozer 273-7234 Dozer 201-1230 Dozer 273-7235 Dozer 107-3510MT Dozer 136-6750 Dozer 107-3515MT Dozer 136-6751 Dozer 107-3516MT Dozer 136-6752 Dozer 113-0338MT Dozer 144-1299 Dozer 238-3171MT Dozer 144-1295 Dozer 273-7225MT Dozer 144-1296 Dozer 273-7226MT Dozer 144-1297 Dozer 238-3177MT Dozer 144-1298 Dozer 273-7230MT Dozer 109-9053 Dozer 273-7231MT Dozer 136-6753 Dozer 268-8751 Dozer 136-6754 Dozer 273-7234 Dozer 109-9054 Dozer 273-7235 Dozer 273-7232 Dozer 136-6750MT Dozer 273-7233 Dozer 136-6751MT Dozer 9W2426 Dozer 136-6752MT Dozer 9W2425 Dozer 144-1299MT Dozer 9W4495 Dozer 144-1295MT Dozer 9W4494 Dozer 144-1296MT Dozer 135-9577 Dozer 144-1297MT Dozer 135-9578 Dozer 144-1298MT Dozer 195-7171 Dozer 109-9053MT Dozer 195-7172 Dozer 136-6753MT Dozer 9W2424 Dozer 136-6754MT Dozer 138-6484 Dozer 109-9054MT Dozer 138-6483 Dozer 273-7232MT Dozer 138-6485 Dozer 273-7233MT Dozer 138-6486 Dozer 9W2426MT Dozer 9W4493 Dozer 9W2425MT Dozer 195-9175 Dozer 9W4495MT Dozer 195-9173 Dozer 9W4494MT Dozer 195-9174 Dozer 135-9577MT Dozer 201-1231 Dozer 135-9578MT Dozer 195-7187 Dozer 195-7171MT Dozer 195-9577 Dozer 195-7172MT Dozer 107-3523 Dozer 9W2424MT Dozer 107-3521 Dozer 138-6484MT Dozer 107-3522 Dozer 138-6483MT Dozer 4T3019 Dozer 138-6485MT Dozer 4T2923 Dozer 138-6486MT Dozer 4T6241 Dozer 9W4493MT Dozer 4T6242 Dozer 195-9175 Dozer 4T3012 Dozer 195-9173 Dozer 3G8293 Dozer 195-9174 Dozer 3G8294 Dozer 201-1231 Dozer 4T6514 Dozer 195-7187MT Dozer 7T3492 Dozer 195-9577MT Dozer 122-9227 Dozer 107-3523MT Dozer 171-4813 Dozer 107-3521MT Dozer 4T6238 Dozer 107-3522MT Dozer 4T6238 Dozer 4T3019MT Dozer 4T6515 Dozer 4T2923MT Dozer 4T2889 Dozer 4T6241MT Dozer 4T8797 Dozer 4T6242MT Dozer 4T8798 Dozer 4T3012MT Dozer 113-0334 Dozer 3G8293MT Dozer 113-0336 Dozer 3G8294MT Dozer 113-0322 Dozer 4T6514MT Dozer 195-7272 Dozer 7T3492MT Dozer 6Y4277 Dozer 122-9227MT Dozer 151-7476 Dozer 171-4813MT Dozer 151-7477 Dozer 4T6238MT Dozer 138-0791 Dozer 4T6238MT Dozer 138-0792 Dozer 4T6515MT Dozer 138-0793 Dozer 4T2889MT Dozer 109-3146 Dozer 4T8797MT Dozer 124-7284 Dozer 4T8798MT Dozer 124-7285 Dozer 113-0334MT Dozer 128-2870 Dozer 113-0336MT Dozer 128-2871 Dozer 113-0322MT Dozer 4J4367 Dozer 195-7272MT Dozer 4J4368 Dozer 6Y4277MT Dozer 4T6650 Dozer 151-7476MT Dozer 4T6651 Dozer 151-7477MT Dozer 4T2986 Dozer 138-0791MT Dozer 135-9669 Dozer 138-0792MT Dozer 135-9670 Dozer 138-0793MT Dozer 135-9698 Dozer 109-3146MT Dozer 135-9699 Dozer 124-7284MT Dozer 135-9671 Dozer 124-7285MT Dozer 135-9672 Dozer 128-2870MT Dozer 135-9673 Dozer 128-2871MT Dozer 135-9668 Dozer 4J4367 Dozer 5J6873 Dozer 4J4368 Dozer 4T8070 Dozer 4T6650MT Dozer 4T6651MT Dozer 4T2986MT Dozer 135-9669 Dozer 135-9670 Dozer 135-9698MT Dozer 135-9699MT Dozer 135-9671MT Dozer 135-9672MT Dozer 135-9673MT Dozer 135-9668MT Dozer 5J6873MT Dozer 4T8070MT Besides CAT Dozer Blades/Cutting Edges/End Bits, A&S; Machinery also provide tooth/tooth tip/tooth point, tooth pin, tooth adapter/tooth holder, wear caps, lip shrouds, heel shrouds, kwiklok liners for for CAT, Komatsu, Hitachi, Volvo, Liebherr, Terex/O&K;, SANY, Zoomlion, TZ, P&H; excavators, loaders, bulldozer & motor grader rippers and electric shovels. If any interest in bucket tooth/tooth tip/tooth points, tooth lock pins, tooth adapters, ripper tooth shanks, side cutters/wing shrouds, wear caps, lip shrouds, heel shrouds, kwiklok liners and adapters, please inquire for more details.
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Supply ability: 1000 pcs/per month
A&S Machinery Co., Ltd.
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NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
10. Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR。
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future
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NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
10. Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR。
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
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NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
10. Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR。
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
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NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
10. Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR。
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
1.Caterpillar bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 8E6208,1U4208,8E6209,4T0001,6Y3228,1324762,8E6259,1495733,
2. Komatsu bucket tooth pins lock: 20X-70-00100,203-70-74281,09244-02489,09244-02496,09244-02508,09244-02516,09244-03036,426-847-1130,209-70-54240,21N-72-14330,21N-72-14331,195-78-71360,198-78-21410,175-78-21340,175-78-21810,175-78-21740,K15PN,K20PN,K25PN,K30PN,K40PN,K50PN,K70PN,K85PN,K115PN,XS40PN,XS50PN,XS115PN,XS145PN.
3. Hyundai bucket tooth pins lock and Retainer: E161-3035,61E5-11150,5411-180002,E262-5004,P235,61E5-11150,61E7-0105,61EH-11150,61E7-04620,61E7-04630,61N4-30350,61N4-11150.
4. Daewoo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 2705-9014,2705-9015,2705-1020,2114-9008,2705-9010,2114-1849,2705-1021,2114-1849,2705-1034,2114-1931.
5. ESCO/ Hitachi pin lock & rubber :18-20PN,18LK,22PN,22LK,25-30PN,25-30LK,35PN ,205-70-74281,35-40LK,205-70-74291,40PN,35-40LK,45PN,45LK,50PN,50LK,55PN,55LK,56PN,56LK,66PN,66LK,76PN,76LK,86PN,86LK,4K0043,4K0041.V13-V17PN,V19-V23PN,V29PN,V33PN,V39PN,V43PN,V51PN,V59PN,V61PN,V69PN,V71PN,V81PN,21LKS,27LKS,37LKS,47LKS,57LKS
6. Liebherr bucket tooth pins and Rubber lock:914PN,914LK,944PN,944LK.
7. Bofors bucket tooth pins: 6254673-30201,6254675-31201,6254667-32201,6254682-33201,6254679-35201.
8. H&L Rolling pin and Flex pin: P156,P160,P162,230PN,240PN,P400HD,23PB,23PN,23FP,TF23,S23PA.
9. Volvo bucket tooth pins and Retainer: 1171-01910,1454-0728,1455-0967,1455-0968,5-8P,15P,20P,30P,40P,55P,65P,80P,125P.
10. Other bucket tooth pins:22RP,22RB,25RP,25RB,35RP,35RB,39RP,39RB,K290S/2K2901,K330S/2K3301,K370S/2K3701,K410S/2K4101,K450S/2K4501,60SV2PN-C,65SV2PN-C,70SV2PN-C,75SV2PN-C,85SV2PN-C,PZ30,PZ35,PZ40,PZ50,PZ70,PZ90,U25PN,U30PN,U35PN,U40PN,U45PN,U55PN.2MG5PR,2MG8PR,2MG10/15PR,2MG20PR,2MG30PR,2MG40PR,2MG55PR。
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
Caterpillar excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
1U3202,1U3202TVC,1U3202E,1U3202RC,6Y3222,1U3252,1U3252RC,9N4252,1U3252TVC,9N4253,1U3301,1U3302,1U3302R,1U3302TL,1U3302RC,9N4302,9N4303,1U3351,1U3352,1U3352RC,9J4359,1U3352P,1U3352P,1U3352PT,1U3352TL,9N4352,9N4353,7T3402,7T3402RC,7T3402T,8E4402,1U3451,9W8451,1U3452,9W8452,1U3452P,1U3452RC,1U3452RC-A,1U3452TL,9N4452,9W8459,1U3452SK,1U3452RC-E,9W8552,9W8552RC,1U3552RC,1U3552RC-HD,IU3552TL,9N4552,6Y2553,7Y0602,6I6602,6I6602RC,6I6603RC,4T4702,8Y003,4702SYL,KT394SYL,KT394TL,6Y0309,6Y0359,9W2451HD,9W2452,6Y3552HD,208-5235,6Y6335,8J7525,119-3205,6Y3224 ,3G0169,6Y3254,1U1254,3G6304,9W1304,1U1304,4T4307,1U0307,1U1354,3G8354,6I6354-40,6I6355-40,6I6356-40,6I6404,6I6464-55,6I6464-60,8E6464,1590464,6I6554-50,6I6554,6I6555,6I6556,6I6604-75,6I6604,133-0704,375-65169,J4207,1U0257,3G5307,3G3357,1U1357,8E5308,8E5309,3G4308,3G4309,3G8308,3G8309,3G5358,3G5359,8E5358,8E5359,1U1877,4T4501HD,4T4502,4T5501HD,4T5502HD,4T5503,4T5502TL,4T5505,4T5452,6Y0359,2D5572(6Y5230),9F5124(5B-6251),5K1459,71140TL,71140-A,238-785-1321,220-9082,220-9083S,220-9083HD,220-9089,222-1081,220-9091,220-9097TL,220-9099,220-9092,220-9093,220-9091/9093RC,222-1091,309-1098,220-9101(9103H/D),220-9103RC,286-2117,220-9119,286-2114,220-9132,220-9139,220-9133,264-2131,264-2151,264-2171,264-2172,232-0173/220-9173,232-0173TL,381-4089,381-4095,505-4097,505-4103,505-4113.
Komatsu excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
ESCO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
18LP,2713-9051(18S),18SRC,18TL,22S,25S ,20X-70-23161,25SRC,25T,30S,30TVC,35S(2806-35S),40S(4512365),45S,18S-A,22S-A,25S-A,25T-A,855-25,30S-A,AD-30S,35S-A,207-70-34151,208-70-34150,V13SYL,V13TVY,V17,V17TVL,V17TVY,V19,V20,V23SYL,V23TVY,V29SYL,V29TVY,V29RC,V33RC,V33TVY,V33SHV,V33SYL,V39VX,V39RC,V39RE,V39TL,V39SYL,V39SHV,V43VY,V43RC,V43SYL,V51SHV,V51RC,V51VY,V51SYL,V51RL,V59VY,V59SYL,V61SD,V61AR,V61SYL,V61VY,65SV2SD,V69SD,FT690I,T710EPA,V71SD,V70RC,70SV2SD,75SV2RXL,5709403,V81SD,85SV2SD,8842-V17,V17AD,V19AD,V20AD,5854-V23,5850-V29,AD-V33,5896-V39,4383462,5856-V43,5857A-V51,AD-V51,AD-V51,5857A-V59,5857A-V59,6805-V61,6805-V61,AD-V61,CE13-100V69,AD-V71,AD-V71,U25A,U35S,U40S,U40A,U40H,U45S,U45P,U45C,U45H,U45T,U55P,U55H,U60S,U60C,R914,R944,S95SD,5855A-U35,5856-U40-50,5856-U45-50,3881A-U45-60,3858A-U55-70,3858B-U55,U60AD,6803W-65SV2
VOLVO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
14527863,1171-00041,14530544,14530544RC,14530544TL,1171-01910,1171-01910RC,T55GP,T55GPTL-2,1455-3243TL,T55GPRC,14553243RC,14553243,V360SYL,14553244,843,843RC,843TL,VOLVO700,14527865,1171-01620,1171-01900,A55L50-60 ,A55L50-50,CEO460-60,15GPE,20GPE,20AMRE,30GPE,30AMRE,30AMRL,40GPE,40AMRE,55GPE,65GPE,80GPE,80AMRE,125GPE,EA20BL40,EA30BL40,EA40BL50,EA80BL-70,11ARXE,16ARXE,21ARXE,31ARXE,41ARXE,56ARXE,66ARXE,81ARXE,126ARXE,16PPE,21PPE,41PPE,56PPE,66PPE,81PPE,126PPE.
JCB excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hitachi excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Daewoo/Doosan excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hyundai excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
E161-3027,E161-3027TL,E161-3027TL,E161-3027RC,61N4-31310,61N6DA0020,61N6DA0020RC,61Q6-31310,61Q6-31310RC,61Q6-31310TL,61Q6-31310RC,61N6-31310,61N8-31310,61NA-31310,61NA-31310RC,61QA-31310RC,XD420RC,61E7-0101RC,61NB-31310,XD200 ,1171-00042XD20,XD200,XD420,XD450,61N4-31311,61Q6-31320,61NA-31320,61NA-31320
Kobelco excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
SK65,SK140,SK200,SK200RC,SK200TL,S001(SK210),SK210RC,SK230 ,SK230RC,SK350,SK350RC,SK200Z(32),SK200B,SK200A-40,SK230A-PK(40),SK230A,S002,SK350AD
Other excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
Caterpillar excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
1U3202,1U3202TVC,1U3202E,1U3202RC,6Y3222,1U3252,1U3252RC,9N4252,1U3252TVC,9N4253,1U3301,1U3302,1U3302R,1U3302TL,1U3302RC,9N4302,9N4303,1U3351,1U3352,1U3352RC,9J4359,1U3352P,1U3352P,1U3352PT,1U3352TL,9N4352,9N4353,7T3402,7T3402RC,7T3402T,8E4402,1U3451,9W8451,1U3452,9W8452,1U3452P,1U3452RC,1U3452RC-A,1U3452TL,9N4452,9W8459,1U3452SK,1U3452RC-E,9W8552,9W8552RC,1U3552RC,1U3552RC-HD,IU3552TL,9N4552,6Y2553,7Y0602,6I6602,6I6602RC,6I6603RC,4T4702,8Y003,4702SYL,KT394SYL,KT394TL,6Y0309,6Y0359,9W2451HD,9W2452,6Y3552HD,208-5235,6Y6335,8J7525,119-3205,6Y3224 ,3G0169,6Y3254,1U1254,3G6304,9W1304,1U1304,4T4307,1U0307,1U1354,3G8354,6I6354-40,6I6355-40,6I6356-40,6I6404,6I6464-55,6I6464-60,8E6464,1590464,6I6554-50,6I6554,6I6555,6I6556,6I6604-75,6I6604,133-0704,375-65169,J4207,1U0257,3G5307,3G3357,1U1357,8E5308,8E5309,3G4308,3G4309,3G8308,3G8309,3G5358,3G5359,8E5358,8E5359,1U1877,4T4501HD,4T4502,4T5501HD,4T5502HD,4T5503,4T5502TL,4T5505,4T5452,6Y0359,2D5572(6Y5230),9F5124(5B-6251),5K1459,71140TL,71140-A,238-785-1321,220-9082,220-9083S,220-9083HD,220-9089,222-1081,220-9091,220-9097TL,220-9099,220-9092,220-9093,220-9091/9093RC,222-1091,309-1098,220-9101(9103H/D),220-9103RC,286-2117,220-9119,286-2114,220-9132,220-9139,220-9133,264-2131,264-2151,264-2171,264-2172,232-0173/220-9173,232-0173TL,381-4089,381-4095,505-4097,505-4103,505-4113.
Komatsu excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
ESCO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
18LP,2713-9051(18S),18SRC,18TL,22S,25S ,20X-70-23161,25SRC,25T,30S,30TVC,35S(2806-35S),40S(4512365),45S,18S-A,22S-A,25S-A,25T-A,855-25,30S-A,AD-30S,35S-A,207-70-34151,208-70-34150,V13SYL,V13TVY,V17,V17TVL,V17TVY,V19,V20,V23SYL,V23TVY,V29SYL,V29TVY,V29RC,V33RC,V33TVY,V33SHV,V33SYL,V39VX,V39RC,V39RE,V39TL,V39SYL,V39SHV,V43VY,V43RC,V43SYL,V51SHV,V51RC,V51VY,V51SYL,V51RL,V59VY,V59SYL,V61SD,V61AR,V61SYL,V61VY,65SV2SD,V69SD,FT690I,T710EPA,V71SD,V70RC,70SV2SD,75SV2RXL,5709403,V81SD,85SV2SD,8842-V17,V17AD,V19AD,V20AD,5854-V23,5850-V29,AD-V33,5896-V39,4383462,5856-V43,5857A-V51,AD-V51,AD-V51,5857A-V59,5857A-V59,6805-V61,6805-V61,AD-V61,CE13-100V69,AD-V71,AD-V71,U25A,U35S,U40S,U40A,U40H,U45S,U45P,U45C,U45H,U45T,U55P,U55H,U60S,U60C,R914,R944,S95SD,5855A-U35,5856-U40-50,5856-U45-50,3881A-U45-60,3858A-U55-70,3858B-U55,U60AD,6803W-65SV2
VOLVO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
14527863,1171-00041,14530544,14530544RC,14530544TL,1171-01910,1171-01910RC,T55GP,T55GPTL-2,1455-3243TL,T55GPRC,14553243RC,14553243,V360SYL,14553244,843,843RC,843TL,VOLVO700,14527865,1171-01620,1171-01900,A55L50-60 ,A55L50-50,CEO460-60,15GPE,20GPE,20AMRE,30GPE,30AMRE,30AMRL,40GPE,40AMRE,55GPE,65GPE,80GPE,80AMRE,125GPE,EA20BL40,EA30BL40,EA40BL50,EA80BL-70,11ARXE,16ARXE,21ARXE,31ARXE,41ARXE,56ARXE,66ARXE,81ARXE,126ARXE,16PPE,21PPE,41PPE,56PPE,66PPE,81PPE,126PPE.
JCB excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hitachi excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Daewoo/Doosan excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hyundai excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
E161-3027,E161-3027TL,E161-3027TL,E161-3027RC,61N4-31310,61N6DA0020,61N6DA0020RC,61Q6-31310,61Q6-31310RC,61Q6-31310TL,61Q6-31310RC,61N6-31310,61N8-31310,61NA-31310,61NA-31310RC,61QA-31310RC,XD420RC,61E7-0101RC,61NB-31310,XD200 ,1171-00042XD20,XD200,XD420,XD450,61N4-31311,61Q6-31320,61NA-31320,61NA-31320
Kobelco excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
SK65,SK140,SK200,SK200RC,SK200TL,S001(SK210),SK210RC,SK230 ,SK230RC,SK350,SK350RC,SK200Z(32),SK200B,SK200A-40,SK230A-PK(40),SK230A,S002,SK350AD
Other excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
Caterpillar excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
1U3202,1U3202TVC,1U3202E,1U3202RC,6Y3222,1U3252,1U3252RC,9N4252,1U3252TVC,9N4253,1U3301,1U3302,1U3302R,1U3302TL,1U3302RC,9N4302,9N4303,1U3351,1U3352,1U3352RC,9J4359,1U3352P,1U3352P,1U3352PT,1U3352TL,9N4352,9N4353,7T3402,7T3402RC,7T3402T,8E4402,1U3451,9W8451,1U3452,9W8452,1U3452P,1U3452RC,1U3452RC-A,1U3452TL,9N4452,9W8459,1U3452SK,1U3452RC-E,9W8552,9W8552RC,1U3552RC,1U3552RC-HD,IU3552TL,9N4552,6Y2553,7Y0602,6I6602,6I6602RC,6I6603RC,4T4702,8Y003,4702SYL,KT394SYL,KT394TL,6Y0309,6Y0359,9W2451HD,9W2452,6Y3552HD,208-5235,6Y6335,8J7525,119-3205,6Y3224 ,3G0169,6Y3254,1U1254,3G6304,9W1304,1U1304,4T4307,1U0307,1U1354,3G8354,6I6354-40,6I6355-40,6I6356-40,6I6404,6I6464-55,6I6464-60,8E6464,1590464,6I6554-50,6I6554,6I6555,6I6556,6I6604-75,6I6604,133-0704,375-65169,J4207,1U0257,3G5307,3G3357,1U1357,8E5308,8E5309,3G4308,3G4309,3G8308,3G8309,3G5358,3G5359,8E5358,8E5359,1U1877,4T4501HD,4T4502,4T5501HD,4T5502HD,4T5503,4T5502TL,4T5505,4T5452,6Y0359,2D5572(6Y5230),9F5124(5B-6251),5K1459,71140TL,71140-A,238-785-1321,220-9082,220-9083S,220-9083HD,220-9089,222-1081,220-9091,220-9097TL,220-9099,220-9092,220-9093,220-9091/9093RC,222-1091,309-1098,220-9101(9103H/D),220-9103RC,286-2117,220-9119,286-2114,220-9132,220-9139,220-9133,264-2131,264-2151,264-2171,264-2172,232-0173/220-9173,232-0173TL,381-4089,381-4095,505-4097,505-4103,505-4113.
Komatsu excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
ESCO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
18LP,2713-9051(18S),18SRC,18TL,22S,25S ,20X-70-23161,25SRC,25T,30S,30TVC,35S(2806-35S),40S(4512365),45S,18S-A,22S-A,25S-A,25T-A,855-25,30S-A,AD-30S,35S-A,207-70-34151,208-70-34150,V13SYL,V13TVY,V17,V17TVL,V17TVY,V19,V20,V23SYL,V23TVY,V29SYL,V29TVY,V29RC,V33RC,V33TVY,V33SHV,V33SYL,V39VX,V39RC,V39RE,V39TL,V39SYL,V39SHV,V43VY,V43RC,V43SYL,V51SHV,V51RC,V51VY,V51SYL,V51RL,V59VY,V59SYL,V61SD,V61AR,V61SYL,V61VY,65SV2SD,V69SD,FT690I,T710EPA,V71SD,V70RC,70SV2SD,75SV2RXL,5709403,V81SD,85SV2SD,8842-V17,V17AD,V19AD,V20AD,5854-V23,5850-V29,AD-V33,5896-V39,4383462,5856-V43,5857A-V51,AD-V51,AD-V51,5857A-V59,5857A-V59,6805-V61,6805-V61,AD-V61,CE13-100V69,AD-V71,AD-V71,U25A,U35S,U40S,U40A,U40H,U45S,U45P,U45C,U45H,U45T,U55P,U55H,U60S,U60C,R914,R944,S95SD,5855A-U35,5856-U40-50,5856-U45-50,3881A-U45-60,3858A-U55-70,3858B-U55,U60AD,6803W-65SV2
VOLVO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
14527863,1171-00041,14530544,14530544RC,14530544TL,1171-01910,1171-01910RC,T55GP,T55GPTL-2,1455-3243TL,T55GPRC,14553243RC,14553243,V360SYL,14553244,843,843RC,843TL,VOLVO700,14527865,1171-01620,1171-01900,A55L50-60 ,A55L50-50,CEO460-60,15GPE,20GPE,20AMRE,30GPE,30AMRE,30AMRL,40GPE,40AMRE,55GPE,65GPE,80GPE,80AMRE,125GPE,EA20BL40,EA30BL40,EA40BL50,EA80BL-70,11ARXE,16ARXE,21ARXE,31ARXE,41ARXE,56ARXE,66ARXE,81ARXE,126ARXE,16PPE,21PPE,41PPE,56PPE,66PPE,81PPE,126PPE.
JCB excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hitachi excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Daewoo/Doosan excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hyundai excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
E161-3027,E161-3027TL,E161-3027TL,E161-3027RC,61N4-31310,61N6DA0020,61N6DA0020RC,61Q6-31310,61Q6-31310RC,61Q6-31310TL,61Q6-31310RC,61N6-31310,61N8-31310,61NA-31310,61NA-31310RC,61QA-31310RC,XD420RC,61E7-0101RC,61NB-31310,XD200 ,1171-00042XD20,XD200,XD420,XD450,61N4-31311,61Q6-31320,61NA-31320,61NA-31320
Kobelco excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
SK65,SK140,SK200,SK200RC,SK200TL,S001(SK210),SK210RC,SK230 ,SK230RC,SK350,SK350RC,SK200Z(32),SK200B,SK200A-40,SK230A-PK(40),SK230A,S002,SK350AD
Other excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
Caterpillar excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
1U3202,1U3202TVC,1U3202E,1U3202RC,6Y3222,1U3252,1U3252RC,9N4252,1U3252TVC,9N4253,1U3301,1U3302,1U3302R,1U3302TL,1U3302RC,9N4302,9N4303,1U3351,1U3352,1U3352RC,9J4359,1U3352P,1U3352P,1U3352PT,1U3352TL,9N4352,9N4353,7T3402,7T3402RC,7T3402T,8E4402,1U3451,9W8451,1U3452,9W8452,1U3452P,1U3452RC,1U3452RC-A,1U3452TL,9N4452,9W8459,1U3452SK,1U3452RC-E,9W8552,9W8552RC,1U3552RC,1U3552RC-HD,IU3552TL,9N4552,6Y2553,7Y0602,6I6602,6I6602RC,6I6603RC,4T4702,8Y003,4702SYL,KT394SYL,KT394TL,6Y0309,6Y0359,9W2451HD,9W2452,6Y3552HD,208-5235,6Y6335,8J7525,119-3205,6Y3224 ,3G0169,6Y3254,1U1254,3G6304,9W1304,1U1304,4T4307,1U0307,1U1354,3G8354,6I6354-40,6I6355-40,6I6356-40,6I6404,6I6464-55,6I6464-60,8E6464,1590464,6I6554-50,6I6554,6I6555,6I6556,6I6604-75,6I6604,133-0704,375-65169,J4207,1U0257,3G5307,3G3357,1U1357,8E5308,8E5309,3G4308,3G4309,3G8308,3G8309,3G5358,3G5359,8E5358,8E5359,1U1877,4T4501HD,4T4502,4T5501HD,4T5502HD,4T5503,4T5502TL,4T5505,4T5452,6Y0359,2D5572(6Y5230),9F5124(5B-6251),5K1459,71140TL,71140-A,238-785-1321,220-9082,220-9083S,220-9083HD,220-9089,222-1081,220-9091,220-9097TL,220-9099,220-9092,220-9093,220-9091/9093RC,222-1091,309-1098,220-9101(9103H/D),220-9103RC,286-2117,220-9119,286-2114,220-9132,220-9139,220-9133,264-2131,264-2151,264-2171,264-2172,232-0173/220-9173,232-0173TL,381-4089,381-4095,505-4097,505-4103,505-4113.
Komatsu excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
ESCO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
18LP,2713-9051(18S),18SRC,18TL,22S,25S ,20X-70-23161,25SRC,25T,30S,30TVC,35S(2806-35S),40S(4512365),45S,18S-A,22S-A,25S-A,25T-A,855-25,30S-A,AD-30S,35S-A,207-70-34151,208-70-34150,V13SYL,V13TVY,V17,V17TVL,V17TVY,V19,V20,V23SYL,V23TVY,V29SYL,V29TVY,V29RC,V33RC,V33TVY,V33SHV,V33SYL,V39VX,V39RC,V39RE,V39TL,V39SYL,V39SHV,V43VY,V43RC,V43SYL,V51SHV,V51RC,V51VY,V51SYL,V51RL,V59VY,V59SYL,V61SD,V61AR,V61SYL,V61VY,65SV2SD,V69SD,FT690I,T710EPA,V71SD,V70RC,70SV2SD,75SV2RXL,5709403,V81SD,85SV2SD,8842-V17,V17AD,V19AD,V20AD,5854-V23,5850-V29,AD-V33,5896-V39,4383462,5856-V43,5857A-V51,AD-V51,AD-V51,5857A-V59,5857A-V59,6805-V61,6805-V61,AD-V61,CE13-100V69,AD-V71,AD-V71,U25A,U35S,U40S,U40A,U40H,U45S,U45P,U45C,U45H,U45T,U55P,U55H,U60S,U60C,R914,R944,S95SD,5855A-U35,5856-U40-50,5856-U45-50,3881A-U45-60,3858A-U55-70,3858B-U55,U60AD,6803W-65SV2
VOLVO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
14527863,1171-00041,14530544,14530544RC,14530544TL,1171-01910,1171-01910RC,T55GP,T55GPTL-2,1455-3243TL,T55GPRC,14553243RC,14553243,V360SYL,14553244,843,843RC,843TL,VOLVO700,14527865,1171-01620,1171-01900,A55L50-60 ,A55L50-50,CEO460-60,15GPE,20GPE,20AMRE,30GPE,30AMRE,30AMRL,40GPE,40AMRE,55GPE,65GPE,80GPE,80AMRE,125GPE,EA20BL40,EA30BL40,EA40BL50,EA80BL-70,11ARXE,16ARXE,21ARXE,31ARXE,41ARXE,56ARXE,66ARXE,81ARXE,126ARXE,16PPE,21PPE,41PPE,56PPE,66PPE,81PPE,126PPE.
JCB excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hitachi excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Daewoo/Doosan excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hyundai excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
E161-3027,E161-3027TL,E161-3027TL,E161-3027RC,61N4-31310,61N6DA0020,61N6DA0020RC,61Q6-31310,61Q6-31310RC,61Q6-31310TL,61Q6-31310RC,61N6-31310,61N8-31310,61NA-31310,61NA-31310RC,61QA-31310RC,XD420RC,61E7-0101RC,61NB-31310,XD200 ,1171-00042XD20,XD200,XD420,XD450,61N4-31311,61Q6-31320,61NA-31320,61NA-31320
Kobelco excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
SK65,SK140,SK200,SK200RC,SK200TL,S001(SK210),SK210RC,SK230 ,SK230RC,SK350,SK350RC,SK200Z(32),SK200B,SK200A-40,SK230A-PK(40),SK230A,S002,SK350AD
Other excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
Specify the price
NingBo Santon Machinery Co.,Ltd is founded in 2005, is located in industrial park,Hengxi Town, yinzhou,Ningbo Ctiy,China. It occupies a land area of 15,000sqm and its floor area reaches 12,000sqm. more than 300 workers and 25 engineers and technical personnel,It is an enterprise specialized in precision casting, with mass-producing & full-set equipments. The environment around is quite clean & clear, with convenient transportation - by land, air or by sea. It is only 20KMs away from Ningbo port and Ningbo International Airport, and takes only 10 minutes drive to the entrance of Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway.
Our output is 8000 ton per year , Our products are as follows: plain carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel castings. Including auto parts,valve,bucket tooth, drill shank etc. They have been widely used in the field of mine metallurgy,bucket teeth machinery for engineering, water pump valves, automobile & motorcycle, shipping and so on.Please see below for a list of all bucket tooth types.
Caterpillar excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
1U3202,1U3202TVC,1U3202E,1U3202RC,6Y3222,1U3252,1U3252RC,9N4252,1U3252TVC,9N4253,1U3301,1U3302,1U3302R,1U3302TL,1U3302RC,9N4302,9N4303,1U3351,1U3352,1U3352RC,9J4359,1U3352P,1U3352P,1U3352PT,1U3352TL,9N4352,9N4353,7T3402,7T3402RC,7T3402T,8E4402,1U3451,9W8451,1U3452,9W8452,1U3452P,1U3452RC,1U3452RC-A,1U3452TL,9N4452,9W8459,1U3452SK,1U3452RC-E,9W8552,9W8552RC,1U3552RC,1U3552RC-HD,IU3552TL,9N4552,6Y2553,7Y0602,6I6602,6I6602RC,6I6603RC,4T4702,8Y003,4702SYL,KT394SYL,KT394TL,6Y0309,6Y0359,9W2451HD,9W2452,6Y3552HD,208-5235,6Y6335,8J7525,119-3205,6Y3224 ,3G0169,6Y3254,1U1254,3G6304,9W1304,1U1304,4T4307,1U0307,1U1354,3G8354,6I6354-40,6I6355-40,6I6356-40,6I6404,6I6464-55,6I6464-60,8E6464,1590464,6I6554-50,6I6554,6I6555,6I6556,6I6604-75,6I6604,133-0704,375-65169,J4207,1U0257,3G5307,3G3357,1U1357,8E5308,8E5309,3G4308,3G4309,3G8308,3G8309,3G5358,3G5359,8E5358,8E5359,1U1877,4T4501HD,4T4502,4T5501HD,4T5502HD,4T5503,4T5502TL,4T5505,4T5452,6Y0359,2D5572(6Y5230),9F5124(5B-6251),5K1459,71140TL,71140-A,238-785-1321,220-9082,220-9083S,220-9083HD,220-9089,222-1081,220-9091,220-9097TL,220-9099,220-9092,220-9093,220-9091/9093RC,222-1091,309-1098,220-9101(9103H/D),220-9103RC,286-2117,220-9119,286-2114,220-9132,220-9139,220-9133,264-2131,264-2151,264-2171,264-2172,232-0173/220-9173,232-0173TL,381-4089,381-4095,505-4097,505-4103,505-4113.
Komatsu excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
ESCO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
18LP,2713-9051(18S),18SRC,18TL,22S,25S ,20X-70-23161,25SRC,25T,30S,30TVC,35S(2806-35S),40S(4512365),45S,18S-A,22S-A,25S-A,25T-A,855-25,30S-A,AD-30S,35S-A,207-70-34151,208-70-34150,V13SYL,V13TVY,V17,V17TVL,V17TVY,V19,V20,V23SYL,V23TVY,V29SYL,V29TVY,V29RC,V33RC,V33TVY,V33SHV,V33SYL,V39VX,V39RC,V39RE,V39TL,V39SYL,V39SHV,V43VY,V43RC,V43SYL,V51SHV,V51RC,V51VY,V51SYL,V51RL,V59VY,V59SYL,V61SD,V61AR,V61SYL,V61VY,65SV2SD,V69SD,FT690I,T710EPA,V71SD,V70RC,70SV2SD,75SV2RXL,5709403,V81SD,85SV2SD,8842-V17,V17AD,V19AD,V20AD,5854-V23,5850-V29,AD-V33,5896-V39,4383462,5856-V43,5857A-V51,AD-V51,AD-V51,5857A-V59,5857A-V59,6805-V61,6805-V61,AD-V61,CE13-100V69,AD-V71,AD-V71,U25A,U35S,U40S,U40A,U40H,U45S,U45P,U45C,U45H,U45T,U55P,U55H,U60S,U60C,R914,R944,S95SD,5855A-U35,5856-U40-50,5856-U45-50,3881A-U45-60,3858A-U55-70,3858B-U55,U60AD,6803W-65SV2
VOLVO excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
14527863,1171-00041,14530544,14530544RC,14530544TL,1171-01910,1171-01910RC,T55GP,T55GPTL-2,1455-3243TL,T55GPRC,14553243RC,14553243,V360SYL,14553244,843,843RC,843TL,VOLVO700,14527865,1171-01620,1171-01900,A55L50-60 ,A55L50-50,CEO460-60,15GPE,20GPE,20AMRE,30GPE,30AMRE,30AMRL,40GPE,40AMRE,55GPE,65GPE,80GPE,80AMRE,125GPE,EA20BL40,EA30BL40,EA40BL50,EA80BL-70,11ARXE,16ARXE,21ARXE,31ARXE,41ARXE,56ARXE,66ARXE,81ARXE,126ARXE,16PPE,21PPE,41PPE,56PPE,66PPE,81PPE,126PPE.
JCB excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hitachi excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Daewoo/Doosan excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
Hyundai excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
E161-3027,E161-3027TL,E161-3027TL,E161-3027RC,61N4-31310,61N6DA0020,61N6DA0020RC,61Q6-31310,61Q6-31310RC,61Q6-31310TL,61Q6-31310RC,61N6-31310,61N8-31310,61NA-31310,61NA-31310RC,61QA-31310RC,XD420RC,61E7-0101RC,61NB-31310,XD200 ,1171-00042XD20,XD200,XD420,XD450,61N4-31311,61Q6-31320,61NA-31320,61NA-31320
Kobelco excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers:
SK65,SK140,SK200,SK200RC,SK200TL,S001(SK210),SK210RC,SK230 ,SK230RC,SK350,SK350RC,SK200Z(32),SK200B,SK200A-40,SK230A-PK(40),SK230A,S002,SK350AD
Other excavator bucket tooth and adapter part numbers
Santon casting in line with "to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development" of the enterprise purpose, we welcome the clients at home and abroad to visit our company guidance, negotiate business, hand in hand to develop a better future.
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