Вологодский престол

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USD 1.47/шт 1.47
Cervelat Boyarsky, w / c 0.3kg Vacuum packed Store at a temperature from 0 0 C to plus 6 0 C Shelf life: good for 25 days, packed under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere, good for 30 days, if the integrity of the shell is broken good for 36 hours if stored properly. Type of casing: fibrous Ingredients: beef, pork fat, pork , water, powdered milk, salt, sugar, spices, spice extracts, food additives Nutritional value per 100 g of product (average value): protein - 14 g, fat - 31 g, carbohydrates - 2 g Энергетическая ценность (калорийность):1419 кДж (343 ккал)
USD 6.19/шт 6.19
Sausages with / in "Italian classic" period 30 days from +2 to +6 type casing: collagenComposition : pork, pork fat, salt, dietary fiber (wheat), yeast extract, sugar, spice extracts ( red hot pepper, ginger, paprika), soy protein, spices (black pepper, garlic, mustard seeds), starter cultures, food additives
USD 165.21/шт 165.21
Meat sausage Store at temperature from 0 ° C to +6 ° C Shelf life: shelf life within 30 days, if the integrity of the casing is violated, it is suitable for 24 hours if the storage conditions are observed Casing type: polyamide Composition: pork, beef, water, potato starch, powdered milk, egg powder, salt, sugar, spices (nutmeg, ginger, pepper), soy protein, food additives. Nutritional value in 100 g of product (average value): protein - 9 g, fat - 15 g, carbohydrates - 5 g Energy value (calories): 793 kJ (191 kcal)
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Fleisch und milchprodukte, Milchprodukte, Wurst, Gefrorene produkte, Getränke, Saucen, Tomatenpaste, Backwaren, Honig, Kaffee und tee, Süßwaren Russland

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♦ Erfahrung in St. Petersburg über 8 Jahre.
♦ Vertriebsleiter für Vologda-Produkte.
♦ Das erste Unternehmen, das Vologda-Produkte in St. Petersburg öffnet.
♦ Sortiment von 60 Pflanzen.
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♦ Eigene Fahrzeugflotte mit dem Organisationslogo.
♦ Freundliches Team.
♦ Kontinuierlicher Zeitplan 4 Mal pro Woche.

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