Shu Puer Brick Spring 0.25 g
Shu Puer Brick Spring 0.25 g
Year: 2014   Season: Spring   Province: Yunnan   Location: Mount Boulogne   As a raw material for this brick, Chu Hua shisui Yangtze tea was taken. These are small (about 1 mm) stones prepared using a special technology that the Chinese keep in the strictest confidence.  Dense, rich, with a pleasant prune-nutty taste. Place of Origin: Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, Bulan Shan. April 2014 The tea factory "Ba Nuo" Tastes soft rich nutty for the most part. The aroma is pleasant. Keeps the strait 3 powerful, then goes on a decline. In the ratio of price quality and power) super.

Shu Puer Brick Spring 0.25 g - 59097

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54.81 USD/Stück 54.81 USD

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