Iranian tomato paste Deland 800 grams
Iranian tomato paste Deland 800 grams
Iranian tomato paste Deland 800 grams
Iranian tomato paste Deland 800 grams
We offer Deland Iranian tomato paste in cans of 800 grams directly from the manufacturer's factory in Iran.Ingredients: Iranian tomatoes, water, salt. We always monitor the shelf life of the product and ship only fresh.The minimum order is from one Euro package, the maximum is 20 tons.The price is 120 rubles per jar.Please specify the price at the time of order. There are all certificates and permissions. We draw up a delivery contract and are committed to long-term cooperation.

Iranian tomato paste Deland 800 grams - 63002

1.37 USD/Stück 1.37 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 24 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 80 шт/pro Monat

ИП Дзюбенко
nicht überprüfter Lieferant
Ростов-на-Дону, Russland

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