Hot water boiler "Bratsk-0.8" (KVm-0.8)
Boilers "Bratsk-0.8" are designed for heating buildings and structures for various purposes. The boilers operate not only on screened bituminous coals, but also on ordinary bituminous and brown coals with a lump size of up to 60 mm and a content of fine particles (less than 6 mm) up to 50%. The boiler delivery set includes a mechanical furnace with a control cabinet, which consists of a furnace bed, an electromechanical drive bar, a fuel bunker, a fan, a secondary blast collector with a roof. The boiler heating surfaces are two staggered packages of cast-iron sections mounted on a brick pedestal. The two-way movement of gases is carried out along the convective surface of the sections. Gas inlet - through a water-cooled steel chamber. The control cabinet provides automatic operation of the boiler and its protection in case of deviations from the permissible values: pressure, water temperature and discharge in the combustion chamber, as well as signaling in case of an emergency.

Hot water boiler "Bratsk-0.8" (KVm-0.8) - 67083

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
1.0 USD/Stück 1.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 3 шт/pro Monat

Heat Power Company
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