Plattformwaagen REUS
Platform scales "REUS" are convenient low-profile electronic equipment for warehouse, agricultural, industrial and commercial enterprises, technological operations, as well as for warehouse accounting. Purpose: Weighing of various cargoes. Basic equipment: Load-receiving platform made of structural steel; Pre-installed four nickel-plated alloy steel load cells; LED indicator A-12 with battery;cable 3 m; indicator stand; passport combined with RPE. Warranty: 12 months (1 year). Verification: Supplied by attorneys (Verification for 1 year). < p> Characteristics: Accuracy class - III (Average); Tare balancing range 100% Max (100% Max) Autonomous operation from the battery up to 48 hours. Temperature range for GPU, -30 °… + 40 ° С Voltage, from 187 to 242 V Frequency, Hz 50 ± 1 The full service life of the balance is at least 10 years. Functions: Initial zero-setting device; device for indicating deviation from zero with indicator Microsim; zero tracking device; semi-automatic zero-setting device; tare balancing device - tare mass sampling device; device zero tracking device; semi-automatic zero-setting device; tare balancing device - tare mass sampling device; device for selecting units of measurement; a procedure for viewing all the corresponding indication symbols in active and inactive states; operating mode as a multi-interval scales - when using indicators Microsim of modifications M0601, M0601-BM-2; SKI-12. Scales are produced in various modifications, differing in maximum load, minimum load, verification scale, number of verification marks, overall dimensions of the platform. The term of production is from 2 working days from the date of payment. They are made of high quality steel and equipped with modern electronics and strain gauges. Design, withstands high intensity weighing. A wide range of our company will allow you to buy a model that fully satisfies the operating conditions of the warehouse scales. The kit can be supplemented with a driver for saving weighing results on a computer, as well as additional accessories of your choice necessary for comfortable work.

Plattformwaagen REUS - 27577

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USD 371.11 - 593.77 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

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