We buy Kits for cleaning floors.
Double bucket trolley with squeezing device, mop mop and shelf tray for washing utensils.
Application: For cleaning.
By design type: Dismountable Material: ABS Plastic Body color: Gray Bucket color: Blue, red. Included: Trolley on 4 castors - diameter of the wheel is not less than 80 mm., Swivel wheels with metal fasteners and protective plastic bumpers for the wheels;
Bucket 2pcs x 25 liters with a measuring scale, buckets of different colors, the color blue means clean water, and the color red means dirty;
Squeezing device - tunnel squeezing with a lever - the most effective squeezing, removing up to 40% of the washing solution from the mop;
Mop with mop (not telescopic);
Mop lock, attached directly to the spin, if the mop is not needed, it is attached to the trolley;
Tray for washing utensils;
Push handle - metal, extra strong;
Documents for the goods -Instruction, passport, warranty;
The volume of the purchase for the beginning is 60 pieces.
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