
I am looking to buy a cable apvvdu2g, vgn-ls, vvvdu2g, pvng-ls, pvp2g, asbl, sbshv, aabl and others all over Russia, on a permanent basis we buy across Russia a cable with power high voltage with insulation from CETs, a cable high voltage with paper insulation, a cable with power and rubber insulation, Cable control 6, 10, 35 kV: asbl, aabl, aashv, sb, sb, sbsb, sb, sb2hw, pvp2g, pvp2g, pvvng-ls, pvgn2g, vbbw, vbw, pbw, pvp; wire, insulated wire, mounting wire a, as, sip-2, sip-3, sip-4, sip-5, poo, pb3, pbw-1, pugwe. And lots of other marks. illiquid, unclaimed, surplus, residues from objects. wholesale only. Send the information of the stamps, meters, years, factories, delivery place, city of shipping, photos of the markings please send by email, watsap, viber, telegram. We can take ourselves out if the goods are in any region of the Russian Federation. The volume of purchases in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles.

(translated from russian)

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