Automatic Grits Manufacturing Machine
Characteristic: Mixing feeds evenly and making them into grits, which can avoid the waste of feeds, money, time, and size is adjustable. Integrate operation from mixing feeds to making grits means time saving and convenient.   Direction: Pour feeds into the stirring bucket, and mix thoroughly with proper amount of water (or vitamin or other nutriment). After mixing thoroughly (2 ~ 3 minutes), adjust the outlet of the stirring bucket to a proper location and turn on the switch of machine. (With larger outlet, the grain would be longer; with smaller outlet, the grain would be shorter.) With these steps, the manufacture of grain can be accomplished.   Caution: The machine must be cleaned after using. Be aware of losing the oil of variable speed motor.

Automatic Grits Manufacturing Machine - 61721

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
3000.0 USD/Stück 3000.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 300 шт/am Tag

Sun Asia Aeration Int'l Co.Ltd
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