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USD 650.87/шт 650.87
Automatic barriers icaRUS with boom 4.5 meters 24V motor, opening time 7 s, intensive use mode QK-I40B use mode - high intensity, round arrow "anti-wind", built-in radio channel. <▪
USD 582.35/шт 582.35
The quickly erected mobile barrier "PEREKAT 750" refers to the transported barriers Features of the transported road blocker - quick deployment, no power supply, installation by one person. NOT REQUIRED for installation; foundation, concreting, additional fasteners to the roadbed. The road blocker is designed to work in two directions ENTRANCE and EXIT. In terms of its functional characteristics, the ROLLER road blocker is comparable to stationary road blockers. The ROLLER road blocker can act as an independent means of holding the car, and supplement the existing stationary anti-ram systems. In places where it is impossible to install stationary road bollards (for example, there is no electricity), transported mobile road bollards are installed. ROLLS are installed over the entire width of the road at a distance of up to 0.5 meters relative to each other. The anti-terrorist obstacle ROLLING with its toothed base is located in the direction of a possible "breakthrough" of the obstacle, the car, hitting an obstacle, raises the base of the road blocker and it rests against the bridge or the bottom of the car, blocking its further passage.... Additionally, the barriers can be connected with a chain. All ROLL bollards have wheels for transportation and a removable handle for transportation, which allows one person to install road bollards. When installed in the intended place, the wheels are unfastened, the handle is removed and the road bollard goes into working condition. Reflective stripes are applied on the working side of the road bollard.
USD 117000.0/шт 117000.0
In large cities of Russia, retractable pillars are becoming more widespread and no one is surprised with automatic luminous pillars rising from the ground. Such pillars, or blockers, have another name BOLLARD. It is customary to divide bollards or anti-ram devices into several categories: automatic retractable barrage posts, automatic retractable anti-ram poles, sometimes they are called retractable anti-terrorist poles, sometimes some they call descending pillars to restrict travel, but this does not change the essence. Consider all these bollards
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Überwachungskameras, Haussicherungssystem, Mittel für individualle schutz, Ausrüstung und werkzeuge, Ausrüstung und technik für den straßenbau, Verkehrssicherheit, service Russland, Благодатная 2а

Unsere Produktionsfirma beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Antrieben für Zugangskontrollsysteme. Bei Roosiyskiy präsentieren wir ausziehbare Poller, Handschranken, Vandalensperren, Antiterrorsperren, automatische Kettensperren, Straßensperren und Drehkreuze. Die Entwicklung automatischer und teleskopischer Absperrungen ist geplant, ein Poller mit eingebauter Wasserkraftstation und Sperrbetten wird verbessert. Alle Produkte von LLC STOIK werden gemäß (TU) Spezifikationen hergestellt und verfügen über alle erforderlichen Dokumente und Zertifikate.
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