fig molasses
It is possible to transform this fruit, which is a source of healing in every form, into various flavors with different methods. Figs can be consumed freshly and freshly or dried. One of the biggest reasons for drying is easy handling and keeping fresh. Of course, it is not limited to this, but also fig molasses is made. You can safely place this delicious and useful food on your tables. With the quality of Sare Figs , you can order immediately. One of the most distinctive features of fig molasses is that it has cell regenerative properties and can be safely consumed in cases such as injury. Since it supports the body immune system, it significantly reduces your risk of getting diseases. Fig consumption is especially important for children and adolescents in their adolescence. It is considered a healthier snack as it supports body development. If you want to consume both natural and healthy molasses at your breakfast tables , you should definitely try fig molasses .

fig molasses - 58818

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
1.5 USD/Stück 1.5 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 100 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 1000 шт/in der Woche

Sare Fig Limited Sti.
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