Fig Seed Oil
Fig Seed Oil
Fig Seed Oil
Fig Seed Oil
Fig Seed Oil
Strengthens Body Immunity with the effect of vitamin values and Omega oils. • Fig seed oil plays a very important role in regeneration of body cells. It protects the body's resistance against free radicals and provides energy. • An almost natural botox for lips. It prevents dry mouth and water loss, prevents cracking in the body. • Women who regularly use fig seed oil prevents sagging and wrinkles on the body. • After regular use, it corrects post-pregnancy cracks. • Since fig seed oil contains a high amount of vitamin E, it enables the renewal of skin cells. • Provides a healthy and lively skin by keeping the skin moist. • It tightens the skin and prevents premature aging. • It is effective against wrinkles, blackheads and acne on the face. • Protects against cuts, wounds and skin damage. • It improves skin bruising, yellowing and color and minimizes dark circles, especially under the eyes. • It prevents the formation of acne by accelerating the healing process of all acne, acne and herpes on the face, back and neck. • It is the only fruit seed oil with the highest vitamin E value in the world. • When used for hair, fig seed oil nourishes the scalp, gives shine, saturation and easy style to the hair. • Regular consumption of fig and fig seed oil is effective for skin and hair health. • Figs are a rich source for lowering high blood pressure. • Thin the blood. It prevents the deterioration of heart rhythm. Antidepressant • It is antidepressive. It is effective in relieving neurological pain. • Calcium, which is among the components of fig seed oil, helps to protect bone health. • Zero the risk of osteoporosis. • It is a natural source of potassium to lower the insulin rate. • Omega is a supportive resource against Alzheimer's disease. • It provides healthy secretion of reproductive hormones as it contains vitamins that activate sexual feelings. • High Omega - 3 fatty acids content nourishes the skin from the outside to the inside, moisturizes and tightens the skin. • It is a true source of energy. • It is effective in regeneration and rapid recovery of deformed cells in patients receiving chemotherapy. Fig seed oil not even found in fish • 40% Omega-3 • 30% omega-6 15% Omega-9 • 15% contains other vitamins. • Compared to fish oils rich in omega-3, it is easier to consume as it is odorless and does not cause stomach pain. • It has been observed that children who consume a teaspoon of fig seed oil a day have more energetic and smoother skin. • Like many vegetable oils, fig seed oil is very effective in terms of health and is suitable for drinking the oil. • Our experts recommend that you consume one teaspoon or 5 drops per day. If you wish, you can mix the oil into the water you drink and drink it.

Fig Seed Oil - 58813

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12.0 USD/Stück 12.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 108 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 2000 шт/am Tag

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