Mulberry seed oil
Food Technology Department Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Sibel ULUATA, the oil obtained from mulberry seed as a result of researches. announced that it is rich in antioxidant vitamins E, which reduce the effects of aging by reducing cell destruction. Experts stated that mulberry seed oil contains about 80 percent omega 6 fatty acids, with this feature of mulberry seed, it reduces the effects of aging and   He emphasizes that it is almost a youth elixir. Mulberry oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as vitamin B1, B2, A, C and K, and contains calcium as a mineral. Mulberry oil is also a powerful antioxidant. With this feature, it purifies the blood from harmful toxins and protects the liver against diseases. Due to the vitamins E and K in its content, it intensely moisturizes the skin and increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents wrinkles. Mulberry seed oil, which is rapidly absorbed in the skin, does not leave an oily feeling on the skin. While maintaining the moisture balance of the skin, it provides a soft and bright appearance and prevents acne formation due to the stearic acid it contains.

Mulberry seed oil - 58814

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