Sare Fig Limited Sti.

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Dried figs manufacturing company in Turkey Aydin Nazilli District is the region where they grow the best quality figs of Aydin. In addition, we produce products such as fig seed oil and vinegar, molasses which are derivatives of figs.
USD 1.5/шт 1.5
It is possible to transform this fruit, which is a source of healing in every form, into various flavors with different methods. Figs can be consumed freshly and freshly or dried. One of the biggest reasons for drying is easy handling and keeping fresh. Of course, it is not limited to this, but also fig molasses is made. You can safely place this delicious and useful food on your tables. With the quality of Sare Figs , you can order immediately. One of the most distinctive features of fig molasses is that it has cell regenerative properties and can be safely consumed in cases such as injury. Since it supports the body immune system, it significantly reduces your risk of getting diseases. Fig consumption is especially important for children and adolescents in their adolescence. It is considered a healthier snack as it supports body development. If you want to consume both natural and healthy molasses at your breakfast tables , you should definitely try fig molasses .
USD 1.5/шт 1.5
Mulberry vinegar Mulberry is a healthy and extremely useful food in all its forms. Among our products, you can see and learn about many nutrients obtained from mulberry. One of these products is mulberry vinegar . Although mulberry vinegar is obtained from mulberry , it is a product with many benefits. It deserves a full natural antibiotic title as a result of the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals it contains. As a result of the researches, different benefits of mulberry vinegar have been determined and announced. If we give an example of these benefits, we can give examples of preventing eczema, protecting heart health or strengthening immunity. The aging factor, which is a condition that women often emphasize, can be delayed by this product. Yes indeed, delaying aging, which is a great benefit of mulberry vinegar, is one of the reasons why this product is often preferred. You can take advantage of these unique benefits of mulberry vinegar by placing an order right now. Address of Healthy Life and Naturalness As Sare fig , we have been preparing and presenting every product for our customers for more than 20 years. We produce extremely reliable and healthy foods for our customers by carefully observing all hygiene rules during production. You can have this product and many more products by placing an online order via our internet address. You can safely consume our products and use them for your loved ones. If you can add a teaspoon of mulberry vinegar to a glass of water every day, you will be doing a great favor for your body. You can live a healthier life by using our product against inflammation of your immune system and mouth and gingivitis.
USD 2.5/шт 2.5
Fig Vinegar of fig . We can say that fig vinegar , which is created by drying the fig fruit and passing certain processes, is an indispensable for human health with its many benefits. Although fig vinegar is not a well-known type of vinegar, its use is increasing. Thanks to the vitamins, minerals and most importantly the antioxidants it contains, fig vinegar, which is a natural antibiotic, can be safely consumed. Regular consumption of fig vinegar really strengthens the body immune system. Research shows that fig vinegar not only strengthens the immune system but also reduces the healing process of diseases. Fig vinegar can be a complete savior in the winter months, when the body immune system falls and diseases are the strongest. You can place your order by entering and benefit from our products. Natural Antibiotic Fig Vinegar As Sare Figs , we prepare and pack our products in completely sterilized environments. We have received many positive feedbacks by always keeping the health of our customers at the forefront. We direct and present our production in line with the wishes of our customers. If you want to try and take advantage of our products, you can place your order on our website. You can also ask the questions you want to ask through our communication lines. You can use our fig vinegar product in your salads at home or you can regularly add a teaspoon to a glass of water every morning. It is very useful and useful to get rid of oral inflammation. Along with these benefits; Delays aging, It accelerates the treatment of wounds, Can be used for stomach ailments, It Strengthens Bones.
USD 10.0/шт 10.0
Food Technology Department Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Sibel ULUATA, the oil obtained from mulberry seed as a result of researches. announced that it is rich in antioxidant vitamins E, which reduce the effects of aging by reducing cell destruction. Experts stated that mulberry seed oil contains about 80 percent omega 6 fatty acids, with this feature of mulberry seed, it reduces the effects of aging and   He emphasizes that it is almost a youth elixir. Mulberry oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as vitamin B1, B2, A, C and K, and contains calcium as a mineral. Mulberry oil is also a powerful antioxidant. With this feature, it purifies the blood from harmful toxins and protects the liver against diseases. Due to the vitamins E and K in its content, it intensely moisturizes the skin and increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents wrinkles. Mulberry seed oil, which is rapidly absorbed in the skin, does not leave an oily feeling on the skin. While maintaining the moisture balance of the skin, it provides a soft and bright appearance and prevents acne formation due to the stearic acid it contains.
USD 12.0/шт 12.0
Strengthens Body Immunity with the effect of vitamin values and Omega oils. • Fig seed oil plays a very important role in regeneration of body cells. It protects the body's resistance against free radicals and provides energy. • An almost natural botox for lips. It prevents dry mouth and water loss, prevents cracking in the body. • Women who regularly use fig seed oil prevents sagging and wrinkles on the body. • After regular use, it corrects post-pregnancy cracks. • Since fig seed oil contains a high amount of vitamin E, it enables the renewal of skin cells. • Provides a healthy and lively skin by keeping the skin moist. • It tightens the skin and prevents premature aging. • It is effective against wrinkles, blackheads and acne on the face. • Protects against cuts, wounds and skin damage. • It improves skin bruising, yellowing and color and minimizes dark circles, especially under the eyes. • It prevents the formation of acne by accelerating the healing process of all acne, acne and herpes on the face, back and neck. • It is the only fruit seed oil with the highest vitamin E value in the world. • When used for hair, fig seed oil nourishes the scalp, gives shine, saturation and easy style to the hair. • Regular consumption of fig and fig seed oil is effective for skin and hair health. • Figs are a rich source for lowering high blood pressure. • Thin the blood. It prevents the deterioration of heart rhythm. Antidepressant • It is antidepressive. It is effective in relieving neurological pain. • Calcium, which is among the components of fig seed oil, helps to protect bone health. • Zero the risk of osteoporosis. • It is a natural source of potassium to lower the insulin rate. • Omega is a supportive resource against Alzheimer's disease. • It provides healthy secretion of reproductive hormones as it contains vitamins that activate sexual feelings. • High Omega - 3 fatty acids content nourishes the skin from the outside to the inside, moisturizes and tightens the skin. • It is a true source of energy. • It is effective in regeneration and rapid recovery of deformed cells in patients receiving chemotherapy. Fig seed oil not even found in fish • 40% Omega-3 • 30% omega-6 15% Omega-9 • 15% contains other vitamins. • Compared to fish oils rich in omega-3, it is easier to consume as it is odorless and does not cause stomach pain. • It has been observed that children who consume a teaspoon of fig seed oil a day have more energetic and smoother skin. • Like many vegetable oils, fig seed oil is very effective in terms of health and is suitable for drinking the oil. • Our experts recommend that you consume one teaspoon or 5 drops per day. If you wish, you can mix the oil into the water you drink and drink it.
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
It started operating in 2009 in Nazilli district, which is the center of long life. In the 2013-2014 season of figs, we moved to its new location, with our modern facility built on a closed area of 12,000 m² and a total area of 21,000 m², we supply the high quality and delicious dried figs grown in our region from the producers, and naturally, without sacrificing quality and hygiene conditions, with our “Incircim” brand, which is the product of our experience. We offer our processed products to our customers. 35 Separate Europe, Asia, the Middle East. we export to gulf countries. Our Inciricim brand, our product range, Healthy Living Products from Figs, which are used as food supplements and recommended by Experts and contain vitamin values that have a protective effect against diseases, have started laboratory studies in 2018 and have completed all kinds of analysis studies in 2020. After obtaining the necessary production permissions, we offer the Healthy Healing products at the source of the fig to the service of our nation.
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Getränke, Gewürze und kräuter, Grocery, Trockenfrüchte, Pflanzenbau, Kosmetik & parfümerie, Medizin, Mittel für individualle schutz Türkei, Dallıca Mah asfalt altı No:132

dried figs, fig kernel oil, supplementary food healthy products, mulberry seed oil, essential oils, fig vinegar, thyme juice, fig molasses, health and beauty

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