PognaeRussia ist exklusiver Distributor von Pognae („Ponye“) -Produkten in Russland: hochwertige Ergorypacks und Hipsits aus Südkorea.
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Only in Pognae NO 5 hipsits: - All inner fabric in contact with the baby's body is 100% organic cotton. < br> - The outer fabric of the hipseat NO 5 is incredibly soft and delicate, resistant to dirt, and, if necessary, can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth without leaving any traces of dirt! - 2 hoods included! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable mesh made of natural cotton will help hide the baby from prying eyes (while sleeping or breastfeeding), but at the same time does not impede air penetration. - Connecting sling on sliding runners, which makes it easy and comfortable to adjust it. -An even wider and more roomy belt pocket. - Breathable mesh for the full width of the hipseat. - Foldable padded headrest. - The backrest can be completely unfastened and the hipseat can be used without a back ( seat only) - Textile fastener for the full width of the belt for a more dense and comfortable fixation of the hipseat at the waist. - The hipseat, accessories and instructions are packed in a stylish gift box. Child's weight: up to 20 kg Wearing age : 0-36 months (0-6 months in the cradle position, 6-36 months in the sitting position) Wearing positions: 6 wearing positions Toddler seat tilt angle Waistband length 115 cm (for waist up to 110 cm, if more: use a belt extension)
Only in Pognae NO 5 hipsits: - All inner fabric in contact with the baby's body is 100% organic cotton. < br> - The outer fabric of the hipseat NO 5 is incredibly soft and delicate, resistant to dirt, and, if necessary, can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth without leaving any traces of dirt! - 2 hoods included! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable mesh made of natural cotton will help hide the baby from prying eyes (while sleeping or breastfeeding), but at the same time does not impede air penetration. - Connecting sling on sliding runners, which makes it easy and comfortable to adjust it. -Even wider and roomy belt pocket. - Breathable mesh on the full width of the hipseat. - Foldable padded headrest. - The backrest can be completely unfastened and the hipseat can be used without a back (seat only) - Textile fastener for the entire width of the belt for a tighter and more comfortable fixation of the hipseat at the waist. - The hipseat, accessories and instructions are packed in a stylish gift box. Baby weight: up to 20 kg Wearing age : 0-36 months Wearing positions: 6 wearing positions (0-6 months in a cradle position, 6-36 months in a sitting position) Toddler seat tilt angle Waistband length 115 cm (for waist up to 110 cm, if more: use a belt extension)
Only in Pognae NO 5 hipsits: - All inner fabric in contact with the baby's body is 100% organic cotton. < br> - The outer fabric of the hipseat NO 5 is incredibly soft and delicate, resistant to dirt, and, if necessary, can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth without leaving any traces of dirt! - 2 hoods included! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable mesh made of natural cotton will help hide the baby from prying eyes (while sleeping or breastfeeding), but at the same time does not impede air penetration. - Connecting sling on sliding runners, which makes it easy and comfortable to adjust it. -Even wider and roomy belt pocket. - Breathable mesh on the full width of the hipseat. - Foldable padded headrest. - The backrest can be completely unfastened and the hipseat can be used without a back (seat only) - Textile fastener for the entire width of the belt for a tighter and more comfortable fixation of the hipseat at the waist. - The hipseat, accessories and instructions are packed in a stylish gift box. Child's weight: up to 20 kg Wearing age : 0-36 months (0-6 months in the cradle position, 6-36 months in the sitting position) Wearing positions: 6 wearing positions Toddler seat tilt angle Waistband length 115 cm (for waist up to 110 cm, if more: use a belt extension)
Only in Pognae NO 5 hipsits: - All inner fabric in contact with the baby's body is 100% organic cotton. < br> - The outer fabric of the hipseat NO 5 is incredibly soft and delicate, resistant to dirt, and, if necessary, can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth without leaving any traces of dirt! - 2 hoods included! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable natural cotton mesh will help hide the baby from prying eyes (during sleep or breastfeeding), but at the same time, it does not impede the penetration of air. - Connecting strap on sliding rails, which makes it easy and comfortable to adjust it. - Even wider and roomy pocket on the belt. - Breathable mesh on the full width of the hipseat back. - Foldable padded headrest . - the backrest can be completely unfastened and the hipseat can be used without a back (only the seat) - Textile fastener for the entire width of the belt for a tighter and more comfortable fixation of the hipseat at the waist. - Hipseat, accessories to it and instructions packed in a stylish gift box. Child's weight: up to 20 kg Wearing age : 0-36 months (0-6 months in position "Cradle", 6-36 months sitting) Wearing positions: 6 wearing positions Toddler seat tilt angle Belt length 115 cm (for waist up to 110 see if more: use a belt extension)
Переноска ORGA Plus соединяет в себе эрго-рюкзак и хипсит одновременно!Если Вы до сих пор сомневались, что выбрать: хипсит или эрго-рюкзак, то сейчас выбор очевиден: выбирайте ОРГА Плюс!Орга Плюс выполнен полностью из 100% органического хлопка.Переноску можно использовать уже с рождения!0-3 месяца вариант "эрго-рюкзак" со вставкой для младенцев в положении "лицом к себе"3-36 месяцев вариант "эрго-рюкзак" без вставки для младенцев в положении "лицом к себе"6-36 месяцев вариант "эрго-рюкзак" без вставки для младенцев в положении "лицом от себя"0-36 месяцев вариант "хипсит без спинки" (с рождения и до 6 месяцев положение "Колыбелька")6-36 месяцев вариант "хипсит со спинкой"Инновациоонный дизайн спинки обеспечивает широкое разведение ножек малыша как в варианте "хипсит", так и в варианте "эрго-рюкзак"Переноску можно использовать до веса малыша 20 кг или возраста 3-4 годаОсобенности ОРГА Плюс:- 9 положений ношения!- двусторонняя съёмная спинка- сеточка на спинке для вентиляции и воздухообмена- увеличение спинки в высоту при помощи подголовника- поддержка головки ребёнка во время сна при помощи подголовника- В комплекте 2 капюшона! Один тканевый из 100% органического хлопка, другой из тонкой лёгкой сеточки. Дышащая сеточка из натурального хлопка поможет скрыть малыша от посторонних глаз (во время сна или кормления грудью), но в то же время не препятсвует проникновению воздуха.- поясная сумочка на боку переноски уже в комплекте!- в комплекте 2 ПОЯСА: один для хипсита и один для эрго-рюкзака! (можно использовать для 2 детей одновременно!)- нескользящее покрытие сиденья хипсита - слюнявчик и накладки для сосания выполнены из бамбукого волокна- угол наклона сиденья ToddlerИнновация от Pognae!Спинка, сиденье и плечевые лямки эрго-рюкзака имеют особый наполнитель: HR foam искусственный латекс - высокоэластичный материал, обладающий анатомическими и ортопедическими свойствами. А также гипоаллергенностью и динамической стабильностью. Этот материал используется для производства детских изделий и изделий медицинского назначения. Такая уникальная конструкция переноски Понье ОРГА Плюс позволяет малышу испытывать комфорт даже при длительном ношении!
The ORGA Plus carrier combines an ergo backpack and a hipseat at the same time! If you still doubted whether to choose a hipseat or an ergo backpack, now the choice is obvious: choose ORGA Plus! Orga Plus is made entirely from 100% organic cotton. The carrier can be used from birth! 0- 3 months version "ergo-backpack" with insert for babies in the "facing" position 3-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in "facing you" 6-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing away" position 0-36 months version "backless hipseat" (from birth up to 6 months cradle position) 6-36 months "backless hipseat" version Innovative backrest design allows wide leg spread baby both in "hipseat" and "ergo-backpack" versions The carrier can be used up to a baby weight of 20 kg or 3-4 years old Features of ORG Plus: - 9 wearing positions! - reversible removable back - mesh on the back for ventilation and air exchange - increasing the height of the back with the headrest - supporting the baby's head during sleep with the headrest - Included 2 hood ! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable mesh made of natural cotton will help hide the baby from prying eyes (during sleep or breastfeeding), but at the same time does not impede air penetration. - belt bag on the side of the carrier is already included! - 2 BELTS included: one for the hipseat and one for the ergo backpack! ( can be used for 2 children at the same time! ) - non-slip hipseat seat cover - bamboo bib and sucking pads - tilt angle Toddler seats Innovation from Pognae! Backrest, seat and the shoulder straps of the ergo backpack have a special filling:HR foam artificial latex is a highly elastic material with anatomical and orthopedic properties. As well as hypoallergenic and dynamic stability. This material is used for the production of children's and medical products. Such a unique design of the Ponier ORGA Plus carrying allows the baby to feel comfort even during prolonged wearing!
The ORGA Plus carrier combines an ergo backpack and a hipseat at the same time! If you still doubted whether to choose a hipseat or an ergo backpack, now the choice is obvious: choose ORGA Plus! The Orga Plus is made entirely from 100% organic cotton. The carrier can be used from birth! 0- 3 months version "ergo backpack" with insert for babies in the "facing" position 3-36 months version "ergo backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing you" position 6-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing away" position 0-36 months version "hipseat without back"(from birth up to 6 months "Cradle" position) 6-36 months "hipseat with back" version The innovative backrest design allows wide leg separation of the baby as in the version " hipseat "and in the version" ergo-backpack " The carrier can be used up to a baby's weight of 20 kg or 3-4 years old < br> Features of ORG Plus: - 9 wearing positions! - reversible removable back < br> - mesh on the back for ventilation and air exchange - increasing the height of the back with the headrest - supporting the baby's head during sleep with the headrest - Included 2 br> Features of ORG Plus: - 9 wearing positions! - reversible removable back - mesh on the back for ventilation and air exchange - increasing the height of the back with the headrest - supporting the baby's head during sleep with the headrest - Included 2
The ORGA Plus carrier combines an ergo backpack and a hipseat at the same time! If you still doubted whether to choose a hipseat or an ergo backpack, now the choice is obvious: choose ORGA Plus! Orga Plus is made entirely from 100% organic cotton. The carrier can be used from birth! 0- 3 months version "ergo backpack" with insert for babies in the "facing" position 3-36 months version "ergo backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing you" position 6-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing away" position 0-36 months version "hipseat without backrest" (from birth up to 6 months "cradle" position) 3-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing" position 6-36 months version "ergo-backpack" without insert for babies in the "facing away" position 0-36 months "backless hipseat" option (from birth to 6 months "cradle" position) 6-36 months "backless hipseat" option Innovative back design provides wide leg spreading of the baby's legs both in "hipseat" and "ergo-backpack" versions The carrier can be used up to a baby's weight of 20 kg or 3-4 years of age ORGA Plus Features: - 9 wearing positions! - reversible removable back - mesh on the back for ventilation and air exchange - increasing the back in height with headrest - support the baby's head while sleeping with the headrest - Includes 2 hoods ! One fabric is made from 100% organic cotton, the other is made of fine lightweight mesh. Breathable mesh made of natural cotton will help hide your baby from prying eyes (while sleeping or breastfeeding), but at the same time does not impede air penetration. - belt bag on the side of the carrier is already included (on two belts)! - there are 2 BELTS included: one for the hipseat and one for the ergo-backpack! ( can be used for 2 children at a time! ) - non-slip hipseat seat cover - bamboo fiber bib and sucking pads Tilt angle of the Toddler seat Innovation from Pognae! Backrest, the seat and shoulder straps of the ergo backpack have a special filling: HR foam artificial latex - a highly elastic material with anatomical and orthopedic properties. As well as hypoallergenic and dynamic stability. This material is used for the production of children's and medical products. Such a unique design of the Ponier ORGA Plus carrying allows the baby to feel comfort even during prolonged wearing!
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: | Adresse: |
Kinder pflegeprodukte, Känguru rucksäcke und jampers, Haus und bau | Russland, Россия, Ростовская обл., г. Таганрог, ул. Сергея Шило, д. 200, оф. 222 |
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